Iowa Gov. Reynolds Signs New Proclamation Continuing the State Public Health Emergency Declaration
The State Public Health Emergency Declaration proclamation is in effect until
The full proclamation is online in its entirety and substantive information can be found below:
SECTION One. I continue to strongly encourage all vulnerable Iowans, including those with preexisting medical conditions and those older than 65, in all counties of the state to continue to limit their activities outside of their home, including their visits to businesses and other establishments and their participation in gatherings of any size and any purpose. And I encourage all Iowans to limit their in-person interactions with vulnerable Iowans and to exercise particular care and caution when engaging in any necessary interactions.
SECTION Two. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 135.144 (3), and in conjunction with the
A. Restaurants and bars: A restaurant or bar, including a wedding reception venue, winery, brewery, distillery, country club, or other social or fraternal club, may reopen or remain open to serve food and beverages on its premises, but only to the extent that it complies with the following requirements:
(1) Social distancing: The establishment must ensure at least six feet of physical distance between each group or individual dining or drinking alone. Seating at booths closer than six feet may satisfy this requirement if the booths are separated by a barrier of a sufficient height to fully separate seated customers. All patrons must have a seat at a table or bar, and an establishment must limit patrons from congregating together closer than six feet.
(2) Other social distancing, hygiene, and public health measures: The restaurant shall also implement reasonable measures under the circumstances of each restaurant to ensure social distancing of employees and customers, increased hygiene practices, and other public health measures to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 consistent with guidance issued by the
B. Fitness centers: A fitness center, health club, health spa, or gym may reopen or remain open, but only to the extent that it complies with the following requirements:
(1) Social distancing: The establishment must ensure that all equipment, such as treadmills, bikes, weight machines, benches, and power racks, are spaced at least six feet apart or take other appropriate measures to ensure that more closely spaced equipment is not used.
(2) Group activities: Any group activities or classes must be limited to a number of people that permits maintaining a distance of six feet apart at all times.
(3) Other social distancing, hygiene, and public health measures: The establishment shall also implement reasonable measures under the circumstances of each establishment to ensure social distancing of employees and customers, increased hygiene practices, and other public health measures to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 consistent with guidance issued by the
C. Casinos and gaming facilities: A casino or other facility conducting pari-mutuel wagering or gaming operations may reopen or remain open, but only to the extent that it complies with the following requirements:
(1) Social distancing: The establishment must encourage social distancing by spacing gaming positions at least six feet apart, turning off alternating gaming machines, or separating positions with a barrier of sufficient height to fully separate patrons. The establishment may operate table games provided that it takes reasonable measures to reduce the risk of transmission, such as limiting the number patrons at a table, encouraging or requiring face covering of patrons or employees, providing hand sanitizer, or taking other precautions.
(2) Food and Beverage Service: The establishment shall comply with all the requirements of bars and restaurants in this Proclamation for any food and beverage service.
(3) Other social distancing, hygiene, and public health measures: The establishment shall also implement reasonable measures under the circumstances of each establishment to ensure social distancing of employees and customers, increased hygiene practices, and other public health measures to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 consistent with guidance issued by the
E. Salons and Barbershops: A salon or barbershop, including any establishment providing the services of barbering, cosmetology, electrology, esthetics, nail technology, manicuring, and pedicuring may reopen, but only to the extent that it complies with the following requirements:
(1) Social distancing: The salon must ensure that all customers are at least six feet apart when performing cosmetology practices or barbering services.
(2) Other social distancing, hygiene, and public health measures: The salon or barbershop shall also implement reasonable measures under the circumstances of each salon to ensure social distancing of employees and customers, increased hygiene practices, and other public health measures to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 consistent with guidance issued by the
F. Medical spas: A medical spa, as defined in Iowa Admin Code Sec. 653-13.8(1), may reopen or remain open to provide medical aesthetic services, but only if the medical spa complies with the requirements for performing outpatient procedures that utilize PPE in section 9, paragraph A, of this Proclamation.
G. Theaters and Performance Venues: Any theater or performance venue at which motion pictures are shown or live performances are held may reopen or remain open, but only to the extent that the theater complies with the following requirements:
(1) Social distancing: The theater or performance venue must ensure at least six feet of physical distance between each group or individual attending alone when seated in the theater.
(2) Other social distancing, hygiene, and public health measures: The theater shall also implement reasonable measures under the circumstances of each theater to ensure social distancing of employees and customers, increased hygiene practices, and other public health measures to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 consistent with guidance issued by the
(1) Social distancing: The establishment must ensure at least six feet of physical distance between each group or individual attending alone when seated.
(2) Other social distancing, hygiene, and public health measures: The establishment shall also implement reasonable measures under the circumstances of each establishment to ensure social distancing of employees and customers, increased hygiene practices, and other public health measures to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 consistent with guidance issued by the
I. Malls: An enclosed mall may reopen or remain open, but only to the extent that it complies with the following requirements:
(1) Play areas: Any play area or playground in a common area must remain closed.
(2) Social distancing, hygiene, and public health measures: The mall shall also implement reasonable measures under the circumstances of each mall to ensure social distancing of employees and customers, increased hygiene practices, and other public health measures to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 consistent with guidance issued by the
J. Other establishments: A museum, aquarium, zoo, library, indoor playground, children's play center, swimming pool, bingo hall, bowling alley, pool hall, arcade, amusement park, campground, tanning facility, massage therapy establishment, tattoo establishment, or a retail establishment that was previously ordered to be closed statewide and then only in certain counties under section 5, paragraph I, of the Proclamation of Disaster Emergency issued on
SECTION Three. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 135.144 (3), and in conjunction with the
A. A social, community, recreational, leisure, or sporting gathering or event, including but not limited to a parade, festival, farmers market, auction, convention, or fundraiser, of more than ten people may be held, but only if the gathering complies with all other relevant provisions in this Proclamation and the following requirements:
(1) Social distancing: The gathering organizer must ensure at least six feet of physical distance between each group or individual attending alone.
(2) Other social distancing, hygiene, and public health measures: The gathering organizer shall also implement reasonable measures under the circumstances of each gathering to ensure social distancing of gathering participants, increased hygiene practices, and other public health measures to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 consistent with guidance issued by the
C. Spiritual and religious gatherings: Spiritual and religious gatherings, including any funerals or weddings, are not prohibited by this section. But a church, synagogue, or other host of a spiritual or religious gathering shall implement reasonable measures under the circumstances of each gathering to ensure social distancing of employees, volunteers, and other participants, increased hygiene practices, and other public health measures to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 consistent with guidance issued by the
SECTION Four. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
A. A hospital, outpatient surgery provider, or outpatient procedure provider may conduct in-patient surgeries and procedures that, if further delayed, will pose a significant risk to quality of life and any outpatient surgeries or procedures if the hospital or provider complies with the following requirements:
(1) A hospital or provider must have:
(a) Adequate inventories of personal protective equipment (PPE) and access to a reliable supply chain without relying on state or local government PPE stockpiles to support continued operations and respond to an unexpected surge in a timely manner; and
(b) A plan to conserve PPE consistent with guidance from the
(2) A hospital or provider must have a plan for timely COVID-19 testing of symptomatic patients and staff to rapidly mitigate potential clusters of infection and as otherwise clinically indicated. Providers must comply with any relevant guidance related to testing requirements for patients and staff issued by the
(3) A hospital must continue to accept and treat COVID-19 patients and must not transfer COVID-19 patients to create capacity for elective procedures.
(4) A hospital must reserve at least 10% of intensive care unit (ICU) beds and 10% of medical/surgical beds for COVID-19 patients.
(5) A hospital or provider that begins conducting surgeries or procedures as authorized by this paragraph but is no longer able to satisfy all these requirements must cease conducting such surgeries or procedures except as authorized by paragraph
B. Except as provided in paragraph A, all nonessential or elective surgeries and procedures that utilize PPE must not be conducted by any hospital, outpatient surgery provider, or outpatient procedure provider, whether public, private, or nonprofit.
C. A nonessential surgery or procedure is one that can be delayed without undue risk to the current or future health of a patient, considering all appropriate factors including, but not limited to any: (1) threat to the patient's life if the surgery or procedure is not performed; (2) threat of permanent dysfunction of an extremity or organ system; (3) risk of metastasis or progression of staging; and (4) risk of rapidly worsening to severe symptoms.
D. Each hospital, outpatient surgery provider, and outpatient procedure provider shall limit all nonessential individuals in surgery and procedure suites and patient care areas where PPE is required. Only individuals essential to conducting the surgery or procedure shall be present in such areas.
E. Each hospital, outpatient surgery provider, and outpatient procedure provider shall establish an internal governance structure to ensure that the principles outlined above are followed.
SECTION Five. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
A. A dentist and his or her dental staff may resume providing any dental services if the dentist complies with the following requirements:
(1) All dental services are provided in compliance with the Guidelines for the Safe Transition Back to Practice adopted by the Iowa Dental Board on
(2) The dentist has adequate inventories of personal protective equipment (PPE) and access to a reliable supply chain without relying on state or local PPE stockpiles to comply with the Guidance for Returning to Work During COVID-19.
(3) The dentist has a plan to conserve PPE consistent with guidance from the
B. The performance of any dental procedures except in compliance with paragraph A continue to be prohibited.
C. This order shall be enforced by Iowa Dental Board investigators or their designees who, pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 153.33(1)(b), shall have the powers and status of peace officers when enforcing this order.
SECTION Six. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Seven. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(13), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Eight. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Code Sec.Sec. 256.7(26)(a) and 256.11(5) and Iowa Admin. Code rule 281- 12.5(5), requiring curriculum standards and completion of specific units of credit for completion of a high school program of study, to the extent such provisions would hinder
SECTION Nine. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Code Sec. 256.11(6)(c) and Iowa Admin. Code rule 281- 12.5(20), requiring each
SECTION Ten. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6 (6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Code Sec. 256.16(1)(a)(2)(d) and (m) and Iowa Admin. Code rules 281-77.10 (9), 281-79.14(5), and 281-79.14(7), to the extent that they require a minimum number of hours of field experience if the higher education institution providing practitioner preparation program determines that the student has completed sufficient field experience to determine that the student should be recommended for licensure.
SECTION Eleven. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec.29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Code Sec. 100.31, prescribing that not less than four fire drills and not less than four tornado drills be conducted in all school buildings each school year, with not less than two drills of each type be conducted
SECTION Twelve. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Code Sec. 97B.52A, Iowa Admin. Code rule 495-11.5, and any other implementing rule or guidance, to the extent those provisions would disqualify a member who is a school district employee from qualifying for a bona fide retirement or being eligible to receive retirement benefits because the member participates as an unpaid volunteer in a high school graduation ceremony that was delayed until after the member's retirement on account of this public health disaster emergency or in preparation activities for the ceremony, even if such participation would have been a part of the member's normal duties or a traditionally paid position.
SECTION Thirteen. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec.Sec. 29C.6(6) and 135.144(3), in conjunction with the
SECTION Fourteen. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Administrative Code rule 281-31.3(3)(a), requiring face-to-face contact between children receiving competent private instruction from privately retained licensed practitioners and those practitioners.
SECTION Fifteen. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Code sections 299A.3 and 299A.4, and Iowa Administrative Code rules 281-31.8 and 281-31.9, which require an annual assessment of children receiving competent private instruction and setting deadlines for reporting of assessment results.
SECTION Sixteen. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Administrative Code rule 281-31.4(3)(a), requiring face-to-face contact between children receiving competent private instruction from home school assistance program teachers and those teachers.
SECTION Seventeen. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Code section 299A.1(2)(b) and Iowa Administrative Code rules 281-31.1(2)(b) and 281-31.11, governing the provision of independent private instruction.
SECTION Eighteen. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Administrative Code rule 281-36.15(2), the scholarship rule for interscholastic athletics. When school resumes and athletic competitions resume, all student athletes will be deemed to be academically eligible.
SECTION Nineteen. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Administrative Code rule 281-36.15(3) and (4), the transfer rule for interscholastic athletics, to the extent that these subrules require a certain number of school days of ineligibility. Any day that a school is closed pursuant to a proclamation of the Governor shall be counted toward the days required by Iowa Administrative Code rule 281-36.15(3) and (4).
SECTION Twenty. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6 (6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Code Sec.Sec. 135.61 through 135.73 requiring an institutional health facility to obtain a certificate of need prior to operating additional bed capacity. Suspension of these provisions is limited to the duration of this proclamation and is further limited to the provision of medical assistance and treatment of victims of this public health emergency.
SECTION Twenty-one. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Admin Code rules 481-57.20(1) & 58.23(1)(a), requiring residential care facilities and nursing facilities assist residents to obtain regular and emergency dental services, to the extent those facilities continue to assist residents in obtaining emergency dental services.
SECTION Twenty-two. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), in conjunction with the
SECTION Twenty-three. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), in conjunction with the
SECTION Twenty-four. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Twenty-five. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Twenty-six. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Admin. Code rule 481-69.29(5) & (6) requiring a new program manager and delegating nurse in assisted living programs complete an assisted living management class and/or an assisted living nursing class within six months of employment.
SECTION Twenty-seven. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), in conjunction with the
SECTION Twenty-eight. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), in conjunction with the
SECTION Twenty-nine. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Thirty. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Thirty-one. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Thirty-two. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Thirty-three. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Thirty-four. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Thirty-five. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Thirty-six. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Thirty-seven. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Thirty-eight. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Thirty-nine. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Forty. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Forty-one. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Forty-two. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Forty-three. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Forty-four. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Forty-five. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Forty-six. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Forty-seven. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Forty-eight. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Forty-nine. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Fifty. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Fifty-one. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Fifty-two. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Fifty-three. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Fifty-four. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Fifty-five. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Fifty-six. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Fifty-seven. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Fifty-eight. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Fifty-nine. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Sixty. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Sixty-one. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Sixty-two. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6 (6), I continue to suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Code Sec. 147.137 and Iowa Admin. Code rule 653-13.11, rule 641-155.2, and other implementing administrative rules establishing preconditions, limitations, or restrictions on the provision of telehealth or telemedicine services, and I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Admin. Code rules 641-155.21(19) and 155.23(4) and other administrative rules which require face-to-face interactions with health care providers and impose requirements for residential and outpatient substance use disorder treatment and for face-to-face visitations.
SECTION Sixty-three. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Sixty-four. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), in conjunction with the
SECTION Sixty-five. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Sixty-six. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Sixty-seven. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Sixty-eight. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6 (6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Code Sec. 147.10 and Iowa Admin. Code rules 653-9.13(6) and 9.14, rules 655-3.7(5), rules 645-261.8, and rules 645-326.9(8), and all other implementing administrative rules which prohibit the practice of medicine and surgery, osteopathic medicine and surgery, nursing, respiratory care, and practice as a physician assistant, by a licensee whose license is inactive or lapsed. Suspension of these provisions is limited to licenses which have lapsed or expired within the five (5) years prior to this Proclamation and is further limited to the provision of medical and nursing care and treatment of victims of this public health disaster emergency and solely for the duration of this Proclamation.
SECTION Sixty-nine. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Code Sec. 152.5 and Iowa Admin. Code r. 655-2.10(7)(a), which limit the number of clinical hours that can be satisfied through simulation activities for nursing education programs. Suspension of this provision shall extend through the duration of this Proclamation and any future extension of this suspension. I continue to direct the nursing board to provide additional guidance to licensees regarding the effect of this suspension, including guidance on obtaining an emergency license pursuant to this Proclamation.
SECTION Seventy. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Admin. Code rules 650-11.2(2), 11.3(2), 11.5(2), 11.6(2),13.2(2), and 20.6(2)(b)(8) requiring an applicant for initial licensure in dentistry, dental hygiene, assisting, or for a faculty permit to attest to current certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
SECTION Seventy-one. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Seventy-two. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Seventy-three. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Code chapters 80A, 88A, 88B, 89, 89A, 90A, 91C, 99D, 99F, 100C, 100D, 101A, 103, 105, 124, 126, 135, 136B, 136C, 147, 147A, 147B, 148, 148A, 148B, 148C, 148E, 148F, 149, 151, 152, 152A, 152B, 152C, 152D, 153, 154, 154A, 154B, 154C, 154D, 154E, 154F, 155, 155A, 156, 157, 158, 159, 169, 192, 272, 272C, 321, 441, 455B, 459B, 481A, 502, 522B, 535B, 542, 542B, 543B, 543D, 544A, 544B, 544C, and any provisions of the Iowa Administrative Code implementing those chapters, to the extent they set an expiration date or renewal requirement for a professional license that expires during the duration of this Proclamation. Suspension of these provisions shall extend through the duration of this Proclamation and any future extension of this suspension. I hereby direct all regulatory agencies or boards governed by these provisions to provide additional guidance to licensees regarding the effect of these suspensions.
SECTION Seventy-four. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Admin. Code r 281-79.16(4)(a), 645-31.6(2)(b)(12), 645-280.6(3), 645-240.6(2), 657-4.3, 645-300.3(4)(b)(2), 300.6(3)(a), and 300.6(3)(d), requiring the completion of clinical, practical, or internship experience as a condition of obtaining professional licensure to be a school administrator, mental health counselor, independent social worker, psychologist, pharmacist, or speech pathologist or audiologist. Suspension of these provisions shall extend through the duration of this Proclamation and any future extension of this suspension. I hereby direct all regulatory agencies or boards governed by these provisions to provide additional guidance to licensees regarding the effect of these suspensions.
SECTION Seventy-five. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Code Sec.Sec. 272.2(17), 272C.3(1)(a), 543B.15(9), and 543D.22, and any provisions of the Iowa Administrative Code implementing those provisions, which require the completion of background checks for initial applicants as a condition of obtaining professional licensure. Suspension of these provisions shall apply during the duration of this Proclamation and any future extension of this suspension. I hereby direct all regulatory agencies or boards governed by these provisions to, upon the expiration of this Disaster Emergency, conduct background checks for those applicants and take any necessary action resulting from completion of those checks, up to and including revocation of licensure.
SECTION Seventy-six. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Seventy-seven. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Seventy-eight. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Admin. Code rules 650-1-1.2, 650-11.5, 650-12.1, and 650-12.4 to the extent an applicant is required to complete specific examinations as a prerequisite for initial licensure as a dentist or dental hygienist, if the dental board determines that the applicant has completed sufficient education and should be granted a temporary license to practice in accordance with any guidance issued by the board. Suspension of these provisions shall extend through the duration of this Proclamation and any future extension of this suspension. I hereby direct the dental board to provide additional guidance to applicants regarding the effect of this suspension, including guidance on obtaining a temporary license.
SECTION Seventy-nine. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
SECTION Eighty. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Code Sec. 542B.13 and Iowa Admin. Code r. 193C-3.1(1) and 193C-3.2, setting an application expiration date and deadline for taking certain examinations to be licensed as a professional engineer or land surveyor.
SECTION Eighty-one. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Code Sec. 543D.8 and Iowa Admin. Code r 193F-3.2, 193F-5.3, and 193F-6.3 and any other implementing administrative rules establishing examination deadlines as a condition for initial licensure for appraisers.
SECTION Eighty-two. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Code Sec. 542.5 and Iowa Admin. Code r 193A-3.6(1) and any other implementing administrative rules establishing an 18-month examination deadline as a condition for initial licensure for prospective certified public accountants.
SECTION Eighty-three. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Admin. Code r. 655-3.4(4) requiring an applicant for a nursing license to complete an examination within ninety-one days of board authorization.
SECTION Eighty-four. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Admin. Code r. 657-2.4(2) requiring an applicant for a pharmacist license to complete all components in
SECTION Eighty-five. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Admin. Code r. 645-280.2 and 645-31.18, to the extent that they require out-of-state marital, family therapy, and mental health counselors, or social workers who provide services by telephone or other electronic means to individuals in the
SECTION Eighty-six. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of Iowa Code Sec.Sec. 147.2, 148B.8, and 154B.4, and Iowa Admin. Code r. 645-201.3(4) and 645-208.3(4), to the extent that they require out-of-state physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, speech pathologists, audiologists, optometrists, podiatrists, psychologists, dietitians, hearing aid specialists, physician assistants, behavior analysts, assistant behavior analysts, orthotists, pedorthists, and prosthetists who hold an active license in another state to be licensed in
SECTION Eighty-seven. Pursuant to Iowa Code section 29C.6(6), I continue to temporarily suspend the regulatory provisions of
SECTION Eighty-eight. Pursuant to Iowa Code Sec. 29C.6(6) and Iowa Code Sec. 135.144(3), and in conjunction with the
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