UPDATE: S.2183 – A bill to amend title XXI of the Social Security Act to provide for a special rule during the first quarter of fiscal year 2018 for the redistribution of certain Children’s Health Insurance Program allocations for certain shortfall States.
Congressional Documents & Publications
LATEST ACTION: December 1, 2017 - Read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance.
BILL TITLE: A bill to amend title XXI of the Social Security Act to provide for a special rule during the first quarter of fiscal year 2018 for the redistribution of certain Children's Health Insurance Program allocations for certain shortfall States.
[NOTE: The contents of this legislative update are current as of 06:00 AM on December 4, 2017.]
BILL NUMBER: 115th Congress: Senate Bill 2183 (S.2183)
UPDATE: H.R.4515 – To amend title XXI of the Social Security Act to provide for a special rule during the first quarter of fiscal year 2018 for the redistribution of certain Children’s Health Insurance Program allocations for certain shortfall States.
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