Business & Personal Insurance Coverage Offered by Kelly Insurance Group in Royersford, PA, Phoenixville, PA, Limerick, PA, Skippack, PA, Collegeville, PA, Trappe, PA,
No two businesses are the same, and that means they don't all need the same business insurance coverage.
From professional services to retail spaces and more, it is important to understand the business insurance that clients require as well as what they don't. A lawyer, for example, may be looking for professional liability insurance protection, where a flower shop may want to have a commercial auto insurance policy for company vehicles used in deliveries.
Personal insurance clients may own their own home or rent an apartment, but they need to protect their residence from a variety of things like fire, storm damage, and more. Renters insurance is designed to cover personal belongings while Homeowners also covers certain causes of damage to the structure itself. There are also tools to ensure proper valuation is determined for sufficient coverage.
Auto insurance is a must-have, but the amount of coverage needed can vary significantly based on factors such as the vehicles and drivers on the policy. The team at
Insurance can mitigate most of the different risks that are present today. From personal insurance needs to those of a business or commercial operation,
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