Best Home Warranty Companies in California [The Sacramento Bee]
As a homeowner, you might already know just how expensive an appliance or system breakdown due to normal wear and tear can be. For example, plumbing systems that break down might require a professional fix costing
A home warranty is a special protection plan that provides access to more affordable repairs for your major systems and appliances. These plans protect homeowners from high repair costs, which can quickly eat into the most well-planned emergency fund.
With so many options on the market, telling the difference between California’s best-rated home warranty companies can be challenging. If you’re a homeowner in the Golden State looking to save money on home warranty coverage, read on to learn everything you need to know about the best home warranty companies in
Our Top Picks for the Best Home Warranty Companies in
Best overall pick: Choice Home Warranty
Best customer service:
Best add-on coverage options:
Best for fast coverage:
Best for budgets: Select Home Warranty
Best comprehensive coverage:
Best Home Warranty Companies in California Reviews
ProsAffordable monthly pricingTwo straightforward policiesNine unique add-on choicesConsDoes not allow you to choose your own service fee
If you’re new to home warranties and are looking for straightforward coverage, Choice Home Warranty can be one of your best options in
The differences between Choice’s two plans come down to the items included under each home warranty’s terms. For example, the Total Plan includes coverage for damage to your air conditioning system, while the Basic Plan does not. Both of Choice’s home warranty plans include coverage for a mix of systems and appliances. Coverage starts at around
Choice Home Warranty allows you to customize your home warranty policy with optional add-ons. For example, you can add coverage for a pool or central vacuum. These optional coverages add just a few dollars to your monthly bill but extend your benefits to more items. This system also allows you to avoid paying for coverage on items you don’t have in your home.
ProsHigh coverage caps allow you to claim more valuable repairs and replacementsHighly rated customer service team provides 24/7 helpAir filter discounts are availableConsMonthly charges can be high if you choose a low service fee
This tier system helps you balance per-incident payments with monthly costs for perfectly customized coverage. AHS can be a great choice for homeowners who value the ability to adjust their costs and coverage to a changing life.
AHS wins the award for best customer service thanks to its 24/7
In addition to providing around-the-clock customer service,
ProsPricing from
In addition to an impressive workmanship guarantee, Cinch also offers an impressive customer service team. The company has won a collective 41 rewards for its responsiveness and plan availability. Cinch prides itself on responding to claims as quickly as possible. Cinch is also committed to serving the nation’s veterans as the official home warranty provider for
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ProsUnique upgrade optionsPlans are available from
The First Class Upgrade includes limited coverage for appliances and systems installed incorrectly and for contractor mistakes. This can be particularly beneficial if you’re buying an older home that needs significant future repairs or if you’ve purchased a recent construction. First American’s service fee is currently
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ProsAdd-on coverages available for re-keying and carpet cleaningSelect plans allow customers to choose their own contractorPlenty of upgrade optionsConsMonthly plan premiums are more expensive than competitors
In addition to quick coverage, Liberty Home Guard’s plans also have an impressive selection of add-on choices. You can add coverage for a water pump, sump pump or even a saltwater pool for just a few extra dollars a month. This makes Liberty a strong choice for homeowners living in houses they’ve customized with unusual features.
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ProsAffordable monthly plans and service feesFree roof leak coverage included in some policiesAnnual discount can save youConsLower-than-average coverage limits on most items
If you’re a homeowner looking for coverage on a budget, consider Select Home Warranty. Select Home Warranty’s policies offer affordable monthly rates, and you could pay less than
Select’s policies offer lower coverage limits compared to other higher-priced policies, meaning that homeowers with high-end appliances may not receive the money necessary to repair or replace them. However, Select also offers regular promotions that help you save even more on coverage. Depending on your area, some plans may even include a month of free coverage or roof leak protection.
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ProsCovers up to 50 home components depending on your planQuick and easy quote application90-day parts guarantee on repairsCons$125 service fee
Other companies we considered
While the home warranty companies listed above are the recommended options, they aren’t the only home warranty companies operating in
ProsNo age limits on appliances under coverage24/7 customer servicePlans available from
First Premier Home Warranty
ProsSelect plans include free roof coverageRequest service online or by phoneOffers a blog with helpful tipsConsLimited additional plan info available online
First Premier Home Warranty is another straightforward home warranty company that offers two policy options. First Premier also offers a selection of add-on choices, including coverage for sprinkler systems and additional home systems and appliances.
ProsParts and labor guaranteesOffers coverage for identity theftThree unique plansCons$75 cancellation fee
Best Home Warranty Guide
As a homeowner enjoying life in the Golden State, you have plenty of options for choosing a home warranty service provider. But if this is your first time shopping for a home warranty, where should you start looking for coverage? Read on to learn more about the process.
What is a home warranty?
A home warranty is a type of service plan that protects the systems and appliances in your home. When comparing home warranties and home insurance, remember that you will likely need both coverages if you want full-home protection. These home protection services were designed to cover different types of emergencies and do not work in the same situations.
Let’s take a look at an example of why you might need a standard homeowner’s insurance policy and home warranty insurance in
But covered perils do not extend to normal wear and tear. If your old plumbing system breaks down simply due to age, your homeowner’s insurance policy will not cover the cost of replacing it. This means you could be left with a bill totaling thousands of dollars to pay without help if you don’t have a home warranty.
If you’d have problems covering this type of repair or replacement bill, you might want to begin comparing the best home warranty companies in
In addition to replacing systems that break down permanently, home warranty plans also compensate homeowners for routine fixes. Continuing with the example above, your home warranty would help pay for plumbing stoppages so long as they were not caused by a singular, major event (like a hurricane or fire).
How does a home warranty work?
Home warranty policies reimburse you if one of your home systems or appliances breaks down. Normal household breakdowns occur every day and can cost hundreds of dollars. When you have a home warranty policy, these costs don’t fall squarely on your shoulders.
You’ll first file a claim with your home warranty company when you need to use your home warranty coverage. Most companies allow you to file a claim both online and over the phone at any hour. Your home warranty company will compare the details of your claim with your policy to verify that you qualify for a fix.
If you’re covered under your policy, the home warranty company will arrange a repair on your behalf. Some home warranty companies might also allow you to book your own contractor. When your repair professionals arrive, they’ll diagnose and fix the malfunctioning system or appliance.
After repairs are complete, you’ll be responsible for paying your service call fee. The service fee is a per-occurrence charge due each time that you book a repair and does not change based on the value of the service provided. This puts an effective cap on what a homeowner will spend on most home system and appliance repairs.
Even the best home warranty in
The best home warranty companies in northern
How to pick a home warranty
What is the best home warranty company in
Check the company’s reputation
The first thing you should do before you buy a home warranty policy is learn more about the company issuing it. Review each company’s website and look for local contact information. Be sure to speak to each company over the phone before you buy a policy to test their customer service.
You should also research each company extensively and check third-party reviews. Take reviews with a grain of salt, but note specific complaints that seem consistent across different consumer review platforms. Be wary of any company that has overwhelmingly positive reviews as well—some home warranty companies have been known to buy fraudulent reviews to boost their ratings.
Decide your coverage needs
The most important thing to consider when choosing a home warranty is coverage. Each home warranty plan includes a list of things in your home that your coverage applies to. Common inclusions on most home warranties include air conditioning systems, refrigerators, washing machines and dishwashers.
You can customize your home warranty policy by looking for one that includes only items you have in your home. For example, if you don’t have a well pump and your home didn’t come with a washer-dryer set, you can save money by specifically looking for a policy that doesn’t include these items. Customizing your policy and shopping around saves you from spending money on coverage you cannot use.
Read a sample contract
Most home warranty companies provide sample contracts online for you to review before signing up. Reading a sample contract is an essential part of the home warranty buying process because the contract dictates when you can use the benefits you’re paying for.
Ask every home warranty company you might consider for a sample contract if you cannot find one online. The best home warranties are readily available and use simple, straightforward wording to ensure every customer understands what they’re signing. You should not buy a home warranty from any company that refuses to give you a sample contract before you buy coverage.
Get a quote
The final step when choosing a home warranty policy is getting a quote. Remember that every company that provides home warranty policies uses its own system to determine how much homeowners pay for coverage. Get multiple quotes and read the terms of the service contract before selecting a policy. Getting more than one quote before you buy can help you save money each month on your premium and on your service fees.
Best California Home Warranty FAQ
Is a home warranty required in
No, there is currently no law requiring
Who pays for a home warranty in
Home warranties are not required for homeownership in the same way you need to buy homeowner’s insurance to get a mortgage. This means that either a seller or a home buyer might want to invest in a home warranty. A seller might want to purchase a home warranty to attract new potential customers to their home in the hopes of getting a higher final offer on their home, while a buyer might want the financial protection of a warranty after covering closing costs.
While anyone can buy a home warranty, this also means that if you buy a home, there is no guarantee that your upcoming home sale will come with a home warranty. If you want a home warranty included as a term of the sale of your new property, make sure it’s included in your sale agreement.
How much is home warranty insurance in
According to our research, a home warranty plan in
One important note: “Home warranties” are not insurance policies, nor are they warranties. They are actually service contracts and, as such, may be regulated by different state agencies than those that regulate the insurance industry. Further, though some people use the terms “home warranty” and “home insurance” interchangeably, they are different and do not provide similar protections.
How We Chose the Best Home Warranties in
With so many companies offering home warranties, you have a wealth of options as a homeowner in
Policy coverage
What does a home warranty cover? The answer will vary depending on the specific terms of your home warranty contract. We reviewed a sample policy from each recommended provider above when comparing home warranty companies. We looked at the number of items included in the policy’s coverage compared to the overall price to determine which providers offer the best value for your premium costs.
We also considered upper limits on how much money you can claim from policy providers each year. Upper limits put a cap on the total amount of money you can claim from your policy provider, which directly affects the value of your plan.
Overall price and additional costs
When comparing policies, it’s important to look at more than just the price of your monthly premium. While the premium is due each month, your service fee is due every time you need something fixed or replaced in your home. The service fee is also an important consideration when looking at overall cost.
As we compared pricing and the value of each policy, we looked at both premiums and service fees. We also read through sample contracts to help you learn more about coverage limits and how much value you can get from each policy when you consider the fine print.
Company dependability and reputation
Unfortunately, not every company that offers home warranty plans is equally reliable. We reviewed independent customer testimonials on third-party sites such as
Services offered and availability
Another major consideration we took into account is availability. When looking at the best home warranty companies in
We also considered add-ons and service availability when comparing home warranties. To choose the best home warranty in
Summary of Money’s Best Home Warranties in
Some of the best home warranty companies in
A home warranty is a policy that helps you cover the cost of repairs for your home systems. It is not a substitute for homeowner’s insurance.
When considering a home warranty, consider the cost of both your premium and service fee when deciding whether it’s worth the price.
©2023 The Sacramento Bee. Visit Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
HSA Home Warranty Review [The Sacramento Bee]
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