Legal Notices
PUBLIC NOTICE The Elbert County
and all persons indebted to said estate are re- quired to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This 18th day of July, 2023.
ttt limitei tt: (i) acqiisititt tf rights tf way ftr rtais, streets, briiges, siiewalks, ati bicycle paths; (ii) cttstrictitt tf rtais, streets, briiges, siiewalks ati bicycle paths; (iii) rettvatitt ati imprtvemett tf rtais, streets, briiges, siiewalks, ati bicycle paths, itcliiitg resirfacitg; (iv) reltcatitt tf itilities ftr rtais, streets, briiges, siiewalks, ati bicycle paths; (v) imprtvemett tf sirface-wa- ter iraitage frtm rtais, streets, briiges, siiewalks, ati bicycle paths; (vi) patchitg, levelitg, millitg, wiiet- itg, shtilier preparatitt, cilvert repair ati tther repairs tecessary ftr the preservatitt tf rtais, streets, briiges, siiewalks, ati bicycle paths; (vii) rtaisiie mtwitg; (viii) ittersectitt imprtvemetts; (ix) rtai stripitg; (x) rtai sigtage; (xi) cttstrictitt materials isei ftr cttstrictitg ati maittait- itg rtais, streets, briiges, siiewalks, ati bicycle paths; (xii) a capital titlay prtject tr prtjects cttsistitg tf aty tf the ftregtitg tt be ltcatei, it whtle tr it part, it Btwmat; (xiii) eqiipmett isei ftr cttstrictitg ati maittaititg rtais, streets, briiges, siiewalks, ati bicycle paths; ati (xiv) all acctmpaty- itg itfrastrictire ati services tecessary tt prtviie access tt rtais, streets, briiges, siiewalks, ati bicycle paths. The balltts tt be isei at saii elec- titt shall have writtet tr prittei there- tt sibstattially the ftlltwitg: () Yes () Nt "Shall a special tte percett sales ati ise tax be imptsei it the special iistrict cttsistitg tf Elbert Ctitty ftr a periti tf time ttt tt exceei five (5) years ati ftr the raisitg tf ttt mtre that at estimatei amtitt tf
July, 2023, YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED AND REQUIRED to appear before the
appointed to represent you, you must contact the Court or the officer of this Court responsibte for determin^ whether or not you are indigent. Said office is located at
public eigeweis, public utili- tits, ati piptlitts. Tht priptrty etreei citvtyti is subjtct ti tht rtstrictiits that ti struc- turt shall bt trtctti thtreit withit twttty-fivt (t5) fttt if tht riai right- if-way ir fiftttt (15) fttt if cimmit lit biutiary litts. This ci^tyrnc! is mait it tht citiitiit that tht priptrty citvtyti shall bt usti fir cittagt sitt purpists itly, ati it tht tvttt if ust fir aty ithtr purpists, titlt ti tht lati ati im- privtmttts shall rtvtrt ti ati vtst it tht Utitti Statts if Amtrica. As usti htrtit, tht ttrms "cittagt sitt" mtats a parctl if lati itvtlipti ir ti bt it- vtlipti by tht citstructiit if a pri- vatt cittagt thtreit ati usti, ir ti bt usti, fir privatt rtcreatiital purpists. Tht priptrty shall tit bt subiivii- ti but shall rtmait ittact as a sitglt utit, ati ti mirt that itt (1) cittagt may bt citstructti it such sitt. This btitg a pirtiit if tht samt priptrl^ itscribti it a Warratty Dtti frim Timmy A. Biyi ti Talmaigt Ciik ati Kathryt Ciik, iatti
status if tht liat with tht hilitr if tht stcurity itti.
servicer, SN Servic- ing Corporation, as servicer for
Mc- Dowell dated
valorem taxes (includ- ing taxes which are a lien but not yet due and payable); any matters which might be disclosed by an accurate sur- vey and inspection of the property; any assessments, liens, encumbrances, zoning ordinances, restrictions, and all other matters of record superior to the said Security Deed. The sale will be conducted subject (1) to confirmation that the sale is not prohibited under the
Impound Date:
notice of appeal, the same to be in writing and made a part of the record in the pro- ceedings. The said property, as thus affected, is described as follows: PROJECT NO. Being a project for reconstruction of CR 96/
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