Reframing the Right to Healthcare in Terms of Insurance Cover Is a Bad Idea [opinion]
The primary aim of any health system must be to improve people's health. Universal access to healthcare is recognised globally as a public good. It embodies universal social values such as solidarity, fairness, social justice, and shared responsibility. It is entrenched as a fundamental human right in the International Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), and the
There has recently been a subtle and little-noticed shift in the discourse around universal health care towards framing it as Universal Health Coverage, including in the language of documents from the
For example, Goal 3 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages) includes a commitment to universal health coverage. Its target 8 is to:
"Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all."
According to the
The shift from "care" to "coverage" blurs the meaning of universal health care. "Care" implies a caring relationship between provider and recipient based on shared human values. "Coverage," on the other hand, is a market-orientated statistical concept more concerned with the number of beneficiaries covered by medical schemes than with equity and quality of care.
Unlike access based on medical scheme cover, human rights are universal (they inhere equally in all of us everywhere), inalienable (no one can take them away from us), and indivisible (they are all interconnected and interdependent). As primary duty bearer, the state must respect, promote, protect, and fulfil the rights of all people under its jurisdiction--the rights holders. The latter, in turn, have duties and responsibilities, including respecting the rights of others and holding the state accountable.
NHI will stand or fall on
-- PMG (@PMG_SA)
The focus on "coverage" reveals a radical shift in thinking away from health as a human right toward healthcare as a potentially marketable commodity. This rules out the principle of universality. "No market will ever shift corporate investment from where it is most profitable to where it is most needed." Conflicts of interest and opportunities for exploitation by organised groups with vested interests in private healthcare (typically through voluntary membership-based insurance schemes) are inevitable and equity flies out the window.
Equity necessitates a major redistribution of resources.
"... across the world, we know that in every country, extending health coverage is an inherently political process, especially when it comes to creating an equitable health financing system. UHC can only be achieved by the state compelling healthy and wealthy members of society to subsidise services for the sick and the poor. In effect, UHC can only be reached through public financing where the state has a big role in raising revenues fairly, according to people's ability to pay and allocating pooled resources according to health needs.
This transition to a publicly financed health system is often challenged by interest groups that benefit from a fragmented privately financed system--for example, private insurance companies, private hospitals, and those ideologically opposed to a welfare state. This opposition can be extremely well-organised and powerful as we see in
A study of 11 countries attempting to move towards UHC supports Brundtland's arguments. It showed that universal coverage for the entire population needs cross-subsidisation from the rich to the poor, and from low-risk groups (e.g., the young) to high-risk groups (e.g., the elderly). The study also found that economic growth was not a necessary precondition for starting to move towards UHC and that strong political will was essential to confront interest groups. Furthermore, social movements play a catalytic role in putting UHC on the political agenda and encouraging governments to face opposition and implement meaningful change.
Free-market devotees and powerful, well-organised corporate groupings in the profitable private sector reject the idea contained in the Bill of the NHIF as a single-payer system. Instead, they argue for substantial private sector involvement in rolling out UHC through a multiple payer system involving medical schemes. For example, the
Settas blames
However, the underlying causes of our national health crisis lie upstream from the delivery of health services. Our massive quadruple national burden of disease is mainly the result of inequitable access to the socio-economic determinants of health. The social determinants include safe housing, transport, neighbourhoods and environmental conditions; good nutrition, freedom from poverty and inequality; adequate water and sanitation; good education and literacy; decent work and income; personal security; fair access to the economy; and an end to discrimination, racism and violence. Moreover, this national health crisis has been growing since long before the COVID-19 pandemic.
The simple truth is that too many South Africans live in conditions incompatible with good health. Then, when they become ill, they encounter a fragmented, inefficient, and inequitable health system. The public sector is dysfunctional and demoralised after decades of austerity that included the worst years of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. The private sector is well-resourced but predatory. It is hospital-centred and owned mainly by highly profitable multinational corporate hospital groups (see here and here). Financing is channelled through a byzantine set of insurance schemes and plans. This system operates under the inverse care law--those
In common with others
A systematic review of economic analyses of the impact of introducing a single-payer health care financing system in
Single-payer systems also have beneficial externalities beyond better and more equitable healthcare delivery and cheaper drugs. In
On the other hand, multiple-payer systems make UHC more difficult to achieve.
This information is readily available in the public domain.
As far as we know, no individual or organisation
Beyond this is a pervasive mindset that favours private wealth above public health. We can and must be bigger than that. We can't allow vested interests to obstruct progress towards a rights-based UHC. We must harness all the country's health resources to move towards UHC that meets patients' needs, free at the point of use, funded by progressive taxation. We need a publicly funded single-payer financing system, strong political will, and energetic action from civil society.
*Reynolds is a retired paediatric respiratory and ICU specialist, and Associate Professor in the
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