West Virginia Legislature: Senate Calendar and Committee Schedule for Wednesday, February 22, 2023
* SR 37: Recognizing sister-state relationship between WV and
* Eng. Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 273: Relating to allocation of child protective workers in counties based upon population of county
* Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 297: Mountain Homes Act
* Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 429: Establishing statewide health and safety fee for tourism and recreational activities by county commissions
* Eng. Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 436: Prompt Payment Act of 2023
* Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 523: Clarifying purpose and use of
* Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 539: Authorizing state and subdivisions to negotiate price for construction when all bids received exceed maximum budget
* Eng. SB 553: Allowing for evaluation of prequalified bidders to be based on best value
* Eng. SB 580: Authorizing election for special levy renewal
* Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 621: Requiring sheriff to serve child abuse and neglect petitions
* Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 630: Creating offense of knowingly and willfully obstructing social service worker
* Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 635: Updating language and increasing penalties for indecent exposure
* Eng. SB 674: Providing statutory recognition and appointment of board members for
* Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2006: Relating to reorganizing the
* Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 195: Glucagon for Schools Act
* Com. Sub. for SB 480: Modifying group accident and sickness insurance requirements
* Com. Sub. for SB 577: Reducing copay cap on insulin and devices and permitting purchase of testing equipment without prescription
* Com. Sub. for SB 594: Specifying fairness in cost sharing calculations for certain high deductible health plans
* SB 597: Allowing Workforce WV to hire classified service exempt employees
* SB 608: Correcting list of items which are considered deadly weapons
* SB 620: Increasing maximum number of registered voters per precinct and distance between polling places
* Com. Sub. for SB 631: Updating administration, funding, and requirements for federal elections held in WV
* SB 641: Clarifying when magistrate vacancies shall be filled
* Com. Sub. for SB 644: Updating contested elections procedures
* Com. Sub. for SB 661: Clarifying preferential recall rights for employees sustaining compensable injury
* Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 3122: Permitting certain types of rifles using an encapsulated propellant charge that loads from the breech
* Eng. HB 3141: Relating to the practice of dentistry - (Com. amend. pending)
* Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 79: Relating to compensable diseases of certain firefighters covered by workers' compensation
* Com. Sub. for SB 616: WV Veterans' Home Loan Mortgage Program of 2023
* Com. Sub. for SB 657: WV Long-Term Care Insurance Act
* SB 678: Adding appropriations to DHHR,
Scheduled Committee Meetings
* SB 625: Requiring certain transcripts to be accepted as record of student's performance for placement in micro school programs
* HB 2820: To provide HOPE scholarship recipients with the ability to play sports
* SB 169: Requiring certain movie theaters to provide open captioning during certain showings
* SB 677: Clarifying role and responsibilities of State Resiliency Officer
* HB 3307: Establishing the
* HB 3428: Relating to the West Virginia Business Ready Sites Program
* Eng. Com. Sub. For HB 2062: Establish rules and regulations for e-bikes in
* SB 468: Continuing Cabwaylingo State Forest Trail System
* SB 659: Clarifying juvenile competency determination process extends to status offenders
* Com. Sub. for SB 541: Providing for election reforms
* SB 666: Placing cap on maximum penalty that may be imposed for first-degree robbery
* Com. Sub. for SB 522: Allocating percentage of county excise taxes for funding improvements to election administration
* Com. Sub. for SB 561: Relating to administration of WV Drinking Water Treatment Revolving Fund Act
* Com. Sub. for SB 590: Transferring 911 personnel from PERS to Emergency Medical Services Retirement System
** Committee times and agendas are subject to change **
Committee Action on Bills from
* SB 544: Increasing power purchase agreement cap
* Bill reported to the full
* Com. Sub. for SB 656: Verifying legal employment status of workers to governmental agencies
* Committee substitute reported to the full
* Com. Sub. for SB 554: Exempting purchases made by
* Committee substitute, as amended, reported to the full
* Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 585: Prohibiting county commissions from adopting any authorization that exceeds state law regarding agricultural operations
* Bill not taken up
* Com. Sub. for SB 181: Creating Closed Captioning Act
* Bill not taken up
* Com. Sub. for SB 649: Authorizing Berkeley County Council to change its name to
* Committee substitute reported to the full
* Com. Sub. for SB 665: Amending licensure requirements for massage therapist
* Committee substitute reported to the full
* SB 619: Allowing teachers in public schools to teach intelligent design
* Bill reported to the full
* Com. Sub. for SB 638: Providing bonuses to school personnel for unused personal days
* Committee substitute reported to the full
* Com. Sub. for SB 667: Requiring periodic performance audits of
* Committee substitute reported to the full
* SB 1: Requiring Higher Education Policy Commission to create and administer PROMISE Plus Program
* Bill reported to the full
* HB 3113: Requiring high school students to complete course of study in personal finance
* Bill, as amended, reported to the full
* Com. Sub. for SB 613: Exempting hospitals from certificate of need requirements
* Committee substitute reported to the full
* Com. Sub. for SB 617: Requiring Commissioner of
* Committee substitute reported to the full
* Com. Sub. for SB 646: Creating emeritus physician license
* Committee substitute reported to the full
* Com. Sub. for SB 676: Requiring report on Medicaid fees and managed care provider reimbursements compared to PEIA, Medicare, and surrounding states
* Committee substitute reported to the full
* Com. Sub. for SB 730: Expanding authority of
* Committee substitute reported to the full
* HB 2993: Relating to rural emergency hospital licensure
* Bill, as amended, reported to the full
* HB 3317: Relating to removing specific continuing education requirements
* Bill, as amended, reported to the full
* SB 552: Relating to abortion
* Bill not taken up
* Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 268: Relating to PEIA
* Committee substitute for the committee substitute reported to the full Finance committee with the recommendation it do pass
* Com. Sub. for SB 558: Prohibiting law enforcement agencies from posting booking photographs of certain criminal defendants on social media
* Committee substitute reported to the full
* Com. Sub. for SB 560: Limiting recovery on claims for abuse to secure financial solvency of public and private school system
* Bill removed from agenda
* Originating Resolution: Relating to studying BRIM
* Originating resolution reported to the full
* Com. Sub. forCom. Sub. for SB 268: Relating to PEIA
* Committee substitute for the committee substitute reported to the full
* Com. Sub. for SB 423: Increasing salary for certain state employees
* Committee substitute reported to the full
* Com. Sub. for SB 267: Updating law regarding prior authorizations
* Committee substitute reported to the full
* SB 438: Return to WV Tax Credit Act
* Bill reported to the full
* Com. Sub. for SB 469: Providing funding for CPR instruction to high school students
* Committee substitute reported to the full
Bills that Have Passed the
Resolutions Adopted by the
* SCR 3:
* SCR 4:
* SCR 6:
* SCR 7: Amending Joint Rules of
* SCR 8: US Army PV 2
* SCR 14: Supporting Medal of Valor nominees recommended by First Responders
* HCR 13: Make 2nd week of February of every year a week of recognition of the
* HCR 29: Amending Joint Rule 13 of the Joint Rules of the
Bills Pending in Committee
Bills that Have Completed Legislation as of
* SB 4: Creating Adopt-A-Trail volunteer programs for public land under
* SB 10: Campus Self-Defense Act (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
* SB 83: Authorizing tactical medical professionals to carry firearms (Signed, 02-09)
* SB 89: Requiring hospitals to staff qualified personnel to perform sexual assault forensic exams (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
* SB 132: Clarifying criminal offense of harassment (Signed, 02-06)
* SB 143: Relating to Adopt-A-Stream Program (Signed, 02-06)
* SB 161: Authorizing DNR to manage and dispose of property (Signed, 01-24)
* SB 162: Authorizing director of
* SB 207: Relating to state allocation of funding to regional councils (Signed, 02-09)
* SB 231: Transferring administration of
* SB 239: Requiring Commissioner of
* SB 241: Relating to Patient Brokering Act (Signed, 02-17)
* SB 275: Adding State Fire Marshals to statute included with law enforcement and first responders that receive information on school safety requirements (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
* HB 2018: Permitting the managed care case coordinator to attend the multidisciplinary team meeting (Signed, 02-13)
* HB 2029: Repealing the creation of an all-payer claims database (Signed, 02-13)
* HB 2412: Declaring
* HB 2506: Creating a title clearinghouse for non-resident businesses (Signed, 02-13)
* HB 2530: Relating to the extension of the expiration of temporary registration plates from sixty days to ninety days (Signed, 02-15)
* HB 2533: Relating to a permanent windshield placard to be valid for the duration of the applicant's life (Signed, 02-15)
* HB 2564: Repeal of administrative hearing procedures for DUI offenses (Signed, 02-14)
* HB 2602: Reestablishing certain specialized school service personnel classifications (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
* HB 2776: Updating meaning of federal adjusted gross income and certain other terms used in West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-14)
* HB 2777: Updating federal taxable income and other terms in the West Virginia Corporation Net Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-14)
* HB 2800: All relating to authorizing legislative rules regarding higher education (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
* HB 2835: Repeal outdated provisions of code relating to the West Virginia graduate college and
* HB 2845: Relating to removing expired provisions from the code (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
* HB 2882: Making a supplemental appropriation to the
* HB 3061: Relating to updating the authority of the Foster Care Ombudsman (Completed legislation; awaiting action by the Governor)
* HB 3164: To extend the termination date of the
Resolutions that Have Completed Legislation as of
* SCR 7: Amending Joint Rules of
* HCR 13: Make 2nd week of February of every year a week of recognition of the
* HCR 29: Amending Joint Rule 13 of the Joint Rules of the
Bills Signed by the Governor as of
* SB 4: Creating Adopt-A-Trail volunteer programs for public land under
* SB 83: Authorizing tactical medical professionals to carry firearms (Signed, 02-09)
* SB 132: Clarifying criminal offense of harassment (Signed, 02-06)
* SB 143: Relating to Adopt-A-Stream Program (Signed, 02-06)
* SB 161: Authorizing DNR to manage and dispose of property (Signed, 01-24)
* SB 162: Authorizing director of
* SB 207: Relating to state allocation of funding to regional councils (Signed, 02-09)
* SB 231: Transferring administration of
* SB 241: Relating to Patient Brokering Act (Signed, 02-17)
* HB 2018: Permitting the managed care case coordinator to attend the multidisciplinary team meeting (Signed, 02-13)
* HB 2029: Repealing the creation of an all-payer claims database (Signed, 02-13)
* HB 2506: Creating a title clearinghouse for non-resident businesses (Signed, 02-13)
* HB 2530: Relating to the extension of the expiration of temporary registration plates from sixty days to ninety days (Signed, 02-15)
* HB 2533: Relating to a permanent windshield placard to be valid for the duration of the applicant's life (Signed, 02-15)
* HB 2564: Repeal of administrative hearing procedures for DUI offenses (Signed, 02-14)
* HB 2776: Updating meaning of federal adjusted gross income and certain other terms used in West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-14)
* HB 2777: Updating federal taxable income and other terms in the West Virginia Corporation Net Income Tax Act (Signed, 02-14)
* HB 2835: Repeal outdated provisions of code relating to the West Virginia graduate college and
Committee times and agendas are subject to change. Follow @WVSenClerk on Twitter for updates.
All Senate Committee meetings and floor sessions are available for both live streaming and to watch again in our archives. The link to the
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Original text here: http://www.wvlegislature.gov/news_release/pressrelease.cfm?release=3046
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