Colo. Gov. Polis: Colorado's Landmark Proposal for Federal Funding of the Colorado Option to Help Save People Money on Health Insurance Approved
"I'm thrilled that
"Our administration has been committed to saving people money on health care since day one. I am grateful to the
"This approval is recognition that
"The Colorado Option will be an affordable and quality insurance plan in every county of the state. Coloradans - especially in rural and mountain communities like mine - have faced soaring health care costs for too long and that is why we worked so hard to make this plan a reality. This waiver means we can move forward with the Colorado Option and make quality, affordable health insurance plans for individuals and small businesses in every part of the state a reality," said
"I want to thank CMS for their partnership in making the Colorado Option a reality. This groundbreaking idea will cut the cost of health care and increase access for all Coloradans and small businesses - relief we need in
"I am proud that the Colorado Option will bring more affordable and quality health plans to rural communities, people of color and small businesses across our state. CMS's approval of
Section 1332 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) allows states to develop innovative approaches to health insurance by waiving parts of the ACA. If a state can reduce the cost of health insurance for its residents, and by doing so, save the federal government money, the 1332 waiver allows that state to receive those federal savings in the form of "federal pass-through funding." To put these innovations into practice, a state must receive approval from the federal government to waive certain provisions of the ACA.
Approval of the Colorado Option 1332 Waiver ensures that the money the Colorado Option saves the federal government can be used to provide state-based subsidies, particularly for Coloradans purchasing coverage through Connect for Health Colorado and for those ineligible for federal premium tax credits. The Colorado Option would expand access and improve equity for individual health insurance plans with
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