House Appropriations Issues Report on Military Construction, VA & Related Agencies – Title IV – General Provisions (Part 9 of 9)
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(Continued from Part 8 of 9)
TITLE IV - General Provisions
The bill includes a total of 11 provisions that were in effect in fiscal year 2021:
The bill includes section 401 prohibiting the obligation of funds beyond the current fiscal year unless expressly so provided.
The bill includes section 402 prohibiting the use of funds for programs, projects, or activities not in compliance with Federal law relating to risk assessment, the protection of private property rights, or unfunded mandates.
The bill includes section 403 encouraging all departments and agencies funded in this Act to expand the use of "E- Commerce" technologies and procedures.
The bill includes section 404 specifying the Congressional committees that are to receive all reports and notifications.
The bill includes section 405 prohibiting the transfer of funds to any instrumentality of the United States Government without authority from an appropriations Act.
The bill includes section 406 prohibiting any funds in this Act to be used for a project or program named for an individual serving as a Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner of the
The bill includes section 407 requiring all reports submitted to the
The bill includes section 408 prohibiting the use of funds to establish or maintain a computer network unless such network blocks the viewing, downloading, and exchanging of pornography, except for law enforcement investigation, prosecution, or adjudication activities.
The bill includes section 409 prohibiting the use of funds for payment of first-class travel by an employee of the executive branch.
The bill includes section 410 prohibiting the use of funds in this Act for any contract where the contractor has not complied with E-Verify requirements.
The bill includes section 411 prohibiting the use of funds in this Act to construct facilities on military installations that do not meet resiliency standards.
The following items are included in accordance with various requirements of the Rules of the
Statement of General Performance Goals and Objectives Pursuant to clause 3(c)(4) of rule XIII of the Rules of the
Rescissions The bill does not contain any rescissions, as defined in clause 3(f)(2) of rule XIII of the Rules of the
Transfer of Funds
Pursuant to clause 3(f)(2) of rule XIII of the Rules of the
Language is included to allow for the transfer of funds from
Language is included to provide transfer authority from the BRAC account to the
Language is included to allow the transfer of expired funds to the "Foreign Currency Fluctuations, Construction, Defense" account.
Language is included to transfer not to exceed
Language is included to permit the transfer of funds from
Language is included to permit the transfer of funds between Information Technology Systems development projects and among the three sub-accounts identified in bill language subject to the approval of the Committee.
Language is included to provide authority for the
Language is included to transfer funds among the
Language is included to permit the funds from three life insurance funds to be transferred to General Operating Expenses,
Language is included to permit funding up to
Language is included to transfer certain funds derived from enhanced-use leasing activities to the Construction, Major Projects and Construction, Minor Projects accounts.
Language is included to transfer funds from the
Language is included to allow the transfer of funds from the
Language is included to allow the transfer of funds from various accounts to the Information Technology Systems account in an aggregate amount not to exceed ten percent of the account appropriation, subject to approval by the Committee.
Language is included to allow the transfer of funds in fiscal year 2022 provided for the
Language is included allowing fiscal year 2023 medical care funding to be transferred to the
Language is included permitting funds deposited to the
Language is included under the
Language is included that permits the transfer from all discretionary accounts except General Operating Expenses,
Language is included that permits transfer of funds between General Operating Expenses,
Disclosure of Earmarks and Congressionally Directed Spending Items The following table is submitted in compliance with clause 9 of rule XXI, and lists the congressional earmarks (as defined in paragraph (e) of clause 9) contained in the bill or in this report. Neither the bill nor the report contain any limited tax benefits or limited tariff benefits as defined in paragraphs (f) or (g) of clause 9 of rule XXI.
[Link to table at bottom of document.]
Compliance With Rule XIII, CL. 3(e) (Ramseyer Rule)
In compliance with clause 3(e) of rule XIII of the Rules of the
(Public Law 116-260)
AN ACT Making consolidated appropriations for the fiscal year ending
[Sec. 220. Of the amounts appropriated to the
1701. Definitions.
1710. Eligibility for hospital, nursing home, and domiciliary care.
1720K. Provision of assisted reproductive technology or adoption reimbursements for certain disabled veterans.
Sec. 1720K. Provision of assisted reproductive technology or adoption reimbursements for certain disabled veterans (a) Provision of Services.--Subject to the availability of appropriations, the Secretary may provide-- (1) fertility counseling and treatment using assisted reproductive technology to a covered veteran or the spouse of a covered veteran; or (2) adoption reimbursement to a covered veteran.
(b) Limitations.--Amounts made available for the purposes specified in subsection (a) are subject to the requirements for funds contained in section 508 of division H of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2017 (Public Law 115-31).
(c) Definitions.--In this section:
(1) The term "adoption reimbursement" means reimbursement for the adoption-related expenses for an adoption that is finalized after the date of the enactment of this section under the same terms as apply under the adoption reimbursement program of the
(2) The term "assisted reproductive technology" means benefits relating to reproductive assistance provided to a member of the Armed Forces who incurs a serious injury or illness on active duty pursuant to section 1074(c)(4)(A) of title 10, as described in the memorandum on the subject of "Policy for Assisted Reproductive Services for the Benefit of Seriously or Severely Ill/Injured (Category II or III) Active Duty Service Members" issued by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs on
(3) The term "covered veteran" means a veteran who has a service-connected disability that results in the inability of the veteran to procreate without the use of fertility treatment.
Changes in Application of Existing Law
Pursuant to clause 3(f)(1)(A) of rule XIII of the Rules of the
Language is included in various parts of the bill to continue on-going activities that require annual authorization or additional legislation, which to date have not been enacted.
Language is included in various parts of the bill to place limitations on the use of funds in the bill or change existing limitations and which might, under some circumstances, be construed as changing the application of existing law.
Language is included in various parts of the bill to allow the Secretary of Defense to exceed certain limitations upon notification to the Committee.
Language is included in various parts of the bill to allow funding to be used for official reception and representation expenses.
Language is included in various parts of the bill to enable various appropriations to remain available for more than one year for some programs for which the basic authority legislation does not presently authorize such extended availability.
Language is included in various parts of the bill to permit the transfer of funds to other accounts.
Language is included under Title I to prohibit payments for cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contracts under certain circumstances.
Language is included in various parts of the bill to allow funds to be used for the hire of passenger motor vehicles.
Language is included under Title I to allow advances to the
Language is included under Title I to prohibit the use of funds to begin construction of new bases without specific appropriations.
Language is included under Title I to prohibit the use of funds for purchase of land or land easements under certain circumstances.
Language is included under Title I to prohibit the use of funds for land acquisition, site preparation, and utility installation for family housing unless funds have been made available in annual appropriations Acts.
Language is included under Title I to prohibit the use of minor construction funds to transfer an activity between installations without prior notification.
Language is included under Title I to prohibit the use of funds for the procurement of steel for any activity if American steel producers have been denied the opportunity to compete for such steel procurements.
Language is included under Title I to prohibit the use of funds to pay real property taxes in any foreign nation.
Language is included under Title I to prohibit the use of funds to initiate a new installation overseas without prior notification.
Language is included under Title I to limit the use of funds for architect and engineer contracts under certain circumstances.
Language is included under Title I to limit the use of funds for awarding contracts to foreign contractors under certain circumstances.
Language is included under Title I to require the
Language is included under Title I to allow prior year construction funding to be available for currently authorized projects.
Language is included under Title I to allow payment for the cost associated with supervision, inspection, overhead, engineering and design on family housing or military construction projects that are being completed with expired or lapsed funds.
Language is included under Title I to allow funds to be expended on military construction projects for four fiscal years after enactment under certain circumstances.
Language is included under Title I to allow construction funds to be transferred to Housing Improvement Funds.
Language is included under Title I to allow for the transfer of BRAC funds to the
Language is included under Title I to limit funds for the operation and maintenance of family housing to those provided in this appropriation and to limit amounts expended on repairs of general and flag officer quarters under certain circumstances.
Language is included under Title I to allow funds in the Ford Island Improvement Account to be available until expended for certain purposes.
Language is included under Title I to allow for the transfer of expired funding to the Foreign Currency Fluctuation Account under certain circumstances.
Language is included under Title I to prohibit funds to be used for projects at
Language is included under Title I providing additional funds for
Language is included under Title I providing additional funds for
Language is included under Title I providing additional funds for
Language is included under Title I providing additional funds for
Language is included under Title I providing additional funds for
Language is included under Title I providing additional funds for
Language is included under Title I defining the congressional defense committees.
Language is included under Title I directing all amounts appropriated to
Language is included under Title I providing additional funds for
Language is included under Title I providing additional funds for
Language is included under Title I providing additional funds for
Language is included under Title I providing additional funds for
Language is included under Title I providing additional funds for
Language is included under Title I providing additional funds for
Language is included under Title I providing additional funds for Family Housing Operations and Maintenance, Army.
Language is included under title I for child development centers.
Language is included under title I for barracks.
Language is included under title I for Natural Disasters.
Language is included prohibiting funds for construction and planning and design associated with Space Force until completion of site selection reviews.
Language is included under Title II providing for the reimbursement to the
Language is included under Title II to require that the Secretary of
Language is included under Title II to require that the Secretary of
Language is included under Title II to allow the Secretary of
Language is included under Title II requiring the Secretary to ensure sufficient funding is available for the acquisition of prosthetics designed for women Veterans.
Language is included under Title II requiring sufficient funding is available for prosthetic research specifically for female Veterans and for toxic exposure research.
Language is included under Title II to require approval of a transfer between development projects in the Information Technology Systems account.
Language is included under Title II prohibiting funding in the Veterans Electronic Health Record account from being obligated in a manner inconsistent with deployment schedules.
Language is included under Title II establishing time limitations and reporting requirements concerning the obligation of
Language is included under Title II to allow
Language is included under Title II permitting transfers between mandatory and discretionary accounts, limiting and providing for the use of certain funds, funding administrative expenses associated with life insurance programs from excess program revenues, allowing reimbursement from enhanced-use leases and for certain services, requiring notification of construction bid savings, limiting reprogramming amount of major construction projects, restricting changes in the scope of major construction projects, requiring disclosure of insurance and income information, allowing a recovery audit collection program, allowing Veterans in the
Language is included under Title II requiring notification of any single national outreach and awareness marketing campaign in which obligations exceed
Language is included under Title II requiring the Secretary to maintain certain requirements in operating the toll-free suicide hotline.
Language is included under Title II prohibiting funds from being used in contravention of certain breast cancer screening guidance.
Language is included under Title II to allow covered Veterans and their spouses, under certain conditions, to receive assisted reproductive technology services and adoption reimbursement.
Language is included under Title II pertaining to exceptions for Indian- or Native Hawaiian-owned businesses contracting with the Department.
Language is included under Title II directing the elimination of using
Language is included under Title II pertaining to certification of marriage and family therapists.
Language is included under Title II prohibiting funds from being used to transfer funding from the
Language is included under Title II permitting funds to carry out and expand the child care program.
Language is included under Title II prohibiting funds to enter into an agreement to resolve a dispute or claim with an individual that would restrict the individual from speaking to Members of
Language is included under Title II requiring certain data to be included in budget justifications for major construction projects.
Language is included under Title II prohibiting the Inspector General timely access to information.
Language is included under Title II prohibiting funding to be used that would increase wait times for Veterans who seek medical care.
Language is included under Title II prohibiting the use of funds in fiscal year 2022 to convert any program that received specific purpose funding in fiscal year 2021 to a general purpose-funded program.
Language is included under Title II prohibiting the use of dogs or cats as part of the conduct of any study.
Language is included under Title II allowing for funds within the Medical Community Care account to be used for expenses that would have otherwise been payable from the
Language is included under Title II allowing for obligations and expenditures applicable to the Medical Services account in fiscal years 2017 through 2019 for aid to state homes to remain in the Medical Community Care account for such fiscal years.
Language is included under Title II providing for a certain amount within the medical care accounts to be made available for gender-specific care for women.
Language is included under Title II establishing a timeline for site preparation in accordance with a lease.
Language is included under
Language is included under Title III Cemeterial Expenses, Army, Salaries and Expenses, to permit the use of funds for parking maintenance and repairs.
Language is included under Title III Armed Forces Retirement Home to permit payment from the general fund of the
Language is included under Title III to allow for the use of concession fees.
Language is included under Title IV prohibiting funding beyond the current fiscal year unless expressly so provided.
Language is included under Title IV to limit the use of funds for Federal entities when they are not in compliance with Federal law relating to risk assessment, the protection of private property rights, or unfunded mandates.
Language is included under Title IV providing funding to expand the use of "E Commerce" technologies and procedures.
Language is included under Title IV specifying the Congressional committees that are to receive all reports and notifications.
Language is included under Title IV prohibiting the transfer of funds to any instrumentality of the United States Government without authority from an appropriations Act.
Language is included under Title IV prohibiting the use of funds for a project or program named for an individual serving as a Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner of the
Language is included under Title IV requiring all reports submitted to the
Language is included under Title IV prohibiting funds from being used to maintain or establish a computer network unless such network blocks the viewing, downloading, and exchanging of pornography.
Language is included under Title IV prohibiting funds from being used to pay for first-class travel in violation of Federal regulations.
Language is included under Title IV prohibiting funds from being used to execute a contract for goods or services where a contractor has not complied with Executive Order 12989.
Language is included under Title IV prohibiting the use of funds in this Act to construct facilities on military installations that do not meet resiliency standards.
Appropriations Not Authorized by Law
Pursuant to clause 3(f)(1)(B) of rule XIII of the Rules of the
Program Duplication
No provision of this bill establishes or reauthorizes a program of the Federal Government known to be duplicative of another Federal program, a program that was included in any report from the Government Accountability Office to
Committee Hearings
For the purposes of section 103(i) of
The following hearings were used to develop or consider the
The Subcommittee on
The Subcommittee received testimony from:
The Subcommittee on
The Subcommittee received testimony from:
The Subcommittee on
The Subcommittee received testimony from:
The Subcommittee on
The Subcommittee received testimony from:
The Subcommittee on
The Subcommittee received testimony from:
The Subcommittee on
The Subcommittee received testimony from:
The Subcommittee on
The Subcommittee received testimony from:
The Honorable
Chief Petty Officer Russell Smith, Master Chief Petty Officer of the
Vice Admiral
The Subcommittee on
The Subcommittee received testimony from:
Brigadier General
The Subcommittee on
The Subcommittee received testimony from:
The Honorable
The Honorable
The Subcommittee on
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[In millions of dollars]
Section 308(a)(1)(A) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 requires the report accompanying a bill providing new budget authority to contain a statement comparing the levels in the bill to the suballocations submitted under section 302(b) of the Act for the most recently agreed to concurrent resolution on the budget for the applicable fiscal year.
[Link to table at bottom of document.]
In compliance with section 308(a)(1)(B) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, the following table contains five-year projections associated with the budget authority provided in the accompanying bill.
[Link to table at bottom of document.]
In accordance with section 308(a)(1)(C) of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, the
[Link to table at bottom of document.]
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We strongly support the funding provided for child development centers and barracks projects. We also note with appreciation the funding for many important military construction, resilience, and environmental remediation projects, including for PFAS contamination cleanup at closed military installations.
We support the funding provided for Veterans' programs, especially for mental health, suicide prevention, homelessness, gender-specific care for women veterans, and research. We also support the funding for the Electronic Health Record Modernization Initiative and the strong oversight mechanisms included in bill and report language.
We are concerned the bill does not include previously enacted provisions regarding the
We also are concerned that the funding in the bill is not part of a framework that appropriately and adequately allocates funds between defense and non-defense program. No one wants the important programs for Servicemembers, their families, and veterans to be held up by larger funding debates.
Despite our concerns, we appreciate the Majority's willingness to address Member priorities in the bill and report. The Subcommittee has a long-standing tradition of bipartisanship, and we will continue to work in good faith with our colleagues as we proceed through the appropriations process. By working together, we can best address the needs of our Nation's military and its Veterans and reach an agreement on funding for the
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The full report can be viewed at
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