Rep. Rice Introduces Increased Cost of Compliance Modernization Act
Targeted News Service
WASHINGTON, March 28 -- Rep. Tom Rice, R-S.C., has introduced the Increased Cost of Compliance Modernization Act (H.R. 7221) "to increase coverage under the National Flood Insurance Program for costs of compliance."
The bill was introduced on March 24 and was co-sponsored by Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, D-Texas. It was referred to the House Financial Services Committee.
For more information, Rep. Tom Rice, 460 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515; 202/225-9895; or in district offices at 2411 N. Oak St., Ste. 405, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577; 843/445-6459; 1831 W. Evans St., Ste. 300, Florence, SC 29501.
TARGETED NEWS SERVICE (founded 2004) features non-partisan 'edited journalism' news briefs and information for news organizations, public policy groups and individuals; as well as 'gathered' public policy information, including news releases, reports, speeches. For more information contact MYRON STRUCK, editor, [email protected], Springfield, Virginia; 703/304-1897;
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