Concern should be your health and our nation's
If you are eligible for Medicare and not on Medicare "Advantage," you may soon receive a letter from the
But Belong Health ACO is owned by a venture capital company,
In other words, only 75% of the money Medicare sends to
By contrast, traditional Medicare takes out only 2% to 3% of your Medicare money for administrative overhead. Medicare "Advantage" companies can retain up to 15%.
Venture capital, private equity, and private insurance companies can take between 13% to 23% more than traditional Medicare does of our Medicare money for themselves instead of your health.
If you receive the
It takes patience and time to extract yourself from this form of Medicare privatization. It's likely worth your effort later when you need health care, don't want a venture capital company in the room with your doctor, and want to be sure Medicare remains financially sustainable.
Medicare "Advantage" profits by marketing to healthy and lower-cost patients, gaming risk pools, using narrow networks of providers, upcoding diagnoses for higher reimbursement, and restricting your care through prior authorization (traditional Medicare does not require). Medicare Advantage companies inappropriately issue millions of denials for care that meet legal Medicare coverage rules.
Privatization through ACOREACH programs such as "
Medicare Advantage plans look attractive initially because of low premiums and attractive perks. Many people have had good luck with their plans, but people with chronic or severe illnesses often find that they cannot get the care they need. They then try to get back into traditional Medicare.
The industry and their lobbyists have made it extremely hard to get back into traditional Medicare, which has far fewer restrictions and far more egalitarian purpose than Medicare Advantage plans.
For more information, please visit Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates, Health Care for All Oregon, Physicians for a
The concern should be your health and the health of our nation, not whether you "deserve" care.
Finally, please find the Oregon Universal Health Plan Governance Board online and attend its meetings
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