National Association of Flood & Stormwater Management Agencies Issues Public Comment on FEMA Notice
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Many NAFSMA members are partners with the
NAFSMA was very pleased to see
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed policy to implement hazard mitigation assistance under the BRIC grant program.
Available Funding Allocations and Award Process
NAFSMA is concerned about the allocation of available funding as outlined under Section B of the policy. Although NAFSMA is supportive of a
Lines 43-45: NAFSMA strongly believes that local and regional entities should be able to apply directly to
Project Competition Funding
Line 70: The guidance should state that
Also, on line 77 - the words "of the remainder of the" should be deleted so there are always some funds ensured for a project competition. NAFSMA recommends that 30% of the overall funding for BRIC be allocated to the Competitive Projects category.
Alignment of
Lines 48-51: NAFSMA supports this concept. However, this principle should be used to encourage adoption and not be punitive in nature to local communities that cannot adopt building codes due to State Law. Similarly, which code is adopted should not be given favoritism. The effectiveness of their floodplain management programs should have the most weight regardless of if or which specific code is adopted as many local ordinances are in excess of building codes.
Reduction in Cost Share for Small Impoverished Communities
Lines 89-91 - NAFSMA supports the reduction in non-federal cost share for small impoverished communities.
However, NAFSMA requests that in order to serve impoverished areas better, equity calculations be considered alongside BCR calculations. Many impoverished areas within or adjacent to low to moderate-income areas have been inadvertently ignored for many years for federal mitigation dollars due to the BCR calculation not being one or higher. However, these areas are usually denser in population and mitigation dollars would impact more people even if the BCR is hard to justify. A population impact calculation aligned with potential HUD saving and homelessness prevention should all be considered, not simply BCR.
Another possible option would be not to require a BCR (or provide for a waiver process) for the projects that meet life line/line safety goals but fall short of a BCR above one due to depressed land/structure values within the service area.
Eligibility Criteria
Lines 156-157: Clarification is needed as to how this relates to FEMA Mitigation Grant Programs. If eligible, could a project be considered under any of these programs (BRIC, FMA, HMGP, and HHPD?) How will this work potentially with DRRA provision 1210b? Also, specific authority shall consider whether the other applicable federal agency(ies) that could cover the project has funding to cover the specified project. For example, if another federal agency with such authorities doesn't receive disaster funding, then specific authority should not apply in this case.
Lines 189-190: NAFSMA urges that language be added as follows - i. Addresses a problem that has been repetitive of that poses a risk to public health and safety (which can be identified through an adopted local study or identified as an SFHA) and improved property if left unresolved.
NAFSMA appreciates the opportunity to comment. If you have any questions or would like additional information please contact NAFSMA Executive Director
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The notice can be viewed at:
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