Rep. Takano Issues Remarks in Support of Heroes Act
"The public health emergency our country is facing requires immediate, bold action. That's why I rise today in support of H.R. 6800, the Heroes Act.
"The Heroes Act will provide families, workers, and veterans in our communities with the support they urgently need during this pandemic.
"As Chairman of the
"The Heroes Act authorizes
"As a result of COVID-19, veterans are facing financial hardships due to job loss while vital services are strained, leaving vulnerable veterans without support. This bill includes provisions sponsored by Subcommittee Chair
"And it also includes legislation from
"In addition to these strong veteran provisions, the Heroes Act responds to the dire economic and healthcare challenge our nation is facing.
"It provides
"And it addresses the urgent needs of families and workers by putting direct financial assistance in the pockets of every American, creating a
"We are facing an extraordinary crisis.
"I urge my colleagues to vote - YES."
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See a video of Chairman Takano's floor speech here:
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