People might not have been able to prepare for a pandemic, but they can prepare for a disabling accident or illness that can happen at any time by getting disability insurance.
After virtually no volatility since March, market-watchers got a heavy dose of it with the recent three-day 10% correction in the NASDAQ—one of the fastest corrections ever, and the fastest ever from a record high. Historically, the NASDAQ has tended to rise after fast corrections. What will happen this time?
Will Virus Success Push The Economic Recovery?
The past week has seen continued improvement with the coronavirus, with the case growth rate down to new lows and case growth below 30,000 per day for the first time since June 21. The pandemic remains under control, and things are still getting better. The control measures are working.
With the S&P 500 Index up more than 50% since the March lows and stocks pricing in an optimistic recovery in the economy and corporate profits, we believe stocks may be due for a pullback—and the drop that occurred September 3–4 may be the start of it. Here are some other things to look out for in the weeks ahead.
As the severity of COVID-19 continues to alter America’s workforce, investment advisories across the country have transitioned to the work-from-home model. From Wall Street to Main Street, we have seen a seismic shift in culture to ensure safety among employees and the public.
10 Tips For New Agent Success
It’s vital to start your career off the right way to avoid the pitfalls that eliminate many insurance agents from the industry. Here’s a list of Top 10 tips to combat the high rate of new agent drop-out rates. Following these recommendations may make the difference between failure and success.
Election Preview, Part II: Upside And Risks
A second term for President Donald Trump would likely feature a continuation of the pro-growth policies from the first term of his administration, and importantly for financial markets, a continuation of the status quo.
The onus is on employers — your clients — to ensure they are communicating their offerings effectively and are prepared to handle an influx of questions. This is difficult in a normal year, but COVID-19 has added the complexity of doing almost, if not all, of it remotely.
‘Do You Want Fries With That?’ Marketing Magic Unveiled
Why does the phrase “Do you want fries with that?” work so well? This well-known food franchise knows if they said, “Our fries are really tasty but fattening, but let’s worry about that another day,” they would not sell as many fries.
Baby boomers should have at least $1 million of investable assets to generate adequate income for the duration of their life expectancy, according to a report by the Insured Retirement Institute. Note, that figure doesn’t even include Social Security benefits.
Election Previews, Part I: A Biden Presidency, Upside And Risks
A potential Biden presidency may mean a shift from some pro-growth policies of the Trump administration, it’s possible any negative market impact may be muted. Economic forces tend to dominate policy, though policy still matters, and historically, markets and the economy have shown little preference for either Republican or Democratic leadership.
These uncertain times and the worldwide financial impact have many people searching for a retirement strategy that will provide answers to those questions. Annuities may be the answer to retirees’ worries and offer the best way to build financial security for their future.
Prioritizing Podcasting In Your Post-Pandemic Plans
This surging level of interest and engagement in finance podcasts is a golden opportunity for advisors whose seminar and event marketing routines have been turned upside down by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The outbreak of COVID-19 has changed our lives forever. It has given us a new vocabulary, new lifestyle and a new outlook on what’s to come — both in and out of the workplace. It’s now time to plan for post-pandemic employee benefits.
Not only are people working from home, but also they are working on getting their affairs in order. Life insurance is part of this process and has become of increased importance for some people. On top of that, the marketplace continues to see change as carriers are repricing their products according to current conditions.
Many advisors, new and seasoned, are looking for a mentor to help guide them into the next step of their career. No matter how much success you’ve achieved, there is always potential to reach the next level in your expertise.
Broker Partnerships Can Weather A Hardening P/C Market
The continued hardening of the insurance markets will have far-ranging implications up and down the broker ecosystem.
How A Couple Learned About Permanent Life At The Kitchen Table
When their term life insurance became unaffordable, two middle-market consumers were amazed at the options permanent life insurance afforded them.
For financial professionals, the SECURE Act creates a prime opportunity to ask clients whether they already have access to guaranteed lifetime income through their employer plans. If not, an annuity can be a nice fit for a well-rounded retirement portfolio.
When Your Client Loses Their Job And Their Health Insurance
With the pandemic continuing to spread, it seems likely that more people will be furloughed or laid off and in need of new health coverage. As agents and advisors, here are three ways to help your clients navigate their options during this trying time.