Basic Health Program; Federal Funding Methodology for Program Year 2023 and Proposed Changes to Basic Health Program Regulations
Proposed rule.
CFR Part: "42 CFR Part 600"
RIN Number: "RIN 0938-AU89"
Citation: "87 FR 31815"
Document Number: "CMS-2441-P"
Page Number: "31815"
"Proposed Rules"
Agency: "
SUMMARY: This document proposes the methodology and data sources necessary to determine Federal payment amounts to be made for program year 2023 to States that elect to establish a Basic Health Program under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to offer health benefits coverage to low-income individuals otherwise eligible to purchase coverage through Health Insurance Exchanges.
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I. Background
A. Overview of the Basic Health Program Section 1331 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Pub. L. 111-148, enacted on
A BHP is another option for States to provide affordable health benefits to individuals with incomes in the ranges described above. States may find a BHP a useful option for several reasons, including the ability to potentially coordinate standard health plans in the BHP with their Medicaid managed care plans, or to potentially reduce the costs to individuals by lowering premiums or cost-sharing requirements.
Federal funding for a BHP under section 1331(d)(3)(A) of the ACA is based on the amount of the Federal premium tax credit (PTC) allowed and payments to cover required cost-sharing reductions (CSRs) that would have been provided for the fiscal year to eligible individuals enrolled in BHP standard health plans in the State if such eligible individuals were allowed to enroll in a qualified health plan (QHP) through Health Insurance Exchanges (Exchanges). These funds are paid to trusts established by the States and dedicated to the BHP, and the States then administer the payments to standard health plans within the BHP.
In the
In the BHP final rule, we specified that the BHP Payment Notice process would include the annual publication of both a proposed and final BHP payment methodology. The proposed BHP Payment Notice would be published in the
FOOTNOTE 1 BHP program years span from
FOOTNOTE 2 In section III. of this proposed rule, we propose to modify the publication schedule of the BHP payment notices. END FOOTNOTE
As described in the BHP final rule, once the final methodology for the applicable program year has been published, we will generally make modifications to the BHP funding methodology on a prospective basis, with limited exceptions. The BHP final rule provided that retrospective adjustments to the State's BHP payment amount may occur to the extent that the prevailing BHP funding methodology for a given program year permits adjustments to a State's Federal BHP payment amount due to insufficient data for prospective determination of the relevant factors specified in the applicable final BHP Payment Notice. For example, the population health factor adjustment described in section II.D.3. of this proposed rule allows for a retrospective adjustment (at the State's option) to account for the impact that BHP may have had on the risk pool and QHP premiums in the Exchange. Additional adjustments could be made to the payment rates to correct errors in applying the methodology (such as mathematical errors).
Under section 1331(d)(3)(ii) of the ACA, the funding methodology and payment rates are expressed as an amount per eligible individual enrolled in a BHP standard health plan (BHP enrollee) for each month of enrollment. These payment rates may vary based on categories or classes of enrollees. Actual payment to a State would depend on the actual enrollment of individuals found eligible in accordance with a State's certified BHP Blueprint eligibility and verification methodologies in coverage through the State BHP. A State that is approved to implement a BHP must provide data showing quarterly enrollment of eligible individuals in the various Federal BHP payment rate cells. Such data must include the following:
* Personal identifier;
* Date of birth;
* County of residence;
* Indian status;
* Family size;
* Household income;
* Number of persons in household enrolled in BHP;
* Family identifier;
* Months of coverage;
* Plan information; and
* Any other data required by CMS to properly calculate the payment.
B. The 2018 Final Administrative Order and 2019 Through 2022 Payment Methodologies
Starting with the payment for the first quarter (Q1) of 2018 (which began on
In the
FOOTNOTE 4 "Metal tiers" refer to the different actuarial value plan levels offered on the Exchanges. Bronze-level plans generally must provide 60 percent actuarial value; silver-level 70 percent actuarial value; gold-level 80 percent actuarial value; and platinum-level 90 percent actuarial value. See 45 CFR 156.140. END FOOTNOTE
II. Provisions of the Proposed Rule
A. Overview of the Funding Methodology and Calculation of the Payment Amount
Section 1331(d)(3) of the ACA directs the Secretary to consider several factors when determining the Federal BHP payment amount, which, as specified in the statute, must equal 95 percent of the value of the PTC allowed and CSRs that would have been paid on behalf of BHP enrollees had they enrolled in a QHP through an Exchange. Thus, the BHP funding methodology is designed to calculate the PTC and CSRs as consistently as possible and in general alignment with the methodology used by Exchanges to calculate advance payments of the PTC (APTC) and CSRs, and the methodology used to calculate PTC under 26 U.S.C. 36B, for the tax year. In general, we have relied on values for factors in the payment methodology specified in statute or other regulations as available, and have developed values for other factors not otherwise specified in statute, or previously calculated in other regulations, to simulate the values of the PTC allowed and CSRs that would have been paid on behalf of BHP enrollees if they had enrolled in QHPs offered through an Exchange. In accordance with section 1331(d)(3)(A)(iii) of the ACA, the final funding methodology must be certified by the Chief Actuary of CMS, in consultation with the
Section 1331(d)(3)(A)(ii) of the ACA specifies that the payment determination shall take into account all relevant factors necessary to determine the value of the PTC allowed and CSRs that would have been paid on behalf of eligible individuals, including but not limited to, the age and income of the enrollee, whether the enrollment is for self-only or family coverage, geographic differences in average spending for health care across rating areas, the health status of the enrollee for purposes of determining risk adjustment payments and reinsurance payments that would have been made if the enrollee had enrolled in a QHP through an Exchange, and whether any reconciliation of APTC and CSR would have occurred if the enrollee had been so enrolled. Under all previous payment methodologies, the total Federal BHP payment amount has been calculated using multiple rate cells in each State. Each rate cell represents a unique combination of age range (if applicable), geographic area, coverage category (for example, self-only or two-adult coverage through the BHP), household size, and income range as a percentage of FPL, and there is a distinct rate cell for individuals in each coverage category within a particular age range who reside in a specific geographic area and are in households of the same size and income range. The BHP payment rates developed also are consistent with the State's rules on age rating. Thus, in the case of a State that does not use age as a rating factor on an Exchange, the BHP payment rates would not vary by age.
Under the methodology finalized in the
We propose that Equation (1) would be used to calculate the estimated PTC for eligible individuals enrolled in the BHP in each rate cell. We note that throughout this proposed rule, when we refer to enrollees and enrollment data, we mean data regarding individuals who are enrolled in the BHP who have been found eligible for the BHP using the eligibility and verification requirements that are applicable in the State's most recent certified Blueprint. By applying the equations separately to rate cells based on age (if applicable), income and other factors, we effectively take those factors into account in the calculation. In addition, the equations reflect the estimated experience of individuals in each rate cell if enrolled in coverage through an Exchange, taking into account additional relevant variables. Each of the variables in the equations is defined in this section, and further detail is provided later in this section of this proposed rule. In addition, we describe in Equation (2a) and Equation (2b) (below) how we propose to calculate the adjusted reference premium that is used in Equation (1).
Equation 1: Estimated PTC by Rate Cell
We propose that the estimated PTC, on a per enrollee basis, would continue to be calculated for each rate cell for each State based on age range (if applicable), geographic area, coverage category, household size, and income range. The PTC portion of the rate would be calculated in a manner consistent with the methodology used to calculate the PTC for persons enrolled in a QHP as defined in 26 CFR 1.36B-3, with five adjustments. First, the PTC portion of the rate for each rate cell would represent the mean, or average, expected PTC that would be paid on behalf of all persons in the rate cell, rather than being calculated for each individual enrollee. Second, the reference premium (RP) (described in section II.D.1. of this proposed rule) used to calculate the PTC would be adjusted for the BHP population health status, and in the case of a State that elects to use 2022 premiums for the basis of the BHP Federal payment, for the projected change in the premium from 2022 to 2023, to which the rates announced in the final payment methodology would apply. These adjustments are described in Equation (2a) and Equation (2b). Third, the PTC would be adjusted prospectively to reflect the mean, or average, net expected impact of income reconciliation on the combination of all persons enrolled in the BHP; this adjustment, the IRF, as described in section II.D.6. of this proposed rule, would account for the impact on the PTC that would have occurred had such reconciliation been performed. Finally, the rate is multiplied by 95 percent, consistent with section 1331(d)(3)(A)(i) of the ACA. We note that in the situation where the average contribution amount of an enrollee would exceed the adjusted reference premium, we would calculate the PTC to be equal to 0 and would not allow the value of the PTC to be negative.
We propose using Equation (1) to calculate the PTC rate, consistent with the methodology described above:
See illustration in Original Document.
PTCa,g,c,h,i = Premium tax credit portion of BHP payment rate
a = Age range
g = Geographic area
c = Coverage status (self-only or applicable category of family coverage) obtained through BHP
h = Household size
i = Income range (as percentage of FPL)
ARPa,g,c = Adjusted reference premium
Ih,i,j = Income (in dollars per month) at each 1 percentage-point increment of FPL
j = jth percentage-point increment FPL
n = Number of income increments used to calculate the mean PTC
PTCFh,i,j = Premium tax credit formula percentage
IRF = Income reconciliation factor
Equation (2a) and Equation (2b): Adjusted Reference Premium Variable (used in Equation 1)
As part of the calculations for the PTC component, we propose to continue to calculate the value of the adjusted reference premium as described below. Consistent with the existing approach, we are proposing to allow States to choose between using the actual current year premiums or the prior year's premiums multiplied by the premium trend factor (PTF) (as described in section II.E. of this proposed rule). Below we describe how we would continue to calculate the adjusted reference premium under each option.
In the case of a State that elected to use the reference premium (RP) based on the current program year (for example, 2023 premiums for the 2023 program year), we propose to calculate the value of the adjusted reference premium as specified in Equation (2a). The adjusted reference premium will be equal to the RP, which would be based on the second lowest cost silver plan premium in the applicable program year, multiplied by the BHP population health factor (PHF) (described in section II.D.3. of this proposed rule), which would reflect the projected impact that enrolling BHP-eligible individuals in QHPs through an Exchange would have had on the average QHP premium, and multiplied by the PAF (described in section II.D.2. of this proposed rule), which would account for the change in silver-level premiums due to the discontinuance of CSR payments. We also propose to multiply this by the section 1332 waiver factor (WF) (described in section II.D.7 of this proposed rule), as applicable.
See illustration in Original Document.
ARPa,g,c = Adjusted reference premium
a = Age range
g = Geographic area
c = Coverage status (self-only or applicable category of family coverage) obtained through BHP
RPa,g,c = Reference premium
PHF = Population health factor
PAF = Premium adjustment factor
WFg = Section 1332 waiver factor
In the case of a State that elected to use the RP based on the prior program year (for example, 2022 premiums for the 2023 program year, as described in more detail in section II.E. of this proposed rule), we propose to calculate the value of the adjusted reference premium as specified in Equation (2b). The adjusted reference premium will be equal to the RP, which would be based on the second lowest cost silver plan premium in 2022, multiplied by the BHP PHF (described in section II.D.3. of this proposed rule), which would reflect the projected impact that enrolling BHP-eligible individuals in QHPs on an Exchange would have had on the average QHP premium, multiplied by the PAF (described in section II.D.2. of this proposed rule), which would account for the change in silver-level premiums due to the discontinuance of CSR payments, and multiplied by the PTF (described in section II.E. of this proposed rule), which would reflect the projected change in the premium level between 2022 and 2023. We also propose to multiply this by the WF (described in section II.D.7. of this proposed rule).
See illustration in Original Document.
ARPa,g,c = Adjusted reference premium
a = Age range
g = Geographic area
c = Coverage status (self-only or applicable category of family coverage) obtained through BHP
RPa,g,c = Reference premium
PHF = Population health factor
PAF = Premium adjustment factor
PTF = Premium trend factor
WFg = Section 1332 waiver factor
Equation 3: Determination of Total Monthly Payment for BHP Enrollees in Each Rate Cell
In general, the rate for each rate cell would be multiplied by the number of BHP enrollees in that cell (that is, the number of enrollees that meet the criteria for each rate cell) to calculate the total monthly BHP payment. This calculation is shown in Equation (3).
See illustration in Original Document.
PMT = Total monthly BHP payment
PTCa,g,c,h,i = Premium tax credit portion of BHP payment rate
CSRa,g,c,h,i = Cost sharing reduction portion of BHP payment rate
Ea,g,c,h,i = Number of BHP enrollees
a = Age range
g = Geographic area
c = Coverage status (self-only or applicable category of family coverage) obtained through BHP
h = Household size
i = Income range (as percentage of FPL)
In this equation, we would assign a value of zero to the CSR part of the BHP payment rate calculation (CSRa,g,c,h,i) because there is presently no available appropriation from which we can make the CSR portion of any BHP payment. In the event that an appropriation for CSR payments for 2023 is made, we would determine whether and how to modify the CSR part of the BHP payment rate calculation (CSRa,g,c,h,i) or the PAF in the payment methodology.
B. Federal BHP Payment Rate Cells
Consistent with the previous payment methodologies, we propose that a State implementing a BHP will provide us an estimate of the number of BHP enrollees it projects will enroll in the upcoming BHP program quarter, by applicable rate cell, prior to the first quarter and each subsequent quarter of program operations until actual enrollment data is available. Upon our approval of such estimates as reasonable, we will use those estimates to calculate the prospective payment for the first and subsequent quarters of program operation until the State provides us with actual enrollment data for those periods. The actual enrollment data is required to calculate the final BHP payment amount and make any necessary reconciliation adjustments to the prior quarters' prospective payment amounts due to differences between projected and actual enrollment. Subsequent quarterly deposits to the State's trust fund would be based on the most recent actual enrollment data submitted to us. Actual enrollment data must be based on individuals enrolled for the quarter who the State found eligible and whose eligibility was verified using eligibility and verification requirements as agreed to by the State in its applicable BHP Blueprint for the quarter that enrollment data is submitted. Procedures will ensure that Federal payments to a State reflect actual BHP enrollment during a year, within each applicable category, and prospectively determined Federal payment rates for each category of BHP enrollment, with such categories defined in terms of age range (if applicable), geographic area, coverage status, household size, and income range, as explained above.
We propose requiring the use of certain rate cells as part of the proposed methodology. For each State, we propose using rate cells that separate the BHP population into separate cells based on the five factors described as follows:
Factor 1--Age: We propose to continue separating enrollees into rate cells by age (if applicable), using the following age ranges that capture the widest variations in premiums under HHS's Default
FOOTNOTE 5 This curve is used to implement the ACA's 3:1 limit on age-rating in States that do not create an alternative rate structure to comply with that limit. The curve applies to all individual market plans, both within and outside the Exchange. The age bands capture the principal allowed age-based variations in premiums as permitted by this curve. The default age curve was updated for plan or policy years beginning on or after
* Ages 0-20.
* Ages 21-34.
* Ages 35-44.
* Ages 45-54.
* Ages 55-64.
This proposed provision is unchanged from the current methodology. /6/
FOOTNOTE 6 In this document, references to the "current methodology" refer to the 2022 program year methodology as outlined in the 2022 final BHP Payment Notice. END FOOTNOTE
Factor 2--Geographic area: For each State, we propose separating enrollees into rate cells by geographic areas within which a single RP is charged by QHPs offered through the State's Exchange. Multiple, non-contiguous geographic areas would be incorporated within a single cell, so long as those areas share a common RP. /7/ This proposed provision is also unchanged from the current methodology.
FOOTNOTE 7 For example, a cell within a particular State might refer to "
Factor 3--Coverage status: We propose to continue separating enrollees into rate cells by coverage status, reflecting whether an individual is enrolled in self-only coverage or persons are enrolled in family coverage through the BHP, as provided in section 1331(d)(3)(A)(ii) of the ACA. Among individuals enrolled in family coverage through the BHP, separate rate cells, as explained below, would apply based on whether such coverage involves two adults alone or whether it involves children. This proposed provision is unchanged from the current methodology.
Factor 4--Household size: We propose to continue the current methods for separating enrollees into rate cells by household size that States use to determine BHP enrollees' household income as a percentage of the FPL under
Factor 5--Household Income: For households of each applicable size, we propose to continue the current methods for creating separate rate cells by income range, as a percentage of FPL. The PTC that a person would receive if enrolled in a QHP through an Exchange varies by household income, both in level and as a ratio to the FPL. Thus, we propose that separate rate cells would be used to calculate Federal BHP payment rates to reflect different bands of income measured as a percentage of FPL. We propose using the following income ranges, measured as a percentage of the FPL:
* 0 to 50 percent of the FPL.
* 51 to 100 percent of the FPL.
* 101 to 138 percent of the FPL. /8/
FOOTNOTE 8 The three lowest income ranges would be limited to lawfully present immigrants who are ineligible for Medicaid because of immigration status. END FOOTNOTE
* 139 to 150 percent of the FPL.
* 151 to 175 percent of the FPL.
* 176 to 200 percent of the FPL.
This proposed provision is unchanged from the current methodology.
These rate cells would be used only to calculate the Federal BHP payment amount. A State implementing a BHP would not be required to use these rate cells or any of the factors in these rate cells as part of the State payment to the standard health plans participating in the BHP or to help define BHP enrollees' covered benefits, premium costs, or out-of-pocket cost-sharing levels.
Consistent with the current methodology, we propose using averages to define Federal payment rates, both for income ranges and age ranges (if applicable), rather than varying such rates to correspond to each individual BHP enrollee's age (if applicable) and income level. We believe that the proposed approach will increase the administrative feasibility of making Federal BHP payments and reduce the likelihood of inadvertently erroneous payments resulting from highly complex methodologies. We also believe this approach should not significantly change Federal payment amounts since, within applicable ranges, the BHP-eligible population is distributed relatively evenly.
The number of factors contributing to rate cells, when combined, can result in over 350,000 rate cells, which can increase the complexity when generating quarterly payment amounts. In future years, and in the interest of administrative simplification, we will consider whether to combine or eliminate certain rate cells.
C. Sources and State Data Considerations
To the extent possible, unless otherwise provided, we intend to continue to use data submitted to the Federal government by QHP issuers seeking to offer coverage through the Exchange in the relevant BHP State to perform the calculations that determine Federal BHP payment cell rates.
States operating a State Exchange in the individual market, however, must provide certain data, including premiums for second lowest cost silver plans, by geographic area, for CMS to calculate the Federal BHP payment rates in those States. We propose that States operating BHPs interested in obtaining the applicable 2023 program year Federal BHP payment rates for its State must submit such data accurately, completely, and as specified by CMS, by no later than
States operating a BHP must submit enrollment data to us on a quarterly basis and should be technologically prepared to begin submitting data at the start of their BHP, starting with the beginning of the first program year. This differs from the enrollment estimates used to calculate the initial BHP payment, which States would generally submit to CMS 60 days before the start of the first quarter of the program start date. This requirement is necessary for us to implement the payment methodology that is tied to a quarterly reconciliation based on actual enrollment data.
We propose to continue the policy first adopted in the 2016 final BHP Payment Methodology that in States that have BHP enrollees who do not file Federal tax returns (non-filers), the State must develop a methodology to determine the enrollees' household income and household size consistently with Exchange requirements. /9/ The State must submit this methodology to us at the time of their Blueprint submission. We reserve the right to approve or disapprove the State's methodology to determine household income and household size for non-filers if the household composition and/or household income resulting from application of the methodology are different from what typically would be expected to result if the individual or head of household in the family were to file a tax return. States currently operating a BHP that wish to change the methodology for non-filers must submit a revised Blueprint outlining the revisions to its methodology, consistent with
In addition, as the Federal payments are determined quarterly and the enrollment data is required to be submitted by the States to us quarterly, we propose that the quarterly payment be based on the characteristics of the enrollee at the beginning of the quarter (or their first month of enrollment in the BHP in each quarter). Thus, if an enrollee were to experience a change in county of residence, household income, household size, or other factors related to the BHP payment determination during the quarter, the payment for the quarter would be based on the data as of the beginning of the quarter (or their first month of enrollment in the BHP in the applicable quarter). Payments would still be made only for months that the person is enrolled in and eligible for the BHP. We do not anticipate that this would have a significant effect on the Federal BHP payment. The States must maintain data that is consistent with CMS' verification requirements, including auditable records for each individual enrolled, indicating an eligibility determination and a determination of income and other criteria relevant to the payment methodology as of the beginning of each quarter.
Consistent with
D. Discussion of Specific Variables Used in Payment Equations
1. Reference Premium (RP)
To calculate the estimated PTC that would be allowed if BHP-eligible individuals enrolled in QHPs through an Exchange, we must calculate a RP because the PTC is based, in part, on the premiums for the applicable second lowest cost silver plan as explained in section II.D.5. of this proposed rule, regarding the premium tax credit formula (PTCF). The proposed method is unchanged from the current methodology except to update the reference years, and to provide additional methodological details to simplify calculations and to deal with potential ambiguities. Accordingly, for the purposes of calculating the BHP payment rates, the RP, in accordance with 26 U.S.C. 36B(b)(
The RP would be the premium applicable to non-tobacco users. This is consistent with the provision in 26 U.S.C. 36B(b)(
Consistent with the policy set forth in 26 CFR 1.36B-3(f)(7), to calculate the PTC for those enrolled in a QHP through an Exchange, we propose not to update the payment methodology, and subsequently the Federal BHP payment rates, in the event that the second lowest cost silver plan used as the RP, or the lowest cost silver plan, changes (that is, terminates or closes enrollment during the year).
The applicable second lowest cost silver plan premium will be included in the BHP payment methodology by age range (if applicable), geographic area, and self-only or applicable category of family coverage obtained through the BHP.
We note that the choice of the second lowest cost silver plan for calculating BHP payments would rely on several simplifying assumptions in its selection. For the purposes of determining the second lowest cost silver plan for calculating PTC for a person enrolled in a QHP through an Exchange, the applicable plan may differ for various reasons. For example, a different second lowest cost silver plan may apply to a family consisting of two adults, their child, and their niece than to a family with two adults and their two children, because one or more QHPs in the family's geographic area might not offer family coverage that includes the niece. We believe that it would not be possible to replicate such variations for calculating the BHP payment and believe that in the aggregate, they would not result in a significant difference in the payment. Thus, we propose to use the second lowest cost silver plan available to any enrollee for a given age, geographic area, and coverage category.
This choice of RP relies on an assumption about enrollment in the Exchanges. In the payment methodologies for program years 2015 through 2019, we had assumed that all persons enrolled in the BHP would have elected to enroll in a silver level plan if they had instead enrolled in a QHP through an Exchange (and that the QHP premium would not be lower than the value of the PTC). In the
We do not believe it is appropriate to adjust the payment for an assumption that some BHP enrollees would not have enrolled in QHPs for purposes of calculating the BHP payment rates, since section 1331(d)(3)(A)(ii) of the ACA requires the calculation of such rates as if the enrollee had enrolled in a QHP through an Exchange.
The applicable age bracket (if any) will be one dimension of each rate cell. We propose to assume a uniform distribution of ages and estimate the average premium amount within each rate cell. We believe that assuming a uniform distribution of ages within these ranges is a reasonable approach to determining the total monthly payment for BHP enrollees. We also believe this approach would avoid potential inaccuracies that could otherwise occur in relatively small payment cells if age distribution were measured by the number of persons eligible or enrolled. We have used this approach starting since the 2015 program year. We believe that other approaches (than assuming uniform age distribution) could skew the calculation of the payment rates for each rate cell. Given the number of rate cells and the fact that in some cases the number of enrollees in a cell may be small (particularly for less common family sizes, smaller counties, etc.), we believe that using estimates of age distribution or historical data could skew results. We also believe a uniform age distribution is reasonably simple to use and avoids increasing burden on States to report data to CMS. We have found this approach reliable to date.
We propose to use geographic areas based on the rating areas used in the Exchanges. We propose to define each geographic area so that the RP is the same throughout the geographic area. When the RP varies within a rating area, we propose defining geographic areas as aggregations of counties with the same RP. Although plans are allowed to serve geographic areas smaller than counties after obtaining our approval, we propose that no geographic area, for purposes of defining BHP payment rate cells, will be smaller than a county. We believe that the benefits of simplifying both the calculation of BHP payment rates and the operation of the BHP justify any impacts on Federal payment levels.
Finally, in terms of the coverage category, we propose that Federal payment rates only recognize self-only and two-adult coverage, with exceptions that account for children who are potentially eligible for the BHP. First, in States that set the upper income threshold for children's Medicaid and CHIP eligibility below 200 percent of FPL (based on modified adjusted gross income (MAGI)), children in households with incomes between that threshold and 200 percent of FPL would be potentially eligible for the BHP. Currently, the only States in this category are
FOOTNOTE 10 CMCS. "State Medicaid, CHIP and BHP Income Eligibility Standards Effective
2. Premium Adjustment Factor (PAF)
The PAF considers the premium increases in other States that took effect after we discontinued payments to issuers for CSRs provided to enrollees in QHPs offered through Exchanges. Despite the discontinuance of Federal payments for CSRs, QHP issuers are required to provide CSRs to eligible enrollees. As a result, many QHP issuers increased the silver-level plan premiums to account for those additional costs; adjustments and how those were applied (for example, to only silver-level plans or to all metal tier plans) varied across States. For the States operating BHPs in 2018, the increases in premiums were relatively minor, because the majority of enrollees eligible for CSRs (and all who were eligible for the largest CSRs) were enrolled in the BHP and not in QHPs on the Exchanges, and therefore issuers in BHP States did not significantly raise premiums to cover costs related to HHS not making CSR payments.
In the Final Administrative Order and the 2019 through 2022 final BHP Payment Notices, we incorporated the PAF into the BHP payment methodologies to capture the impact of how other States responded to us ceasing to make CSR payments. We propose to include the PAF in the 2023 payment methodology and to calculate it in the same manner as in the Final Administrative Order. In the event that an appropriation for CSR payments is made for 2023, we would determine whether and how to modify the PAF in the payment methodology.
Under the Final Administrative Order, /11/ we calculated the PAF by using information sought from QHP issuers in each State and the
FOOTNOTE 12 Some examples of outliers or unreasonable adjustments include (but are not limited to) values over 100 percent (implying the premiums doubled or more because of the adjustment), values more than double the otherwise highest adjustment, or non-numerical entries. END FOOTNOTE
For each of the two BHP States, we determined the median premium adjustment for all silver level QHPs in that State, which we refer to as the State median adjustment. The PAF for each BHP State equaled one plus the nationwide median adjustment divided by one plus the State median adjustment for the BHP State. In other words,
PAF = (1 + Nationwide Median Adjustment) / (1 + State Median Adjustment)
To determine the PAF described above, we sought to collect QHP information from QHP issuers in each State and the
According to our 2018 records, there were 1,233 silver-level QHPs operating on Exchanges in 2018. Of these 1,233 QHPs, 318 QHPs (25.8 percent) responded to our request for the percentage adjustment applied to silver-level QHP premiums in 2018 to account for the discontinuance of HHS making CSR payments. These 318 QHPs operated in 26 different States, with 10 of those States running State based exchanges (SBEs) (while we requested information only from QHP issuers in States serviced by an FFE, many of those issuers also had QHPs in State Exchanges and submitted information for those States as well). Thirteen of these 318 QHPs were in
We propose to continue to set the PAF to 1.188 for program year 2023, with one limited exception as described below. We believe that this value for the PAF continues to reasonably account for the increase in silver-level premiums experienced in non-BHP States that took effect after the discontinuance of the CSR payments. We believe that the impact of the increase in silver-level premiums in 2023 can reasonably be expected to be similar to that in 2018, because the discontinuation of CSR payments has not changed. Moreover, we believe that States and QHP issuers have not significantly changed the manner and degree to which they are increasing QHP silver-level premiums to account for the discontinuation of CSR payments since 2018, and we expect the same for 2023.
In addition, the percentage difference between the average second lowest-cost silver level QHP and the bronze-level QHP premiums has not changed significantly since 2018, and we do not expect a significant change for 2023. In 2018, the average second lowest-cost silver level QHP premium was 41.1 percent higher than the average lowest-cost bronze-level QHP premium (
FOOTNOTE 14 See Basic Health Program: Federal Funding Methodology for Program Years 2019 and 2020; Final Methodology, 84 FR 59529 at 59532 (
We propose to make one limited exception in setting the value of the PAF, all for States in the first year of implementing a BHP. In the case of a State in the first year of implementing a BHP, if the State chooses to use prior year second lowest cost silver plan (SLCSP) premiums to determine the BHP payment (for example, the 2022 premiums for the 2023 program year), we propose to set the value of the PAF to 1.00. In this case, we believe that adjustment to the QHP premiums to account for the discontinuation of CSR payments would be included fully in the prior year premiums. If the State chooses to use the prior year premiums, then no further adjustment would be necessary for the BHP payments; therefore, the value of the PAF would be 1.00.
3. Population Health Factor (PHF)
We propose that the PHF be included in the methodology to account for the potential differences in the average health status between BHP enrollees and persons enrolled through the Exchanges. To the extent that BHP enrollees would have been enrolled through an Exchange in the absence of a BHP in a State, the exclusion of those BHP enrollees in the Exchange may affect the average health status of the overall population and the expected QHP premiums.
We currently do not believe that there is evidence that the BHP population would have better or poorer health status than the Exchange population. At this time, there continues to be a lack of data on the experience in the Exchanges that limits the ability to analyze the potential health differences between these groups of enrollees. More specifically, Exchanges have been in operation since 2014, and two States have operated BHPs since 2015, but data is not available to do the analysis necessary to determine if there are differences in the average health status between BHP and Exchange enrollees. In addition, differences in population health may vary across States. We also do not believe that sufficient data would be available to permit us to make a prospective adjustment to the PHF under
Given these analytic challenges and the limited data about Exchange coverage and the characteristics of BHP-eligible consumers, we propose that the PHF continue to be 1.00 for program year 2023.
In previous years BHP payment methodologies, we included an option for States to include a retrospective population health status adjustment. We propose that States be provided with the same option for 2023 to include a retrospective population health status adjustment in the certified methodology, which is subject to our review and approval. This option is described further in section II.F. of this proposed rule. Regardless of whether a State elects to include a retrospective population health status adjustment, we anticipate that, in future years, when additional data becomes available about Exchange coverage and the characteristics of BHP enrollees, we may propose a different PHF.
While the statute requires consideration of risk adjustment payments and reinsurance payments insofar as they would have affected the PTC that would have been allowed for BHP-eligible individuals had they enrolled in QHPs, we are not proposing to require that a BHP's standard health plans receive such payments. As explained in the BHP final rule, BHP standard health plans are not included in the Federally-operated risk adjustment program. /15/ Further, standard health plans did not qualify for payments under the transitional reinsurance program established under section 1341 of the ACA for the years the program was operational (2014 through 2016). /16/ To the extent that a State operating a BHP determines that, because of the distinctive risk profile of BHP-eligible consumers, BHP standard health plans should be included in mechanisms that share risk with other plans in the State's individual market, the State would need to use other methods for achieving this goal.
FOOTNOTE 15 See 79 FR at 14131. END FOOTNOTE
FOOTNOTE 16 See 45 CFR 153.400(a)(2)(iv) (BHP standard health plans are not required to submit reinsurance contributions), 153.20 (definition of "Reinsurance-eligible plan" as not including "health insurance coverage not required to submit reinsurance contributions"), 153.230(a) (reinsurance payments under the national reinsurance parameters are available only for "Reinsurance-eligible plans"). END FOOTNOTE
4. Household Income (I)
Household income is a significant determinant of the amount of the PTC that is provided for persons enrolled in a QHP through an Exchange. Accordingly, all BHP Payment Methodologies incorporate household income into the calculations of the payment rates through the use of income-based rate cells. We propose defining household income in accordance with the definition in 26 U.S.C. 36B(d)(2)(A) and consistent with the definition in 45 CFR 155.300. Income would be measured relative to the FPL, which is updated periodically in the
FOOTNOTE 17 These income ranges and this analysis of income apply to the calculation of the PTC. END FOOTNOTE
* 0-50 percent.
* 51-100 percent.
* 101-138 percent.
* 139-150 percent.
* 151-175 percent.
* 176-200 percent.
We further propose to assume a uniform income distribution for each Federal BHP payment cell. We believe that assuming a uniform income distribution for the income ranges proposed would be reasonably accurate for the purposes of calculating the BHP payment and would avoid potential errors that could result if other sources of data were used to estimate the specific income distribution of persons who are eligible for or enrolled in the BHP within rate cells that may be relatively small.
Thus, when calculating the mean, or average, PTC for a rate cell, we propose to calculate the value of the PTC at each one percentage point interval of the income range for each Federal BHP payment cell and then calculate the average of the PTC across all intervals. This calculation would rely on the PTC formula described in section II.D.5. of this proposed rule.
As the APTC for persons enrolling in QHPs would be calculated during the open enrollment period based on their projected household income for the coverage year, and that income would be measured against the FPL at that time, we propose to adjust the FPL by multiplying the FPL by a projected increase in the CPI-U between the time that the BHP payment rates are calculated and the QHP open enrollment period, if the FPL is expected to be updated during that time. We propose that the projected increase in the CPI-U would be based on the intermediate inflation forecasts from the most recent Old-Age, Survivors, and
FOOTNOTE 18 See Table IV A1 from the 2020 Annual Report of the Boards of Trustees of the
5. Premium Tax Credit Formula (PTCF)
In Equation 1 described in section II.A.1. of this proposed rule, we propose to use the formula described in 26 U.S.C. 36B(b) to calculate the estimated PTC that would be allowed for a person enrolled in a QHP on an Exchange as part of the BHP payment methodology. This formula is used to determine the contribution amount (the amount of premium that an individual or household theoretically would be required to pay for coverage in a QHP on an Exchange), which is based on (A) the household income; (B) the household income as a percentage of FPL for the family size; and (C) the schedule specified in 26 U.S.C. 36B(b)(3)(A) and shown below.
The difference between the contribution amount and the adjusted monthly premium (that is, the monthly premium adjusted for the age of the enrollee) for the applicable second lowest cost silver plan is the estimated amount of the PTC that would be provided for the enrollee.
The PTC amount allowed for a person enrolled in a QHP through an Exchange is calculated in accordance with the methodology described in 26 U.S.C. 36B(b)(2). The amount is equal to the lesser of the premium for the plan in which the person or household enrolls, or the adjusted premium for the applicable second lowest cost silver plan minus the contribution amount.
The applicable percentage is defined in 26 U.S.C. 36B(b)(3)(A) and 26 CFR 1.36B-3(g) as the percentage that applies to a taxpayer's household income that is within an income tier, increasing on a sliding scale in a linear manner from an initial premium percentage to a final premium percentage. We propose to continue to use applicable percentages to calculate the estimated PTC that would be allowed for a person enrolled in a QHP on an Exchange as part of the BHP payment methodology as part of Equation 1.
6. Income Reconciliation Factor (IRF)
For persons who enroll, or enroll a family member, in a QHP through an Exchange for which APTC is paid, a reconciliation is required by 26 U.S.C. 36B(f) following the end of the coverage year. The reconciliation requires the enrolling individual (the taxpayer) to compare the total amount of APTC paid on behalf of the taxpayer or a family member of the taxpayer for the year of coverage to the total amount of PTC allowed for the year of coverage, based on household circumstances shown on the Federal income tax return. If the amount of a taxpayer's PTC exceeds the APTC paid on behalf of the taxpayer, the difference reduces the taxpayer's tax liability for the year of coverage or results in a refund to the extent it exceeds the taxpayer's tax liability. If the APTC exceeds the PTC allowed, the taxpayer must increase his or her tax liability for the year of coverage by the difference, subject to any limitations in statute or regulation.
Section 1331(e)(2) of the ACA specifies that an individual eligible for the BHP may not be treated as a "qualified individual" under section 1312 of the ACA who is eligible for enrollment in a QHP offered through an Exchange. We are defining "eligible" to mean anyone for whom the State agency or the Exchange assesses or determines, based on the single streamlined application or renewal form, as eligible for enrollment in the BHP. Because APTC is paid only on behalf of individuals enrolled in a QHP, individuals determined or assessed as eligible for a BHP are not eligible for APTC for coverage in the Exchange. Consequently, unlike Exchange enrollees for whom APTC is paid, no reconciliation is required of BHP enrollees, on whom the BHP payment methodology is generally based.
Nonetheless, there may still be differences between a BHP enrollee's household income reported at the beginning of the year and the actual household income for the year. These may include small changes (reflecting changes in hourly wage rates, hours worked per week, and other fluctuations in income during the year) and large changes (reflecting significant changes in employment status, hourly wage rates, or substantial fluctuations in income). There may also be changes in household composition. Thus, we believe that using unadjusted income as reported prior to the BHP program year may result in calculations of estimated PTC that are inconsistent with the actual household incomes of BHP enrollees during the year. Even if the BHP adjusts household income determinations and corresponding claims of Federal payment amounts based on household reports during the year or data from third-party sources, such adjustments may not fully capture the effects of tax reconciliation that BHP enrollees would have experienced had they been enrolled in a QHP through an Exchange with APTC.
Therefore, in accordance with current practice, we propose including in Equation 1 an adjustment, the IRF, that would account for the difference between calculating estimated PTC using: (a) Household income relative to FPL as determined at initial application and potentially revised mid-year under
OTA maintains a model that combines detailed tax and other data, including Exchange enrollment and PTC claimed, to project Exchange premiums, enrollment, and tax credits. For each enrollee, this model compares the APTC based on household income and family size estimated at the point of enrollment with the PTC based on household income and family size reported at the end of the tax year. The former reflects the determination using enrollee information furnished by the applicant and tax data furnished by the
We believe that it is appropriate to distinguish between the IRF for Medicaid expansion States and non-Expansion States to remove data for those with incomes under 138 percent of FPL for Medicaid expansion States. This is the same approach that we finalized in the 2021 and 2022 final BHP Payment Notices. Therefore, we propose to set the value of the IRF for States that have expanded Medicaid equal to the value of the IRF for incomes between 138 and 200 percent of FPL and the value of the IRF for States that have not expanded Medicaid equal to the value of the IRF for incomes between 100 and 200 percent of FPL. This gives an IRF of 100.66 percent for States that have expanded Medicaid and 101.63 percent for States that have not expanded Medicaid for program year 2023. Both current States operating a BHP have expanded Medicaid eligibility, and therefore we propose an IRF of 100.66 percent.
We propose to use these values for the IRF in Equations (1) for calculating the PTC portion of the BHP payment rate.
7. Section 1332 Waiver Factor (WF)
Section 1332 of the ACA permits States to apply for a waiver from certain ACA requirements to pursue innovative strategies for providing their residents with access to high quality, affordable health insurance coverage while retaining the basic protections of the ACA. Section 1332 of the ACA authorizes the Secretary of HHS and the Secretary of the
Under section 1332 of the ACA, the Secretaries may exercise their discretion to approve a request for a section 1332 waiver only if the Secretaries determine that the proposal for the section 1332 waiver meets the following four requirements, referred to as the statutory guardrails: (1) The proposal will provide coverage that is at least as comprehensive as coverage defined in section 1302(b) of the ACA and offered through Exchanges established under title I of the ACA, as certified by the
FOOTNOTE 19 See section 1332(b)(1)(A) through (D) of the ACA, 45 CFR 155.1308(f)(3)(iv)(A) through (D), and 31 CFR 33.108(f)(3)(iv)(A) through (D). END FOOTNOTE
FOOTNOTE 20 See the CMS section 1332 waiver website for information on approved waivers: END FOOTNOTE
Section 1332(a)(3) of the ACA directs the Secretaries to pay pass-through funding to the State for the purpose of implementing the State's section 1332 waivers. Under an approved section 1332 waiver, a State may receive pass-through funding associated with the resulting reductions in Federal spending on Exchange financial assistance (PTC, CSRs, and small business tax credits (SBTC)) consistent with the statute and reduced as necessary to ensure deficit neutrality. These payments are made in compliance with the applicable waiver plans, the specific terms and conditions governing the waiver, and accompanying statutory and regulatory requirements. Specifically, section 1332(a)(3) of the ACA provides that pass-through funding shall be paid to States for purposes of implementing the States' waiver plans. The specific impacts of the waivers on premiums and PTCs vary across States and plan years, depending, in part, on the State's approved section 1332 waiver plan and the design of the State's program. /21/ 31 CFR 33.122 and 45 CFR 155.1322 specify that pass-through funding amounts will be calculated annually by the Departments for States with approved waivers. /22/ Additionally, section 1332(a)(4)(B)(v) of the ACA requires that the Secretaries issue regulations that provide a process for periodic evaluations by the Secretaries of the program under the waiver. /23/ As implemented by the Departments, the periodic evaluations include evaluation of pass-through funding and associated reporting and methodologies. Information on the pass-through funding amounts is made available publicly on the CMS website. /24/
FOOTNOTE 21 For example, some State reinsurance programs under a section 1332 waiver have reduced Statewide average QHP premiums by 4 percent to 40 percent compared to what premiums would have been without the waiver. See Data Brief on Section 1332 waivers: State-based reinsurance programs available here END FOOTNOTE
FOOTNOTE 22 See section 1332(a)(3) of the ACA. See also Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; Updating Payment Parameters and Improving Health Insurance Markets for 2022 and Beyond; Final Rule, 86 FR 53412 at 53482-53483 (
FOOTNOTE 23 See 31 CFR 33.128 and 45 CFR 155.1328. END FOOTNOTE
FOOTNOTE 24 See the CMS section 1332 website for information on pass-through funding here: END FOOTNOTE
With regard to a State that operates a BHP and an approved section 1332 waiver, the Federal BHP program can have an impact on section 1332 waiver pass-through funding for that State. For example, the existence of a Federal BHP program impacts aggregate PTC amounts in the State because BHP moves some individuals, who would otherwise be eligible for PTC, out of Exchange coverage. Similarly, as the section 1332 waiver may impact the benchmark QHP premiums and the PTCs in a State, the waiver may also have an effect on the calculation of Federal BHP payments in a State operating a BHP.
If the section 1332 waiver reduces premiums for eligible enrollees, then this can lead to a reduction in the amount of PTC available for eligible enrollees (in particular, if the second lowest-cost silver QHP premium is reduced). While this may not have an effect on particular subsidized QHP enrollees, as their share of the premium would remain unchanged, it would reduce the amount of Federal outlays for PTC. With respect to a State's approved section 1332 waiver, the amount of Federal pass-through funding would equal the difference between (1) the amount, determined annually by the Secretaries, of PTC under section 36B of the Code, the SBTC under section 45R of the Code, or CSRs under part I of subtitle E of the ACA (collectively referred to as Exchange financial assistance) that individuals and small employers in the State would otherwise be eligible for had the State not received approval for its section 1332 waiver and (2) the amount of Exchange financial assistance that individuals and small employers are eligible for with the approved section 1332 waiver in place. The section 1332 waiver pass-through amount would not be increased to account for any savings or decreases in Federal spending other than the reduction in Exchange financial assistance. This pass-through amount for the section 1332 waiver would be reduced by any net increase in Federal spending or net decrease in Federal revenue if necessary to ensure deficit neutrality. The State must use this pass-through funding only for purposes of implementing the plan associated with the State's approved section 1332 waiver. Therefore, in States that operate only an approved section 1332 waiver, the net expected Federal spending is the same, even though the amount of PTC paid by the Federal government is lower.
However, for a State that operates a BHP and a section 1332 waiver, a reduction in the expected Federal PTC payments due to the operation of the waiver leads directly to a reduction in Federal BHP funding to the State under the current BHP methodology. The amount of PTC and CSRs individuals are eligible for in the Exchange is dependent on the cost of the SLCSP premium, and the cost of the SLCSP premium is the basis for determining the amount of Federal funding for its BHP program. Therefore, a reduction in SLCSP premium due to a section 1332 waiver, also reduces the Federal BHP payment. These reductions may be substantial. For example, in
FOOTNOTE 25 86 FR 7793 (
We determined it is appropriate to account for the impact of an approved section 1332 waiver when calculating Federal BHP payments. This proposal is necessary for consistency with E.O. 14009 and this Administration's goal of protecting and strengthening the ACA and making high-quality, affordable health care accessible for every American. We believe that it is appropriate to consider the amount of pass-through funding associated with the section 1332 waiver as part of the PTC for the purpose of determining the BHP payments. As described previously, while the PTC allowed may be reduced under the section 1332 waiver, the benefit to the persons eligible for such subsidized coverage has not decreased. Considering the section 1332 pass-through funding as part of the PTC for purposes of determining the BHP payment also counteracts the reduction in Federal BHP funding for States that lawfully exercise the flexibility
FOOTNOTE 27 42 CFR 600.610(c)(2)(iii). END FOOTNOTE
FOOTNOTE 28 42 CFR 600.610(c)(2)(iii). END FOOTNOTE
We seek public comment on this proposal.
E. State Option To Use Prior Program Year QHP Premiums for BHP Payments
In the interest of allowing States greater certainty in the total BHP Federal payments for a given plan year, we have given States the option to have their final Federal BHP payment rates calculated using a projected adjusted reference premium (that is, using premium data from the prior program year multiplied by the PTF, as described in Equation (2b)). We propose to require States to make their election to have their final Federal BHP payment rates calculated using a projected adjusted reference premium by the later of (1)
With the addition of the section 1332 WF, there is the possibility that using the previous year's QHP premiums multiplied by the PTF could lead to unexpected results if there are significant changes to the State's approved section 1332 waiver, including changes that could occur at the start or the end of the waiver. For example, if a State were to implement a section 1332 waiver in 2023 that lowered premiums significantly, and the State then chose to use the prior year's premiums (that is, 2022 plan year premiums) multiplied by the PTF, this could lead to BHP payment well in excess of what would have been paid in the Exchanges when the WF is added to the methodology. Similarly, if a State were to end its section 1332 waiver and choose to use the prior year's premiums, the BHP payment could be less than what would otherwise be expected.
Therefore, we also propose that in the following cases, the current year QHP premiums would have to be used for calculating BHP payments with regard to section 1332 waivers: (1) A State implements a new section 1332 waiver that begins at the start of the BHP program year; (2) a State ends a section 1332 waiver in the year prior to the start of the BHP program year; or (3) the percentage difference between the with and without waiver premiums used to determine the section 1332 waiver pass-through funding amount (and used to determine the WF) changes by 5 or more percentage points from the prior year. The percentage difference would be measured based on the enrollment-weighted average of the with and without waiver premiums. We believe that these three scenarios (the start of a new waiver, the end of a waiver, and a significant change to a waiver) reflect all relevant scenarios in which changes to a section 1332 waiver would lead to a significant error in the calculation of BHP payments if the prior year premiums were used in the BHP payment methodology. We believe that this proposed requirement to use the current year QHP premiums in these limited circumstances would avoid an incorrect calculation of BHP payments due to changes related to the section 1332 waiver.
We seek public comments on this proposal.
For Equation (2b), we propose to continue to define the PTF, with minor proposed changes in calculation sources and methods, as follows:
PTF: In the case of a State that would elect to use the 2022 premiums as the basis for determining the 2023 BHP payment, it would be appropriate to apply a factor that would account for the change in health care costs between the year of the premium data and the BHP program year. This factor would approximate the change in health care costs per enrollee, which would include, but not be limited to, changes in the price of health care services and changes in the utilization of health care services. This would provide an estimate of the adjusted monthly premium for the applicable SLCSP that would be more accurate and reflective of health care costs in the BHP program year.
For the PTF we propose to use the annual growth rate in private health insurance expenditures per enrollee from the National Health Expenditure (NHE) projections, developed by the
We note that the increase in premiums for QHPs from one year to the next may differ from the PTF developed for the BHP funding methodology for several reasons. In particular, we note that the second lowest cost silver plan may be different from 1 year to the next. This may lead to the PTF being greater than or less than the actual change in the premium of the SLCSP.
F. State Option To Include Retrospective State-Specific Health Risk Adjustment in Certified Methodology
To determine whether the potential difference in health status between BHP enrollees and consumers in an Exchange would affect the PTC allowed and risk adjustment payments that would have otherwise been made had BHP enrollees been enrolled in coverage through an Exchange, we propose to continue to provide States implementing the BHP the option to propose and to implement, as part of the certified methodology, a retrospective adjustment to the Federal BHP payments to reflect the actual value that would be assigned to the PHF (or risk adjustment) based on data accumulated during that program year for each rate cell.
We acknowledge that there is uncertainty with respect to this factor due to the lack of available data to analyze potential health differences between the BHP and QHP populations, which is why, absent a State election, we propose to use a value for the PHF (see section II.D.3. of this proposed rule) to determine a prospective payment rate which assumes no difference in the health status of BHP enrollees and QHP enrollees. There is considerable uncertainty regarding whether the BHP enrollees will pose a greater risk or a lesser risk compared to the QHP enrollees, how to best measure such risk, the potential effect such risk would have had on PTC, and risk adjustment that would have otherwise been made had BHP enrollees been enrolled in coverage through an Exchange. However, to the extent that a State would develop an approved protocol to collect data and effectively measure the relative risk and the effect on Federal payments of PTC and CSRs, we propose to continue to permit a retrospective adjustment that would measure the actual difference in risk between the two populations to be incorporated into the certified BHP payment methodology and used to adjust payments in the previous year.
For a State electing the option to implement a retrospective population health status adjustment as part of the BHP payment methodology applicable to the State, we propose requiring the State to submit a proposed protocol to CMS, which would be subject to approval by CMS and would be required to be certified by the Chief Actuary of CMS, in consultation with the OTA. We propose to apply the same protocol for the population health status adjustment as what is set forth in guidance in Considerations for Health Risk Adjustment in the Basic Health Program in Program Year 2015 ( We propose requiring a State to submit its proposed protocol for the 2023 program year by the later of
III. Revisions to Basic Health Program Regulations
The calculation of BHP payment amounts is set forth in
Over the past several years, minimal changes to the payment methodology have been required, and we no longer view an annual publication of a payment methodology as necessary. Specifically, between 2015 and 2022, only two factors (the PAF and the MTSF) were added to the payment methodology, and one of the factors (the MTSF) was subsequently removed. For 2023, we are proposing to add the section 1332 WF. Other than this year's addition of the proposed section 1332 WF, if finalized, we do not believe that additional factors will be added or removed on an annual basis as this program has now been in operation for several years. Therefore, we are proposing to revise
In addition, we are proposing at
We are proposing these changes under the authority in section 1331(d)(3)(A)(iii) of the ACA, which requires that the Chief Actuary of CMS, in consultation with OTA, shall certify whether the methodology used to make payments to the States meets the requirements of section 1331(d)(3)(A)(ii) of the ACA.
Examples of mathematical errors in the application and/or development of the BHP funding methodology include using the incorrect value of a factor within the BHP payment methodology or using incorrect data to calculate a factor within the BHP payment methodology. Examples of changes that are not mathematical errors under this regulation include the addition or removal of a factor in the BHP payment methodology or a change in the approach for calculating a factor.
As an example of mathematical error in the development of the BHP payment methodology, we recently became aware of an error in calculating the Income Reconciliation Factor (IRF) for program year 2019, resulting in an underpayment of Federal funds to States for their BHPs. In reviewing the model used to calculate the IRF, CMS and OTA found an error in the computation of the IRF. Working with OTA, we have developed a new value for the IRF for 2019. Previously, the IRF for the 2019 BHP payment methodology was 98.03 percent. The corrected value for the IRF for program year 2019 was recalculated as the median of the impact of income reconciliation on PTC for persons with incomes between 100 percent and 200 percent of FPL (102.36 percent) and the impact for persons with incomes between 133 percent and 200 percent of FPL (101.66 percent), which is 102.01 percent. Using the median of the two values is the same approach as we used to calculate the original IRF value in 2019, and the difference between the values is attributable to a mathematical error made during the development of the BHP payment methodology for program year 2019.
Therefore, we are proposing to revise
We seek public comment on these proposals.
IV. Collection of Information Requirements
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.), we are required to provide 60-day notice in the
To fairly evaluate whether an information collection should be approved by OMB, section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the PRA requires that we solicit comment on the following issues:
* The need for the information collection and its usefulness in carrying out the proper functions of our agency.
* The accuracy of our estimate of the information collection burden.
* The quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected.
* Recommendations to minimize the information collection burden on the affected public, including automated collection techniques.
We are soliciting public comment on each of these issues for the following sections of this document that contain proposed collection of information requirements.
A. Wage Estimates
To derive average costs for individuals, we used data from the
Table 1-National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates Occupation title Occupation code Mean hourly wage Fringe benefits and overhead Adjusted ( $/hr) ( $/hr) hourly wage ( $/hr)Business Operations Specialists 13-1000 38.64 38.64 77.25 General and Operations Managers 11-1021 55.41 55.41 110.82
To derive our proposed cost estimates, we adjusted BLS' mean hourly wage by a factor of 100 percent. This is necessarily a rough adjustment, both because fringe benefits and overhead costs vary significantly from employer to employer, and because methods of estimating these costs vary widely from study to study. Therefore, we believe that doubling the hourly wage to estimate total cost is a reasonably accurate and conservative estimation method.
B. Proposed Information Collection Requirements (ICRs)
The following proposed changes will be submitted to OMB for review under control number 0938-1218 (CMS-10510). We also propose to reinstate that control number as our previous approval was discontinued on
1. ICRs Regarding the Submission of Estimated and Actual Quarterly Enrollment Data
In sections I.A. and II.B. of this proposed rule, we propose that a State that is approved to implement a BHP must provide CMS with an estimate of the number of BHP enrollees it projects will enroll in the upcoming BHP program quarter, by applicable rate cell, prior to the first quarter and each subsequent quarter of program operations until after actual enrollment data is available. Enrollment data must be submitted by age range (if applicable), geographic area, coverage status, household size, and income range.
We estimate that it would take a business operations specialist 10 hours at
In sections I.A. and II.B. of this proposed rule, we also propose that following each BHP program quarter, a State operating a BHP must submit actual enrollment data to CMS. Actual enrollment data must be based on individuals enrolled for the quarter who the State found eligible and whose eligibility was verified using eligibility and verification requirements as agreed to by the State in its applicable BHP Blueprint for the quarter that enrollment data is submitted. Actual enrollment data must include a personal identifier, date of birth, county of residence, Indian status, family size, household income, number of persons in the household enrolled in BHP, family identifier, months of coverage, plan information, and any other data required by CMS to properly calculate the payment. This may include the collection of data related to eligibility for other coverage, marital status (for calculating household composition), or more precise residence location.
We estimate that it would take a business operations specialist 100 hours at
2. ICRs Regarding Submission of Qualified Health Plan Data
In section II.C. of this proposed rule, we specify that States operating an SBE in the individual market must provide certain data, including premiums for SLCSPs, by geographic area, for CMS to calculate the Federal BHP payment rates in those States. States operating BHPs interested in obtaining the applicable 2023 program year Federal BHP payment rates for its State must submit the data to CMS by
We estimate that it would take a business operations specialist 20 hours at
C. Summary of Proposed Requirements and Annual Burden Estimates
Section under Title 42 OMB control No. Number of respondents Total Time per response Total time Labor cost Total cost of the CFR (CMS ID No.) responses (hr) (hr) ( $/hr) ( $ ) 600.610 0938-1218 (CMS-10510) 2 8 Varies 96 Varies 7,953 600.610 0938-1218 (CMS-10510) 2 8 Varies 880 Varies 70,666 600.610 0938-1218 (CMS-10510) 2 2 Varies 44 Varies 3,533 Total 2 18 Varies 1,020 Varies 82,152
D. Submission of PRA-Related Comments
We have submitted a copy of this proposed rule to OMB for its review of the rule's information collection requirements and burden. The requirements are not effective until they have been approved by OMB.
To obtain copies of the supporting statement and any related forms for the proposed collections discussed above, please visit the CMS website at, or call the Reports Clearance Office at 410-786-1326.
We invite public comments on these potential information collection requirements. If you comment, please submit your comments electronically as specified in the DATES and ADDRESSES sections of this proposed rule.
V. Response to Comments
Because of the large number of public comments, we normally receive on
VI. Regulatory Impact Analysis
A. Statement of Need
Section 1331 of the ACA (42 U.S.C. 18051) requires the Secretary to establish a BHP, and section 1331(d)(1) specifically provides that if the Secretary finds that a State meets the requirements of the program established under section 1331(a) of the ACA, the Secretary shall transfer to the State Federal BHP payments described in section 1331(d)(3) of the ACA. This proposed methodology provides for the funding methodology to determine the Federal BHP payment amounts required to implement these provisions for program year 2023.
B. Overall Impact
We have examined the impacts of this rule as required by E.O. 12866 on Regulatory Planning and Review (
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 direct agencies to assess all costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity). Section 3(f) of Executive Order 12866 defines a "significant regulatory action" as an action that is likely to result in a rule: (1) Having an annual effect on the economy of
A regulatory impact analysis (RIA) must be prepared for major rules with significant regulatory action(s) or with economically significant effects (
C. Detailed Economic Analysis
The aggregate economic impact of this proposed payment methodology is estimated to be
Projected BHP enrollment and expenditures under the previous payment methodology were calculated using the most recent 2022 QHP premiums and State estimates for BHP enrollment. We projected enrollment for 2023 using the projected increase in the number of adults in the
The incorporation of the WF is the most significant change in this proposed methodology from the final 2022 payment methodology. To calculate the impact of adding the WF to the methodology, we took the following steps. First, we calculated the estimated value of the WF using the most recently available section 1332 waiver premium data for 2021. /29/ In Minnesota, the average percentage difference between the "with waiver" SLCSP premiums and the "without waiver" SLCSP premiums for 2021 is 27.3 percent (calculated as the average of the "without waiver" SLCSP premium divided by the "with waiver" SLCSP premium, averaged across all rating areas). We then increased the RPs in the model for
Table 2-Estimated Federal Impacts for the Basic Health Program 2023 Payment Methodology To Add Waiver Factor Projected Federal BHP Payments under 2022 Final Methodology$ 8,021 Projected Federal BHP Payment under 2023 Proposed Methodology 8,154 Federal costs 133 Totals may not add due to rounding.
The provisions of this proposed methodology are designed to determine the amount of funds that will be transferred to States offering coverage through a BHP rather than to individuals eligible for Federal financial assistance for coverage purchased on the Exchange. We are uncertain what the total Federal BHP payment amounts to States will be as these amounts will vary from State to State due to the State-specific factors and conditions. In this case, the exact value of the WF and the effects of the section 1332 waiver in 2023 are currently unknown. The value of the WF could be higher or lower than estimated here as a result. In addition, projected BHP expenditures and enrollment may also differ from our current estimates, which may also lead to costs being higher or lower than estimated here.
In addition, the proposed methodology would allow for a retrospective correction to the BHP payment methodology for errors that occurred during the development or application of the BHP funding methodology. For 2019, we propose to correct the value of the IRF from 98.03 percent to 102.01 percent. Actual Federal BHP expenditures in 2019 were
Table 3-Estimated Federal Impacts for the Basic Health Program 2023 Payment Methodology To Apply Retrospective Corrections Actual Federal BHP Payment (2019)$ 5,591 Projected Federal BHP Payment with Correction (2019) 5,815 Federal costs 224 Totals may not add due to rounding.
The total estimated impact of this proposed methodology is
D. Alternative Approaches
We considered several alternatives in developing the BHP payment methodology for 2023, and we discuss some of these alternatives below.
We considered alternatives as to how to calculate the PAF in the final methodology for 2023. The value for the PAF is 1.188, which is the same as was used for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. We believe it would be difficult to obtain the updated information from QHP issuers comparable to what was used to develop the 2018 factor, because QHP issuers may not distinctly consider the impact of the discontinuance of CSR payments on the QHP premiums any longer. We do not have reason to believe that the value of the PAF would change significantly between program years 2018 and 2023. We are continuing to consider whether or not there are other methodologies or data sources we may be able to use to calculate the PAF.
We also considered whether to continue to provide States the option to develop a protocol for a retrospective adjustment to the PHF as we did in previous payment methodologies. We believe that continuing to provide this option is appropriate and likely to improve the accuracy of the final payments.
We also considered whether to require the use of the program year premiums to develop the Federal BHP payment rates, rather than allow the choice between the program year premiums and the prior year premiums trended forward. We believe that the payment rates can still be developed accurately using either the prior year QHP premiums or the current program year premiums and that it is appropriate to continue to provide the States these options.
We also considered whether or not to include a factor to address the impacts of State Innovation Waivers. In previous methodologies, we have not addressed the potential impacts of State Innovation Waivers on BHP payments. We believe it is appropriate to include such a factor for this payment methodology. We also considered other approaches to calculating the factor, including whether or not to use each State's experience separately or to look at the impacts across all States. We believe it is more accurate to use each State's experience separately, as applicable.
Many of the factors in the final methodology are specified in statute; therefore, for these factors we are limited in the alternative approaches we could consider. We do have some choices in selecting the data sources used to determine the factors included in the methodology. We will continue to use national rather than State-specific data, with the exception of State-specific RPs and enrollment data. This is due to the lack of currently available State-specific data needed to develop the majority of the factors included in the methodology. We believe the national data will produce sufficiently accurate determinations of payment rates. In addition, we believe that this approach will be less burdensome on States. In many cases, using State-specific data would necessitate additional requirements on the States to collect, validate, and report data to CMS. By using national data, we are able to collect data from other sources and limit the burden placed on the States. For RPs and enrollment data, we will use State-specific data rather than national data, as we believe State-specific data will produce more accurate determinations than national averages.
E. Accounting Statement and Table
Table 4-Accounting Statement: Federal Transfers to States Units Category Primary Low estimate High estimate Year dollars Discount rate Period estimate covered Annualized Monetized$ 180 $ 163 $ 197 2022 7% 2022-2023 Transfers from Federal Government to States 179 162 196 2022 3% 2022-2023
As required by OMB Circular A-4 (available at, we have prepared an accounting statement in Table 4 showing the classification of the transfer payments from the Federal government to States associated with the provisions of this proposed rule. Table 4 provides our best estimates of the transfer payments outlined in the section C. Detailed Economic Analysis above. These estimates assume that costs in 2022 could be 5 percent above and below the primary estimate (
F. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C.
Because this methodology is focused solely on Federal BHP payment rates to States, it does not contain provisions that would have a direct impact on hospitals, physicians, and other health care providers that are designated as small entities under the RFA. Accordingly, we have determined that the methodology, like the previous methodology and the final rule that established the BHP program, will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. Therefore, the Secretary has determined that this rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
Section 1102(b) of the Act requires us to prepare a regulatory impact analysis if a methodology may have a significant economic impact on the operations of a substantial number of small rural hospitals. For purposes of section 1102(b) of the Act, we define a small rural hospital as a hospital that is located outside of a metropolitan statistical area and has fewer than 100 beds. For the preceding reasons, we have determined that the methodology will not have a significant impact on a substantial number of small rural hospitals. Therefore, the Secretary has determined that this rule will not have a significant impact on the operations of a substantial number of small rural hospitals.
G. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA)
Section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA) of 2005 (Pub. L. 104-4) requires that agencies assess anticipated costs and benefits before issuing any rule whose mandates require spending in any 1 year of
H. Federalism
E.O. 13132 establishes certain requirements that an agency must meet when it issues a final rule that imposes substantial direct effects on States, preempts State law, or otherwise has Federalism implications. The BHP is entirely optional for States, and if implemented in a State, provides access to a pool of funding that would not otherwise be available to the State. Accordingly, the requirements of E.O. 13132 do not apply to this proposed rule.
I. Conclusion
We believe that this proposed BHP payment methodology is effectively the same methodology as finalized for 2022, with the exception of the addition of the WF. In addition, we propose to update the regulation to clarify that errors in the application and the development of the methodology may be corrected retroactively. BHP payment rates may change as the values of the factors change, most notably the QHP premiums for 2022 or 2023. We do not anticipate this proposed methodology to have any significant effect on BHP enrollment in 2023.
In accordance with the provisions of E.O. 12866, this regulation was reviewed by the
List of Subjects in 42 CFR Part 600 Administrative practice and procedure, Health care, health insurance, Intergovernmental relations, Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the
1. The authority citation for part 600 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Section 1331 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111-148, 124 Stat. 119), as amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111-152, 124 Stat 1029).
2. Amend
a. By revising paragraphs (a)(1) and (b)(1); and
b. In paragraph (c)(2)(ii), by removing the phrase "during the application of the BHP funding methodology" and adding in its place the phrase "during the application or development of the BHP funding methodology".
The revisions read as follows:
(a) * * *
(1) Beginning in FY 2015, the Secretary will determine and publish in a
(b) * * *
(1) Beginning in calendar year 2023, in years that the Secretary publishes a revised payment methodology, the Secretary will determine and publish the final BHP payment methodology and BHP payment amounts in a
[FR Doc. 2022-11047 Filed 5-23-22;
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