Senate likely won’t repeal Obamacare in one act, Sen. Grassley and Ernst say
"It's not going to be torn up by the roots in one piece of legislation,"
That's because a full repeal would require 60 votes under
"I wish that we could repeal it fully and figure out a different way forward," Ernst told the gathering.
"We're in a world of hurt right now. I wish we could go back in time. We can't do that. All we can do is move forward with what we have right now," she added.
Earlier this month, the
Last week the
Grassley said Tuesday the
"One-size-fits-all from
Ernst said the
One option might be using state innovation programs allowed under current federal law to craft an
Overall, she hoped the
"Unfortunately, we've been handed a real big mess right with the ACA and we can only do what the law will allow us to do through reconciliation," Ernst said. "So, as much as I'd love to go back and scrap the whole darn thing, we're simply not able to that at this moment but we'll continue to work on it and see can do to lower costs for everyone."
l Comments: (515) 243-7220; [email protected]
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