Duke University Margolis Center for Health Policy Research Associate Issues Public Comment on Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Proposed Rule
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I would like to comment on matter CMS-9906-P, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Updating Payment Parameters, Section 1332 Waiver, Implementing Regulations and Improving Health Insurance Markets for 2022 and Beyond Proposed Rule.
I am a research associate at the
1. We also propose to repeal the separate billing regulation at Sec. 156.280(e)(2),
I am supportive of reducing administrative burden for enrollment and maintenance of enrollment in the FBM and SBMs. Some of my current, ongoing research has found that the requirement to set up a single payment account for positive, non-zero premium plans can lead to significant enrollment loss due to a significant non-financial transaction and hassle cost./1
Prior research has found, on Healthcare.gov, the presence of a zero premium plan led to a 14% increase in enrollment for individuals earning between 151-200% Federal Poverty Level within a county./2
While these studies do not speak directly on the matter of
2. We propose extending FFE open enrollment to end on
While I have advocated for extending open enrollment periods (OEP) to span the New Year in order to give households an opportunity to correct good faith errors as well as change choices after automatic re-enrollment is effectuated, I believe that the department would be wise to delay implementation of this proposed change until the 2023 coverage year./3
Insurers have already filed initial rates and QHP applications. There is a very short window to update modest errors and make minor strategic changes. An extended open enrollment period that spans the New Year will lead to a significantly different composition of the risk pool, while also changing marketing requirements and customer support needs. An unanticipated policy shock could lead to significant administrative costs for insurers. I recommend the inclusion the extended OEP in the upcoming proposed 2023 NBPP.
I also recommend that a new Special Enrollment Period (SEP) be created for a restricted class of individuals who were automatically re-enrolled into plans that have a net premium increase of at least
1. Drake C, Cai S-T, Anderson D, Sacks DW. Financial Transaction Costs Reduce Benefit Take-Up: Evidence from Zero-Premium Health Plans in
2. Drake C, Anderson DM. Terminating Cost-Sharing Reduction Subsidy Payments: The Impact Of Marketplace Zero-Dollar Premium Plans On Enrollment. Health Aff (Millwood). 2020;39(1):41-49. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2019.00345
3. Drake C, Anderson D. Next Year, Extend Open Enrollment Of The ACA Marketplaces Into January. Published
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The proposed rule can be viewed at: https://www.regulations.gov/document/CMS-2021-0113-0002
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