Reps. DeFazio, Ferguson, Nadler, Cicilline, Buck Send Bipartisan Letter to Department of Justice Requesting Information on Federal Antitrust Enforcement in the Health Insurance Industry
Yesterday, Reps.
"Repealing the antiquated antitrust exemption for the health insurance industry was a monumental legislative achievement, but we must ensure the
In the letter, the members state, "By repealing the McCarran-Ferguson Act's antitrust exemption, the Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act removes a key obstacle to the scope of the Department's enforcement authority over the health insurance industry and further empowers the Department to combat anticompetitive practices that have undermined competition and harmed consumers for decades. As the
The McCarran-Ferguson Act, passed in 1945, previously exempted the business of health insurance from federal antitrust laws that protect and promote fair competition. CHIRA repealed this antiquated exemption for the health insurance industry and gave the
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To: The Honorable
Dear Assistant Attorney General Kanter:
We write regarding the antitrust enforcement authority of the
The enactment of this law amending the McCarran-Ferguson Act was a monumental and positive step for competition and consumer protection. And the amendment was much needed: In the decades following the 1945 enactment of the McCarran-Ferguson Act, health-insurance brokers became increasingly consolidated, leaving the industry ripe for abuse. With limited exceptions, the McCarran-Ferguson Act gave health-insurance companies free rein to exert market power and collude to drive up premiums, price-gouge consumers, restrict competition, and deny consumers choice./1
Despite the clearly anticompetitive nature of these practices, federal enforcement has been limited in this area due to the McCarran-Ferguson Act's outdated antitrust exemption--and due to courts' unduly broad interpretation of that exemption. For example, as the Department is aware, as recently as December of 2020, a
By repealing the McCarran-Ferguson Act's antitrust exemption, the Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act removes a key obstacle to the scope of the Department's enforcement authority over the health insurance industry and further empowers the Department to combat anticompetitive practices that have undermined competition and harmed consumers for decades. As the
The importance of this law was made clear less than a month after its enactment. In
1. Since
2. Aside from the case highlighted in this letter, has the
3. Given the expanded authorities following CHIRA's enactment, what steps has the
4. Are there other statutes or case law that prevent or frustrate efforts by the
5. Would an increase in resources help the
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
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