Remember the Equifax breach? You might have payout options in your email
The 2017 Equifax breach saw hackers take roughly 147.9 million Americans' personal information, making it one of the largest data breaches in history. The exposed information included names,
The legal response after Equifax disclosed the breach took two years to gather steam. In the later months of 2019, a court-appointed team of lawyers secured a
The settlement offered either a
The email sent at the beginning of October informed applicants whether they were eligible for a settlement payment. The claimants who chose the
The deadline to opt-in for an electronic settlement payment passed on
With a three-year gap between when data breach victims filed their claims and the now-looming settlement payouts, it's possible JND could mail claimants' settlement checks to an old address. If you stick with a physical check in the mail and have recently moved, you can make sure you still receive it by setting up mail forwarding from your old address with the
Anyone with questions about the Equifax breach, or the status of their settlement compensation can email
Social Security, other benefits increases will help ease impacts of inflation for retirees
Social Security whistleblowers say they've been sidelined
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