Stakeholders Agree: Modernize the Privacy Laws to Combat Opioid Epidemic — Part 2 Coalition Applauds Bipartisan Bills to Strengthen Addiction Treatment
The Partnership to Amend 42 CFR Part 2 (Partnership), a coalition of nearly 50 health care organizations committed to aligning 42 CFR Part 2 (Part 2) with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for the purposes of treatment, payment, and health care operations (TPO), today issued the following statement in response to the introduction of identical bipartisan bills in both the
"ABHW and its member companies applaud the introduction of these life-saving bipartisan pieces of legislation. These bills will align Part 2 with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) for treatment, payment, and health care operations (TPO), while strengthening protections against the use of addiction records in criminal, civil, or administrative proceedings. These bills further amplify consumer protections by incorporating antidiscrimination language, enhancing penalties for any breach of a patient's substance use record, and including breach notification requirements. Clinicians need access to a patient's full medical history, including substance use disorder records, to assess risks and adequately care for a patient. ABHW members contend that Part 2 is one of the biggest - if not the biggest - barrier to fighting the opioid crisis."--
"We strongly support this bill because it will improve our ability to safely treat patients with substance use disorders while protecting them at the same time. This bill will prevent patients from being harmed due to a provider not receiving key medical information. We urge the House and then the
"To turn the tide in the ongoing opioid epidemic, health care providers must have appropriate access to medical records that will allow appropriate utilization while protecting patients from unintended consequences associated with misuse of opioids and other substances. The
"AMGA appreciates the bipartisan efforts of
"Too many patients with substance use disorder have been prescribed an opioid or another drug that may endanger their life or sobriety because of an outdated law that prevents clinicians from reviewing their complete treatment history. The Overdose Prevention and Patient Safety Act and the Protecting
"Today, patients suffering with addiction are often caught within a siloed system where - depending on where they receive care - doctors may lack critical patient information -- creating life-threatening blind spots. As currently written, Part 2 - which applies only to substance use disorder treatment in select healthcare settings - endangers the very lives it intends to protect. ASAM applauds the introduction of the Overdose Prevention and Patient Safety Act and the efforts of Congressional leaders to bring Part 2 into the 21st Century. Allowing patient information related to substance use disorder to be safely integrated into the rest of the health care system will save lives." --
"ACAP-member plans support strict patient privacy standards--but Part 2 requirements have proven to hinder, not improve, effective care for substance use disorders. Enrollees must consent to the release of information for the health plan and every health care provider that will see their data--and to each specific use for those data. This flies in the face of the way most care is delivered today, especially in a coordinated care setting. There are better ways to protect patient privacy; harmonizing these rules with HIPAA will go a long way toward maintaining patient protections while allowing for needed data-sharing." --
"We can improve our health care system's ability to treat addiction and allow providers to help get more people on the path of recovery by treating substance use disorder like all other medical conditions and ensuring that providers have all the information necessary to deliver safe, coordinated, effective, high-quality care. The passage of this legislation would allow health care providers to practice truly integrated care - a key factor in our nation's fight against the opioid epidemic." --
"We are on the precipice of a new generation of addiction treatment where efficient coordination of care over the lifespan will be possible. Now is the time to remove barriers to that future, and one key step is eliminating the friction between HIPAA and 42 CFR Part 2." --
"Access to information is integral to quality healthcare. Efforts to improve the lives of substance abuse disorder patients through integrated, coordinated care are being impeded by counterproductive regulatory barriers. Healthcare professionals cannot gain access to the patient data that is essential to providing accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. We applaud Senators Capito and Manchin and
"As we have been arguing for years at Mental Health America, you can't treat a whole person with half a medical record. Yet this is precisely what has been happening in practice for a long time. The problem is even more acute in the age of electronic health records. 42CFR Part 2, by not conforming to HIPAA, adds costs and layers of inefficiencies to health care for consumers, especially those with multiple chronic conditions. It negatively affects the care we all receive and may have unintentionally made our drug use crisis worse, without adding any additional meaningful privacy protections." --
"Separate is never equal. 42 CFR Part 2 is an outdated and antiquated federal regulation that continues to separate substance abuse treatment records in our health care system. It is time for
"It's past time for health parity for persons with substance use disorders. Separating a person's substance use treatment records from the rest of their medical record denies them fully-informed diagnosis and treatment from their doctors, increasing the chance of unintended prescribing errors, dangerous drug interactions and over-utilization. This common-sense bill aligns 42 CFR Part 2 more closely with HIPAA to enable integrated care, while adding increased anti-discrimination and patient privacy protections." --
"For too long, the flawed 42 CFR Part 2 law has put a wall between patients' addiction treatment records and the rest of their health history. This policy creates needless stigma that impedes care coordination and threatens patient safety. By aligning laws governing addiction treatment records with HIPAA, today's bills represent a smart step in the right direction that will protect the wellbeing of those recovering from substance misuse and ensure prescribers do not become unwitting aides to a patient's relapse. Better information for a patient's provider will help ensure better treatment and less addiction. We join with the Partnership to Amend 42 CFR Part 2 in celebrating the introduction of these bipartisan measures and committing to work toward their swift passage." --
"We applaud this effort to expand the care team's ability to coordinate appropriately and deliver high-value, accessible care - as well as steps to enhance trust between patient and clinicians. If behavioral health and substance use disorder treatment are going to be effectively integrated into a team-based system empowering patients and their primary care clinicians to manage both physical and behavioral health, we need to move forward on passage to allow better sharing of health information for persons in these treatment programs." --
"The Overdose Prevention and Patient Safety Act and the Protecting
"As the largest group of nonprofit health care providers in the nation, Catholic health systems and facilities are deeply committed to their mission of providing everyone with holistic, personcentered care. However, in order to provide quality comprehensive care, providers in our hospitals, clinics and long-term care facilities require access to all of a patient's medical records including those for substance use disorder treatment. We fully support aligning the regulations for substance use records with the current regulations governing other medical records under HIPAA.
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