KHN Investigation On Opioid Prescribers Pains Some Readers And Tweeters
Letters to the Editor is a periodic feature. We welcome all comments and will publish a selection. We edit for length and clarity and require full names.
In Defense Of Opioid Prescribers
Articles such as this one are leaving elderly patients with debilitating pain and also hospice patients struggling to get adequate pain control (“Surgeons’ Opioid-Prescribing Habits Are Hard To Kick,”
Data shows that for most common surgical procedures, such as laparoscopic appendectomy or cholecystectomy, the right duration of opioid use is a day or at most two days of IR medicine. Yet many patients get sent home with much more than that
— Dr.
You are engaging in the worst kind of public shaming with this investigation of opioid prescribers (“Opioid Operators: How Surgeons Ply Patients With Painkillers,”
The tone of this article and tweet borders on slander. Inaccurate unfair criticism. There is NO DOUBT Surgeons have changed their prescribing habits and patients (as first comment proves) are not homogenous.
— Edward T Chory (@DrEdMDBFD)
— Dr.
Your project entitled “Opioid Operators” is ridiculously inflammatory. I hope you get sued by the same doctors you are “exposing.” You have no idea what each individual patient needs because you aren’t there.
In addition to being wracked with the pain of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) 24/7, I am also the caregiver to my husband, who has end-stage renal disease. Taking away pain medication when 99% of the pain patients who use it never abuse it is a crime. It will have no effect on addiction. It will just kill people who are already frail from having to combat pain from incurable disorders.
— Bijoux Faraj,
I’m legit SHOCKED that 10 pills is the
— madi alexander (@MadiLAlexander)
Why do groups constantly put “information” out to the public that fits their narrative? This story about opioids is nothing more than a reason to bash doctors who prescribe pain medication to people in pain. Why not investigate why doctors prescribe this medication to patients? I have had chronic pain for 25 years. These stories have caused my medication to be all but taken away. How about running a “rebuttal” to that story and let the “other side” speak?
Tough: they need to prescribe fewer #opiates and then, believe it or not, be AVAILABLE for patients who might need a refill, and actually talk to or examine them!! (They don’t like to be bothered…that is the problem!)#opioidcrisis via @khnews
— peter grinspoon (@Peter_Grinspoon)
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Boggled By Mind Games In ACA Court Battle
I want to congratulate
The positions taken by DOJ counsel floored me — viz a viz, that the outcome of the case should apply to only the plaintiff states and not the rest of the country; or that the entire act is inseverable from the mandate provision, but since the act is “complicated” (really? of course it is), it would have to be worked out which provisions could remain in effect — for only the plaintiffs? for the entire country?
Scholars on both sides of the ACA agree the decision of the lower court was anathema to sound judicial foundation and precedent. The critical fact is that the 2017
Finally, Judge
Caring For Survivors Of Sexual Assault
I just read Michelle Andrew’s story about the staggering, and often re-traumatizing, hospital bills that survivors of sexual assault frequently receive after getting a forensic exam in a hospital setting (“Despite Federal Protections, Rape Victims Still Get Billed For Forensic Exams,”
We’ve found that this free, trauma-informed model eliminates many barriers for people who’ve experienced an extremely traumatizing situation by eliminating emergency room wait times and creating an environment that feels more like a home than a hospital. Our advocates work alongside our forensic nurses to offer emotional support, explain the steps of the exam process, answer questions about what the reporting process may look like if the survivor chooses to report, assist with safety planning and much more. Since we opened the clinic in 2015, we’ve served over 2,000 survivors of sexual assault in
I hope that one day every community has access to a clinic like
As Rural Areas Lose Hospitals, Misplaced Priorities?
I’m getting more discouraged as people exclaim how well our economy is doing when there are losses in our communities such as the closing of rural hospitals (“Have Cancer,
This was the closest hospital for my in-laws. Long distances for cancer treatment are all too common in rural America. My dad had 60 miles each way to get to his radiation appointments in another part of
Hospitals in rural areas are closing. Americans are not being treated with human dignity and care. And ignorant people of this country have the audacity to care about immigrants? I have no respect for the immigrants coming here for all the freebies of medical care and housing while Americans are being treated like second-class citizens.
Terrible things happen when rural hospitals close. But in many states, these are preventable tragedies. Why hasn’t
Preventing Falls For A New Generation
Your piece “More Seniors Are Dying In Falls. Doctors Could Do More To Reduce The Risk” (
As a physical therapist (PT), I’ve seen the effectiveness of some of the treatment strategies mentioned in this article. But, while fall risk assessments and personalized patient plans are important preventive tactics, one important factor that wasn’t mentioned in the article is the value of telehealth in reducing seniors’ risk of falling.
Telehealth appointments and virtual fall risk assessments can be incredibly beneficial, particularly for patients with age-related disabilities and limited mobility. Telehealth services provide valuable opportunities for seniors to receive professional PT in the comfort and privacy of their own homes. In turn, this reduces access barriers — particularly for patients in rural and underserved areas — and helps seniors who struggle with transportation issues get the care they need. In fact, one of the initiatives mentioned in your article included a strong telehealth component, which improved compliance with and the effectiveness of PT-prescribed fall prevention exercise regimens. Because falling once doubles the chances of falling again, it is critical to empower America’s seniors with care that makes them stronger, steadier and more flexible.
With an increasingly graying
Great tips fr @judith_graham on #fall prevention. Doctors Could Do More To Reduce The Risk. via @khnews
Would add using hiking poles when walking on uneven surfaces.
And trifocals are G-d’s gift to orthopedists.
I also rec some sort of medical alert system
— Dr.
Is a thorough foot exam part of your Annual Wellness Visit? Mine neither. This alone could potentially prevent so many falls. #doctorswakeup via @khnews
While Fact-Checking Debates, Check The Moderator’s Attitude
KHN reader
While the facts were somewhat interesting, the elephant in the room was the rigged, wildly biased phrasing of host Lester Holt’s “Medicare for All” question: “Who here would abolish their private health insurance in favor of a government-run plan? Just a show of hands …” On this point, I’m surprised and disappointed KHN didn’t deconstruct that framework (“PolitiFact & KHN HealthCheck: ‘Medicare For All’ Emerges As Early Divide In First Democratic Debate,” June 27).
Last week, the latest voter poll from The
Also, notice pollsters’ use of the word “option.” It implicitly frames private insurance as something expendable. It’s an option. Not a requirement, not written in stone. I give big kudos to the pollsters for this careful, and truthful, framing.
And while we’re on the subject of wording: The day before the first debate, an
Current public policies that leave us with upward of 500,000 medical-related bankruptcies a year and 36,000 annual deaths attributed strictly to lack of health care coverage are somehow blandly acceptable as “pragmatic.” Needless to say (but I’ll say it anyway), this is an affront to both logic and morality.
Ensuring The Robust Right To Appeal
On behalf of the
If a patient’s claim is denied by their health plan, the patient has the right to appeal with their health plan, and the right to an independent medical review by the state regulator if they disagree with the health plan’s decision. Independent medical reviews are conducted by a team of providers that have no affiliation with the health plan, and the decision of the independent medical review is binding.
Health plans ensure enrollees are aware of their existing consumer protections under
Every Californian deserves to have the peace of mind that they have access to an independent appeals process should they need it. California’s health plans work hard to provide consumers with that peace of mind as we continuously strive to improve outcomes for patients and provide accessible, high-quality, affordable care for all Californians.
A Handy Takeaway From Your Podcast
I heard the “An Arm and a Leg” podcast recently (“Forget The Shakedown. To Get Paid, Hospitals Get Creative,”
Then I dislocated a bone in my foot and went to see an orthopedist at SportsMED Orthopedic Surgery & Spine Center in
Turns out it was a form stating I agreed to pay all costs that may be later billed and not covered by insurance (which they could not tell me what that would be). Long story short — forget about my insurance covering it 100%. After checking with
If I had come in with no insurance, it would only be
Out In The Open About Well-Thought-Out Exit Strategies
This is a topic (“In Secret, Seniors Discuss ‘Rational Suicide,’”
It’s sad that as a society we can’t face the fact that people want to have choice, especially on the quality of their life and remaining years — whether or not they have a terminal diagnosis. Just because medicine could possibly prolong our lives doesn’t mean we want it to do so.
Would love to know if the individuals meeting to discuss this have their advance directives in place. That is a way to address fears of decline, I think.
I think a point missed may be that many seniors are becoming increasingly distraught with the state of the world — not so much from depression, but from the pervasive hostility, anger, loss of traditional values, ignorance, lack of caring, political bickering and general “meanness” that is the world nowadays.
Together with my physical limitations that further limit my ability to find continued meaning in life, I am glad to say that I have an exit strategy in place that I can activate when the time is right. I think if the right to choose were available and supported, there would be (and likely will be, if current trends continue) more interest in having this option more easily available.
— Dr.
This goes for anyone who has a debilitating disease.
I’m 65, healthy, happy and enjoying life. 25 years from now I hope to be 90, healthy, happy, and enjoying life. I might also be 90, bed-bound, in daily pain, and emotionally spent. These days it’s not uncommon to outlive our bodies. I’ve seen. I get it.
No More Band-Aid Solutions On Surprise Medical Bills
An approach to solving this problem is to set standard costs for all procedures (“Bill Of The Month: A Year After Spinal Surgery, A
Standardize insurance plans using the Medicare Part B concept. There can be a variety of plans, but each insurer must offer the exact same coverage for a specific plan. Then the purchaser can make an informed comparison among plans. If the goal is to lower medical costs, standardization, along with best practices is probably the best approach.
We need to drive out the unnecessary costs and eliminate the annual 160,000 unnecessary deaths and estimated 100 million medication errors in the
This will be a long struggle because of the entrenched financial interests, but we need to draw a line in the sand.
#MedicareforAll. Fulfilling the Hippocratic oath.
Not Anti-Vaccine, Just Against This Legislation
I oppose Senate Bill 276 in
We are activists now, that part is true. We had to become activists, because these organizations you mention in your article (such as the
In your story, Dr. Michelle Bholat’s concern about who would qualify for a medical exemption is exactly the same concern that parents opposed to this bill have. There is a good chance my child would not qualify for a medical exemption to the vaccine that nearly killed him, and he definitely would not qualify for an exemption to any others. If I had another child, I would not be able to get a medical exemption to the vaccine that nearly killed my son for that new baby. This bill puts our kids at serious risk for irreparable harm or even death.
Issuing fraudulent non-evidence based school #vaccine exemptions is malpractice
— Dr.
Something In The Water? Drink To Your Health!
A recently published article (“A Million Californians Don’t Have Clean Drinking Water. Where Do They Live?”
First, some background. There were 1,175 persons counted in the 2010 census in
The greatest risk to the public’s health from drinking water is bacterial contamination, which is controlled by disinfection. The surface water used by the large water systems is disinfected with chlorine. Byproducts of the disinfection process include trihalomethanes (TTHM) and haloacetic acids (HAA5). Managers work to achieve the ideal balance between enough chlorine to provide water free of bacterial contamination, and at the same time keeping levels of byproducts lower than the maximum contaminant level (MCL) as required by the
Conclusions in the article were drawn from a review of state compliance data dating prior to 2018 and refer only to the
The facts:
1. The data source stated that the
2. The data shows that the
3. The Water Board has never issued an order that “residents can’t drink water flowing from their taps,” as the article stated— anywhere in the county.
4. In the past 25 years of records and memories, water systems in
My conclusion: Drink up (water)!
— Dr.
(Editor’s note: Thank you for your salient points. The article has been revised to reflect your concerns.)
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