Rep. Beatty Votes to Boost Healthcare Coverage and Lower Costs for Ohio 3rd Congressional District Families
In the wake of the
"At a time when countless individuals and working families in
If enacted into law, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act would:
* Lower healthcare costs by dramatically expanding the ACA's insurance affordability subsidies to cover more middle-class families and to be more generous for those already receiving them. Many enrollees will see their premiums cut by half or more and, for the first time, no one will have to pay more than 8.5 percent of their income for a silver plan in the ACA marketplaces.
* Allow negotiation for lower prescription drug prices so that Americans no longer pay more for their medicines than pharmaceutical companies charge for the same drugs overseas. According to a new report from Patients for Affordable Drugs, from January to June, 245 drugs were subject to an average price increase of more than 20 percent. Of these drugs with price hikes, more than 75 percent directly relate to the COVID-19 crisis, including 30 drugs that are currently in clinical trials for their effect against the virus.
* Expand coverage by pressing Medicaid expansion hold-out states with new incentives to adopt coverage for the 4.8 million Americans currently excluded from coverage, while restoring the outreach and advertising funding that the
* Combat inequity in health coverage faced by communities of color by expanding more affordable coverage to vulnerable populations and fighting the infant mortality epidemic by mandating States to extend Medicaid or CHIP coverage to new mothers for a full year post-partum.
* Crack down on 'junk plans' and strengthen protections for people with pre-existing conditions by reversing the
Sexuality Information & Education Council Applauds SCOTUS Decision, Acknowledges Work Remains to Affirm Abortion Access for All
Peter Janelle Joins Vital Data Technology as Director of Risk Adjustment Solutions
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