Edison Electric Institute Issues Public Comment on FEMA Notice
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The BRIC Policy can offer valuable support for strengthening the resilience of the electric grid and all of the community lifelines that depend on electricity to function. The comments below are intended to help
* Support communities through capability and capacity building
* Encourage and enable innovation
* Promote partnerships
* Enable large projects
* Maintain flexibility
* Provide consistency
Electric infrastructure is essential to our national security and prosperity, and maintaining a resilient infrastructure is an important component of reliable electric service. Mitigating loss of electric service means building electric systems to mitigate outages, and EEI members seek to build their electric systems to reduce customer outages. The BRIC program could be useful in aiding investment in electric infrastructure resilience efforts, which in turn benefits those communities that rely on the infrastructure.
Consistent with the NRF, resilience projects that help ensure the flow of power to such installations should be eligible for funding under BRIC. Thus, EEI suggests a change to line 15 (and conforming change to lines 135-136) to include "installations essential for national security and national defense." The NRF also notes that "potential adversaries are developing advanced weapons and capabilities that could threaten
EEI suggests that the BRIC Policy reflect this all hazards approach and expand (on line 44) the reference to hazards to include manmade hazards.
In the proposed BRIC Policy,
EEI applauds
Respectfully submitted,
Associate General Counsel, Reliability & Security
(202) 508-5000
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1/ Hazard Mitigation Assistance: Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities, Notice of Request for Comments, 85 Fed. Reg. 20,291 (
2/ National Response Framework, Fourth Edition (
3/ National Response Framework, pp. ii and 3
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The notice can be viewed at: https://www.regulations.gov/document?D=FEMA-2019-0018-0001
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