Harmon Financial Group Newest Member of The Safe Money Places™ Agent Network
(Brookfield, WI) - April 11, 2014 - Citing her recent affiliation with The Safe Money Places™ Agents Network as a “perfect fit,” Joanne Harmon, CLTC, CSA, owner of Harmon Financial Group, LLC serving Wisconsin people who are nearing or already at retirement, especially veterans, emphasizes that she and the Network principals share the same philosophy, as she puts it, a commitment “to meet all of the expectations of seniors and their families by adhering to honesty, professionalism, integrity, and fairness.”
Harmon recently attended the annual Safe Money Places™ National Expo in Indianapolis, Indiana, where she had the opportunity to meet with the original founder of Safe Money Places™, Dr. Jack Marrion, a nationally recognized author and public speaker, and the current owner, Raymond J. Ohlson, CLU, CRC, during, as she describes it, “an intense, power-packed, and detail-oriented daylong meeting that really confirms all the reasons we joined the organization.”
For the past seventeen years, Harmon Financial Group, LLC has been focusing on working mostly with seniors and veterans in the areas of Long Term Care and Retirement Planning. “Even before I met Dr. Marrion and Mr. Ohlson,” she says, “I had been practicing a lot of their ‘safe money concepts’ with my clients: giving them factual, honest, detailed information about which instruments carry the least amount of risk and which have the most amount of risk. Every client is an individual and has personal goals in mind as they plan for their ‘golden years.’ I believe that the foundation of any business relationship – but especially one that involves people’s money – begins with education. And that’s one of the driving forces behind the ‘safe money concept’.”
Harmon specializes in helping veterans and their families understand how to obtain long term care benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs. “Most veterans,” she explains, “are not aware of the benefits available to them, and I’m committed to making sure they get the information they need to receive these benefits – they’ve earned them!”
At the Indianapolis Expo, Harmon was particularly impressed with the emphasis on “professionalism, integrity, and fairness” that each speaker demonstrated. “From Mr. Ohlson’s opening and closing remarks, to Dr. Marrion’s intense discussion, to Bill Corbin’s clear explanation of his proprietary software direct micro-marketing system, and to Ohlson’s two sons’ amazingly detailed and relevant information,” she adds, “My head was spinning and I was so fired up to get back to Wisconsin and start sharing these ideas with my clients!”
Harmon also points to the Safe Money Places™ consumer-oriented websites (<a href="http://www.safemoneyplaces.com/">www.safemoneyplaces.com and www.safemoneynews.com) as examples of how her company’s affiliation is going to help her existing clients from all over the state of Wisconsin acquire this valuable information. “Anyone with whom we work,” she continues, “will have access to the Safe Money consumer websites. These sites are loaded with solid, heavily researched, up-to-date information written in layman’s language, so it’s easy to put into action immediately. Our folks who are working with us at Harmon Financial Group, LLC here in Wisconsin can visit these sites 24/7!”
According to Ohlson, “Joanne Harmon is a real pro! She’s been in the trenches and knows this business thoroughly, but even more important is her commitment to our fundamental principles of service, integrity, and credibility. Joanne is a genuine asset to our Network – kind of like a number one draft pick! As we continue to expand across America with the Safe Money concept, it’s people like Joanne who are making our Network so beneficial to clients from all walks of life.”
Harmon adds, “You know that feeling you get when you meet someone with whom you share so many positive ideas? That’s what meeting Jack Marrion, Ray Ohlson, and everyone associated with Safe Money Places™ is like. I am just so fired up to start showing these concepts to every one of my clients!”
Contact Joanne Harmon at Harmon Financial Group, LLC at 800-783-6694, or email her at: [email protected], or visit her website at: www.harmonfinancialgroup.com.
Joanne Harmon, Owner
Harmon Financial Group, LLC
800.783.6694 Office
414.531.0622 Mobile
[email protected]