Exposing Congressional Democrats’ Complete Government Takeover of Our Healthcare
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- "We oppose efforts from
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RADICAL GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER: "Medicare for All" is a total government takeover of healthcare that will end private insurance as we know it, hurt seniors, and cripple our economy.
- Their government takeover of healthcare would force the nearly 180 million Americans with private health insurance into government-run plans.
* Americans would face the threat of losing their doctor and any choice in their own care.
- Even the proposals that keep private insurance save it for only a wealthy few.
* Congressional Democrats' government takeover of healthcare will divert resources away from seniors who have paid into the system their whole lives.
- As seen in European single-payer systems, this radical proposal will likely lead to less care for seniors, hospital closures, fewer doctors, and long wait times.
- Twenty million seniors would lose their Medicare Advantage Plans.
* American families would face massive tax hikes to pay for the extreme
- According to the
LESSONS FROM THE OBAMACARE DISASTER: Congressional Democrats lied to the American people about healthcare once, and they are doing it again.
4.7 million Americans were told their plans were going to be canceled in the first year of Obamacare.
* Even
* Obamacare has burdened American families with devastating premium increases.
- Average individual market premiums more than doubled from 2013 to 2017.
- Average premiums on the Federal exchange rose by
* Taxpayers are spending more than
* The Administration is working to expand association health plans to make it more affordable for small businesses and the self-employed to access options enjoyed by larger employers.
* The President repealed the individual mandate penalty that burdened low income households.
FAIR Health Elects Lynn B. Nicholas and Rob Parke to Board of Directors
Senators Introduce the Protect Act to Ensure Protections and Affordable Coverage for Americans With Pre-Existing Conditions
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