OSS Creates First CI Division
Before World War II, the US government did not have the level of military, intelligence, or colonial interests outside the Western Hemisphere that required a large-scale effort to protect clandestine operations.
Until then, security and counterintelligence operations had been undertaken as needed by the
Need-to-Know Culture
Early in WWII, the British began supplying the OSS with extensive information about foreign military, espionage, and sabotage activities, the most sensitive of which came from ULTRA--decrypted intercepts of German military messages sent with the Enigma machine (https://www.cia.gov/news-information/featured-story-archive/2015-featured-story-archive/the-enigma-of-alan-turing.html).
Because of the volume of traffic and the overriding need for compartmentalization, the British insisted that the OSS set up a separate, extra-secure component to handle the material.
Accordingly, Donovan created the Counterintelligence Division in the Secret Intelligence Branch, which conducted espionage operations in war zones.
Formation of X-2
As the CI Division's work grew along with the need for the OSS to build counterintelligence networks of its own, on
In September, the main X-2 branch office moved from
Units within X-2 addressed specific CI functions.
A Watch List Unit monitored mail and written communications for names and cover names of enemy agents. An Insurance Unit monitored Axis intelligence operations carried out under insurance cover, and an Art Looting Investigation Unit tracked records of stolen art and jewelry as a means of tracking German officers.
In the field, X-2 operated its own communications channels and field bases separate from the rest of OSS, in cities such as
CI and
Processing the ULTRA intercepts and the inherent sensitivity of CI information gave X-2 a climate of intense security and secrecy that affected how
X-2 had a formative influence on
The X-2's need-to-know culture and the exposure of several enemy double agents attuned Angleton to CI threats and the "strategic deception" practices of hostile services.
Creation of CIC:
Following Angleton's dismissal in 1974 amid controversy and scandal, the CI Staff's personnel, budget, and responsibilities were reduced significantly.
After the "Year of the Spy" in 1985, when several current or former US intelligence officers were exposed as working for foreign services, Congressional inquiries in the mid-1980s concluded that
In response,
Want to learn more?
* Studies in Intelligence: The Anatomy of Counterintelligence (https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/kent-csi/vol13no1/html/v13i1a02p_0001.htm)
* OSS X-2 Division (https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/intelligence-history/oss/art07.htm)
* OSS Secret Intelligence Branch (https://www.cia.gov/news-information/featured-story-archive/oss-secret-intelligence-branch.html)
* Tracking Nazi Gold: The OSS and Project SAFEHAVEN (https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/kent-csi/vol44no3/html/v44i3a04p.htm)
People in Counterintelligence:
* OSS Director:
* Legendary Spy Hunter:
* The Enigma Machine and
* The Mystery of
* Spy Catcher:
* To Catch a Spy:
* DCI Statement on the Ames Damage Assessment (https://www.cia.gov/news-information/press-releases-statements/press-release-archive-1995/ps103195.html)
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