Lawmakers have a lot of ideas on Medicaid. Here are the highlights.
If you want to know where an administration's priorities are, look at its budget.
Under Gov.
Medicaid has seen explosive growth since
Almost 70 percent of the state's Medicaid budget is supported by federal funds, and in his proposed budget, Lombardo laid out plans for Medicaid reimbursement rate increases for physicians, dentists and nursing homes, as well as services to people with disabilities and certified behavioral health centers.
Reimbursement rates are the rates providers are paid for services. Private insurance companies typically reimburse providers at higher rates than Medicaid, so providers often turn away patients who are on Medicaid, making it more difficult for them to find care.
Lombardo's Chief of Staff
"[Existing Medicaid reimbursement rates] provide significant challenges for Medicaid enrollees to access care, and makes it incredibly difficult for physicians, hospitals, care providers to provide service to
Amid the state's move to a statewide Medicaid managed care system, it is unknown how much the rate increases would make a difference for health care providers because the proposed provider rate increases are geared solely toward providers covered by Medicaid's fee-for-service plan, which includes only about 25 percent of Medicaid recipients. The rate increases are only applicable to fee-for-service providers because the state cannot stipulate what private corporations can pay providers through the Medicaid managed care system.
But the budget isn't the only Medicaid discussion taking place this session. Lawmakers are reviewing at least 33 measures on the topic, many of which are still awaiting review with less than 12 days left in the legislative session.
The following includes a summary of the most notable of those measures:
* Expenses for outpatient services — If passed, SB241 would require Nevada Medicaid pay the nonfederal share of expenditures for outpatient services and swing-bed services that allow a patient to transition from acute care to skilled nursing without leaving a hospital. The changes would apply to critical access hospitals (a
* Medicaid services for incarcerated youth — AB389 proposes having Medicaid pay for certain services for incarcerated youth up to 90 days before their release. The bill received an exemption from legislative deadlines and received a hearing in the
* Extension of postpartum care for 12 months — Some pregnant people only qualify for Medicaid because of their pregnancy. But, after birth, though the child is covered by Medicaid for up to a year, the pregnant person is not. SB232, sponsored by Senate Majority Leader
* Behavioral health services and collaborative care — As proposed, AB138 would require the state to help cover behavioral health services and allow primary care doctors to work with other behavioral health care providers, such as psychiatrists. The bill passed out of its first committee but was declared exempt and awaits review in a budget committee.
* School-based health centers — AB237 aims to improve access to health care for school-aged children who are Medicaid recipients by facilitating the sharing of data between school-based health centers and qualified providers, requiring Medicaid managed care programs to negotiate with school-based health centers to provide health care services and raising certain reimbursement rates under Medicaid. The bill passed out of its first committee and awaits review in a budget committee.
* Art therapy — Sponsored by Assemblywoman
* HOPE Act — Sponsored by Sen. Fabian Doñate (D-
* Prohibiting step therapy — Step therapy is a process requiring patients to try and fail on one or more medications chosen by their insurer before they can access a specific drug or treatment recommended by their health care provider. SB167, sponsored by Sen.
* Coverage for midwives — Sponsored by Assemblywoman
* Funding children's mental health — AB445, sponsored by Assemblywoman
* Boosting Medicaid rates — SB435, would build upon an existing framework that grants private hospitals the ability to vote for a state-assessed "provider tax" of no more than 6 percent. Revenue from the tax would be earmarked as supplemental Medicaid payments as part of a federal dollar-matching program, thereby bringing in more federal dollars. The bill passed unanimously out of its first committee and has received an exemption from legislative deadlines. The measure received a hearing in the
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