Data on Healthcare Economics Reported by Marie-Louise Leroux and Colleagues (Long term care insurance with state-dependent preferences): Economics – Healthcare Economics
2021 SEP 24 (NewsRx) -- By a
Financial supporters for this research include Fonds de Recherche du Quebec-Societe et Culture, Agence Nationale de la Recherche,
Our news journalists obtained a quote from the research, “Agents optimize over their consumption of both goods as well as over the amount of LTC insurance (LTCI). We first show that some agents optimally choose not to insure themselves, while no agent wishes to buy complete insurance, in accordance with the so-called LTCI puzzle. At equilibrium, the transfer received from the insurer covers only a fraction of the LTC expenditures. The demand for LTCI need not increase with income when preferences are non state-dependent or insurance is actuarially unfair. Also, preferences have to be state-dependent with no insurance bought to rationalize the empirical observation of a higher marginal utility at equilibrium when autonomous.”
According to the news editors, the research concluded: “Finally, focusing on iso-elastic preferences, we recover the empirical observation that health/LTC expenditures are not very sensitive to income, and we show that LTCI as a fraction of income should decrease with income and then become nil above a threshold.”
This research has been peer-reviewed.
For more information on this research see: Long term care insurance with state-dependent preferences. Health Economics, 2021. Health Economics can be contacted at: Wiley,
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The publisher’s contact information for the journal Health Economics is: Wiley,
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