Malawi’s competition trade agency bites hard on NICO, Goodwill funeral Services over monopoly
The commission found out that that Goodwill Funerals signed a deal funeral with NICO, making him the only funeral service provider for funerals of people under MASM, which has an agreement with NICO Life.
It is alleged that if someone is under MASM Cover, it would be mandatory for that person to engage Goodwill Funerals.
CFTC) has therefore strongly Condemned the act by Nico life insurance Limited and
This comes after a complaint from funeral service providers received by the Commission on
The complaints alleged that
In a statement made available to
The complainants alleged that following that agreement funeral services were provided for mainly by
The statement also indicates that prior to the agreement, they had directly dealt with MASM whereas they were now required to deal wth NICO life only through
The statement further states that on
In the statement the Commission established that the agreement between
The Commission also found out that the agreement between Nico Life and
Meanwhile the Commission has noted with concern that the offense was equally committed by NICO Life and
January, 2022
anti-competitive business practices by
providers. The Complainants alleged that
In summary, the Complainants alleged that MASM, Nico Life and
in anti-competitive conduct as a result of an agreement for group insurance cover that
MASM had entered into with Nico Life. The Complainants alleged that following that
agreement funeral services were provided for mainly by
whereas they had been able to provide those services prior to that agreement. They also
claimed that prior to that agreement, they had dealt directly with MASM whereas they
were now required to deal with Nico Life only through
payments and would deduct commission from their payments. It was also alleged that
disclosure to customers about their insurance cover with MASM.
case as well as submissions made by the Parties during and after the public hearing that
was held by the Commission in the matter.
In summary, the Commission did not find any evidence to substantiate the allegation that
cover under MASM so as to take advantage of them. The Commission thus dismissed
those allegations.
The Commission also established that the agreement between Nico Life and MASM did
not contain anti-competitive clauses and further that following the entry into force of the
agreement, MASM ceased to deal directly with funeral service providers who were to deal
directly with NICO Life.
The Commission, however, found that although the written agreement between Nico Life
that was anti-competitive and further that they made decisions and engaged in concerted
practices that were anti-competitive in violation of Section 32(1) of the CFTA.
The finding was based on the following:
a. Following the agreement between Nico Life and MASM, Nico Life and
decided that
MASM Members despite that prior to the agreement MASM dealt with several
funeral service providers and despite that MASM has Members across the country;
b. Nico Life and
the opportunity to also be registered by Nico Life through a competitive process;
c. Where Members obtained funeral services from other funeral service providers
other than
made through
d. Nico Life had no valid justification for only dealing with Goodwill’s competitors
The Commission found that the conduct and decisions by
in the prevention and distortion of the funeral services market across
In light of the findings, the Commission issued, among others, the following orders:
i. That NICO Life should open up to other funeral service providers by entering into
agreements with them through competitive bidding processes.
ii. That NICO Life should pay a fine of Five Hundred Thousand Kwacha (MK500,000)
for engaging in anticompetitive conduct;
iii. That
and Thirty-Six Thousand Nine Hundred and
(MK68,736,941.00) being financial gain generated from engaging in the
anticompetitive conduct.
The Commission also noted with concern that the offence was equally committed by Nico
Life and
on the part of
For more information on this statement, contact Innocent Helema on 0880725075 or
email [email protected] or [email protected].
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