Math whiz & elderly fight city hall in ‘The Helpline’
"The Helpline" (
Being an expert in mathematics is a useful skill in extremely small circles. Life gets complicated for the math genius when you lose your job and are forced to find traditional work in the real world. In her debut novel, "The Helpline,"
The mayor notices Germaine's drive to function in a manner that is both effective and efficient. The way she handles the people on the other end of the phone line is very black and white. And that's exactly the kind of person the mayor needs for her special project.
A parking lot is the cause of a feud between the senior center and the incredibly handsome
The math is easy for Germaine, and it doesn't hurt that she gets to work close to Don. But when Germaine gets to know the employees at the center and the colorful array of people who take part in the daily activities, she begins to wonder if she's on the right side of this fight. Is there more to life than hard data and numbers?
"The Helpline" is a fun read, full of unique characters. It questions what it means to be fully content in life. Through Germaine's career change, we learn that even though life can be calculated, you have to consider the heart as a factor in the equation. Otherwise, your results could be skewed.
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