Removal of Miami Beach artwork was straight up censorship of a phrase’s interpretation | Opinion [Miami Herald]
Offensive art
The Miami Herald’s
Do we really want to go down that path?
The German Nazi dictatorship removed modernist art, many by famous artists, from renowned museums, on the grounds that it was insulting to “German feeling, un-German, or Jewish.”
Do we really want to do this because of a phrase that has different meanings?
”From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” as chanted by pro-ceasefire/Palestinian activists, has different meanings to different groups of people. To protesters, it is an aspirational call and a plea for peace. More to the point, it is a call for the freedom and equality of the Palestinian people.
There must be a situation where Jews and Palestinians are equals, with equal rights under the law. Until such a time happens, war and conflict will persist.
I have great compassion for Palestinians and Jews, as they both are suffering greatly. This insanity, however, must stop.
Phrases are not the problem. Only when there is an immediate ceasefire will this stop.
Boating safety
As temperatures heat up, now is the time for families to have important conversations about boating safety. While drowning is a leading cause of death for children, boating under the influence and operator inattention also take hundreds of lives each year. Boating safety is the key to making fun memories out on the water.
National Safe Boating Week takes place from
Always wear a life jacket, no matter your age. According to recent U. S.
Alcohol is the leading cause of all boating accidents and deaths. Boating under the influence is illegal in every state and is also 100% preventable. Always be or designate a Sober Skipper to be in charge of the safe operation of the boat and its passengers.
Before heading out on the water, take the time to understand the local waterways, navigation rules, no wake zones and pay special attention to potential hazards such as shallow areas, rocks or submerged obstacles.
executive director,
Leaky sewage
Increasing population without upgrading and modernizing infrastructure leads to compromises to our quality of life. Our sewer system is mimicking our roadways. The sewage has no place to go and yet, residential and condominium construction continues unabated, exacerbating the problem.
Broken system
In all, there were more than nine violations of the state insurance code.
To deal with the insurance crisis, Gov.
If insurance companies acknowledged claims and made a fair offer to settle claims, there would be no need to hire attorneys to sue insurers.
Once again, DeSantis and the legislature chose to protect insurance companies over policyholders.
High praise
Bea L. Hines’
In this time, with wars and anti-this and anti-that, her wonderful piece deserved a place of honor in the front page of the paper to celebrate Mother’s Day.
Public housing
Re: the
Why were no trees planted for the old
I was happy that at least some trees have been planted for the
Public disgrace
When Sens.
Of course, we know the reason: the bill would pass anyway and they could curry favor with the pro-Putin side of the
Distant noise
With a bar shooting and other recent mayhem in the city of
Does anyone really think Israeli Prime Minister
Do not disturb
As someone who has explored the
Airboats are obnoxiously-loud and frighten wildlife. They also flatten native vegetation. If someone were to stomp on a federal- or state-listed endangered plant in front of a ranger, they would be fined. Yet, it is okay to crush that same plant with a swamp buggy or an airboat. Conversely, if someone walks around with a loud airhorn to frighten wildlife in the preserve, they would be fined, yet frightening them with an airboat is just fine.
Airboats are the equivalent of jet skis, which are banned in the
I vote to ban airboats and swamp buggies in the
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