HAP to Provide Free In-home Vision Screenings for Diabetic Medicare Members
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According to the
The retinal images provided through a screening create an historical record of changes to the retina over time, which establishes a baseline and enables year-over-year comparison of changes to monitor eye health.
"At HAP, we know that some of our Medicare members who might be at risk for diabetic retinopathy are not taking advantage of this important annual screening. This can be for a variety of reasons," said
HAP is offering these screenings in partnership with HealPros, a provider with more than 60 years of experience in mobile screenings.
HAP Medicare Advantage members being treated for diabetes will be contacted via phone by a HealPros representative to schedule the free in-home diabetic retinopathy screening. HealPros field technicians, who carry identification badges, do not prescribe or carry medication. After the screening, a letter with the results will be sent to the member and the member's doctor. If further testing, care or medication is required, the member's physician will manage that process.
Learn more about diabetic retinopathy by visiting hap.org.
Keywords for this news article include: Health Policy, Ophthalmology, Risk and Prevention, Diabetic Retinopathy, Diabetic Angiopathies, Medicare and Medicaid, Health Alliance Plan HAP, Diagnostics and Screening, Health Alliance Plan (HAP), Eye Diseases and Conditions, Retinal Diseases and Conditions, Vascular Diseases and Conditions.
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