Rep. Guthrie Issues Remarks at Hearing on Expanding Health Coverage, Lower Costs
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House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee Republican Leader
Excerpts and highlights from his remarks:
"I think we have more pressing items in this committee's jurisdiction that should take priority over finding more ways to prop up the Affordable Care Act.
"We have a crisis at the border, where the HHS office in charge of taking care of unaccompanied children is being overwhelmed. Some reports indicate there are over 15,000 children in their control while there are only just over 13,000 licensed beds for them.
"We should also be looking at the impact of COVID-19 on mental health and substance use disorders, including programs this committee worked on to pass in CARA, 21st Century Cures, and the SUPPORT Act.
"We also need to be examining how to lower health care costs. This hearing title discusses 'lowering costs,' but I'm not sure the bills today do so, but rather these bills just continue subsidizing expensive insurance."
"The Majority called us here to look at ways to shore up the Affordable Care Act, which became law eleven years ago and it's still not working.
"The ACA has increased premiums dramatically and many insurers stopped offering coverage. In my home state,
"Even the generous subsidies that
"By my count, on top of the
"Before we authorize billions more on top, we first need to see how funding from the
"We also need to be looking at innovative ways to lower health care costs. Today we are reviewing recycled language from six bills from two 2019 Energy and Commerce hearings.
"For example, the bill giving grants for state exchanges, doesn't even update the date from
"Additionally, I am concerned with banning short-term, limited duration plans. CBO has estimated that if the regulations are rolled back on these plans, 500,000 Americans would lose health care coverage. Instead of limiting plans, I think we need to allow states flexibility to best serve their residents
"Of the ten Medicaid bills, I specifically want to mention Money Follows the Person (MFP). This program is valuable for many individuals, and I am a champion of this program.
"I also want to note that while the
"I am concerned that innovation would stop under a fully government-run health insurance program, and according to the
"Let us not forget, what we were all told about Obamacare - if you like your plan, you can keep it. Well today we have bills before us that would do just the opposite, again, by limiting state flexibility and stopping short-term, limited duration plans, but that would be nothing compared to the over 220 million of Americans that would lose their health insurance under Medicare for All.
"I hope that
Rep. Rodgers Issues Remarks at Hearing on Expanding Health Coverage, Lower Costs
Chairman Neal Issues Statement on 11th Anniversary of Affordable Care Act
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