Health insurance help for small business in a big-company tool
But in 2014, spurred by the new regulations under the Affordable Care Act, the family-owned company in
Since moving to self-insurance, Chant has seen its annual increases fall to around 8 percent from a range of 13 percent to more than 20 percent, said
"We don't see ourselves switching back. That's for sure," Alvarez said.
Chant sets aside a specified amount of money each month to pay its doctor and hospital bills rather than paying a premium to an insurer such as
Chant, an early adopter of self-insurance for small businesses in the
This form of insurance is taking off in the region, brokers said. Since
ACA's effect on the insurance market
The Affordable Care Act caused changes in the insurance market that drove the development of self-insurance for businesses with 50 or fewer employees. Before that landmark law, insurers could set prices based on the health of a group, which meant that healthier groups got lower prices. Plus, an employer could weaken benefits to keep price increases in check.
But the ACA mandated that the only factors insurers could use to set prices for groups were age, tobacco use, and the employer's location. In addition, rates had to be set based on the broader community, so it didn't matter how little health care a particular group used. Essential benefits and affordability requirements meant that employers could no longer reduce benefits to get a price they could afford.
Self-insurance plans offered an escape from what one broker called the "choking" costs of ACA regulations because they were exempt from many ACA rules.
That means there is also a downside from a broader societal perspective of small businesses moving to self-insurance. "You're siphoning off the good risks by letting them go self-insured, which leaves everyone else in the insured pool sicker, paying higher premiums," said
As self-insurance for small businesses gains popularity, the Trump administration is pushing for an expansion of association health plans, which would allow small businesses to band together to buy insurance that would also have a lighter regulatory burden than ACA plans, but Fronstin said he did not think that association plans would cut into the momentum of self-insurance for small business.
Such plans sold by
But that could change.
"I don't know what
An IBC official pointed out that self-insured plans are also exempt from the ACA's health-insurer fee, which adds 4 or 5 percent onto a group's price, making fully-insured ACA plans more expensive.
A surge in self-insurance
Among the selling points of the new self-insurance plans is the possibility of getting some money back at the end of the year if claims are lower than expected. However,
"For a small company spending
For small employers, there can be more to the switch than saving money.
Reisch doesn't contribute to the newly offered dental and vision, but, even so, "the deduction from everybody's paycheck is less than it was before," he said.
Chant Engineering has taken advantage of opportunities to customize its plan and analyze usage.
"We felt like for preventive care that mammograms, including the new 3D mammograms, should be covered 100 percent," Alvarez said. "You can really determine what you want to cover, what you don't want to cover, and at what levels you want it covered."
Still, the broad socio-economic implications are not lost on Rech.
"Insurance is about aggregating risk," he said. "In an ideal situation, you would aggregate the risk across the entire population. What you're doing is maintaining an imbalance by allowing this kind of thing. On the other hand, I have a business to run and I have to make payroll every two weeks and I have to be able to pay my bills every month. You have this conflict."
How Self-Insurance Works
Self-insurance is essentially traditional insurance deconstructed into its components, which are:
* A pool of money to pay claims (supplied by the employer).
* A network of providers with contracts that determine prices (which could be provided by a company such as
* A third-party administrator, which processes claims.
* Stop-loss insurance, which covers claims over a maximum amount.
Additional features that make self-insurance attractive to small businesses are the possibility of getting money back if the entire claims pool is not used and the ability to make equal monthly payments, even as claims vary.
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