Teacher’s union is fighting back against Elon Musk in a new way — his wallet
But unlike other opponents of Musk, who have taken to the streets to protest his work in running the
The letter was also copied to Musk and members of Tesla’s board.
Weingarten, who endorsed Trump’s Democratic opponent for president, former Vice President
“Every worker deserves a safe a secure retirement. Just this week we saw
Musk is part of the
Musk has accessed the federal
Weingarten wrote that Musk is one of the reasons why Tesla’s brand is hurting right now. Musk owns about 12% of Tesla’s shares, and this is one of his sources of wealth, according to Forbes.
“According to the
Polls have shown more Americans disapproving than approving of the work Musk is doing in the federal government.
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U.S. banking, the sector that falls the most after Trump’s tariffs are applied
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