Earnings Document
The reinsurance field of business contributed €3,876m (4,737m) to the net result in the 2023 financial year, of which €926m (1,123m) was in Q4. Insurance revenue from insurance contracts issued rose to €37,786m (36,489m). The total technical result increased to €5,402m (5,264m); the operating result fell to €4,738m (5,923m), chiefly due to the negative currency result.
Life and health reinsurance generated a total technical result of €1,433m (1,041m) in 2023, thus meeting the adjusted target of €1.4bn. The net result in life and health reinsurance increased to €1,428m (1,314m). Insurance revenue from insurance contracts issued declined to €10,725m (11,164m) due to currency translation effects.
The property-casualty reinsurance segment posted a net result of €2,448m (3,423m) in 2023. Insurance revenue from insurance contracts issued rose to €27,061m (25,325m). The combined ratio was 85.2% (83.2%) of net insurance revenue; the normalised combined ratio was 86.5%.
Major-loss expenditure3 totalled €3,278m (3,741m) in the reporting year, of which €873m (525m) was in Q4. The previous year's figure had been impacted by Hurricane Ian in particular. These figures include gains and losses from the run-off of major losses from previous years. Major-loss expenditure corresponded to 12.6% (15.4%) of net insurance revenue and was thus below the expected value of 14% in the financial year and in Q4 (13.0%). Man-made major losses amounted to €943m (1,623m). Major losses from natural catastrophes rose to €2,335m (2,118m). The major loss figures above take account of the effects from discounting and risk adjustment. The largest individual loss for
3The figures are only comparable to a limited extent with the same period last year, as the major-loss threshold was raised to €30m with effect from
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