Insurance may not cover full value of older car
Soaring used car prices could impact people even if they are not in the market to buy a vehicle.
People driving vehicles that are more than 10 years old may now be under-insured.
"The body shop pulled it out, straightened the panel, and painted the rear," he said.
When he asked his insurance company to pay the
He got a letter stating the repair cost was more than half the car's market's value, which meant that they would be "totaling" the car, and giving him less than
"They offered me
Cars are
Harrison says he sees Crown Victorias, similar his vehicle, that are selling for between
He says people with older cars should ask for"stated value" coverage, with a specific worth if it is damaged.
"The value of the vehicle, its market value, is agreed at the time the policy is issued," Klinger explained about the policies he offers.
"If something terrible is to happen to the car, and it is a total loss, there are no questions, no determining the value at the time of the loss," he added.
Without a policy "stated value" policy, Klinger says a fender-bender could leave a driver thousands of dollars in the hole.
"I'm going to take a substantial financial loss through no fault of my own," Harrison said, "and that doesn't seem like the ethical thing to do."
Harrison's insurer has agreed to take another look at his situation. But if they decide not to offer more money, he may have to live with their settlement.
So ask about "stated value" insurance for an older car, so you don't waste your money.
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Insurance may not cover full value of older cars
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