Support for bills H.118 and S.61
Disabled workers and women customarily have lower earnings, which results in less social security benefits to start with. Medicare's monthly premium this year is up to
Please, contact your Representative and Senator and ask them to support H.118 and S.61. Increasing eligibility for this program would also lessen the lure of Medicare Advantage (MA), the commercial insurance version of Medicare. While the low premiums for MA induce many low income people, they end up being worse off. There is a reason that so many commentators call the program Medicare (Dis)Advantage.
Let's talk about NIMBY-ism
With the
But let's talk about NIMBY-ism ("Not in my backyard") for a moment. We can all agree that there are unpleasant land uses that are necessary for any functioning society, and that many communities would prefer not to host these unpopular uses. We need dumps. We need junkyards. We need utilities and electrical grid facilities. We need detention facilities. But, the role of local government, through land use planning laws, is to ensure the appropriate siting of such projects in a manner that protects the public health, safety and well-being of the community.
You do not place an adult bookstore next door to an elementary school. You do not place a glue factory next door to a hospice care center. You do not run high-voltage power lines through the heart of a vibrant downtown. You do not put a facility with a high level of infrastructure and service needs in a remote location on a primitive dirt road.
That is not NIMBY-ism. Those are basic parameters of sound land use planning to ensure that a community is not a disordered hodge-podge of incompatible uses, detracting from the quality of life and economic value of adjoining properties and creating unsustainable costs to the taxpayers. The term "NIMBY," is too often used as an ad hominem slur directed against those who question or have legitimate concerns about development projects.
It is offensively reductive. The Newbury facility is not being proposed in any of the planned growth areas of the town - they want to put it in the backwoods of the
Sun Life diabetes "Team Up" grant program relaunches as "Health Access" program, recognizing community organizations that broaden access to health services
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