A Salinas couple takes a new tack in their fight for the right to marry.
But Contreras could tell there was a connection. "I already know I want to spend time with you, and I want to take you to dinner," Long remembers him saying. So they went big, with dinner at Tarpy's Roadhouse. Long's bubbly, positive approach to life aligned with Contreras' more subdued, yet similarly positive attitude. They fell in love. And on Christmas of 2016, about a year after their first date, he proposed.
They began daydreaming about their wedding – rings, flowers, a venue (probably Tarpy's). But then their wedding planning was interrupted by an unpleasant bureaucratic catch. Long learned that if she, as an adult with a disability she's had since childhood, marries a non-disabled adult, she will lose her monthly
And besides, the federal government long ago determined that people like Long – who was born with ankylosing spondylitis which causes fractures in her spine, leading to spinal deformity, pain and surgery after surgery – are entitled to a federal benefit to support their care.
What the federal government did not anticipate when writing these provisions in 1956 was an era in which people with disabilities might live independently and have full lives, with jobs, romantic partners and as parents. It's well past time
At Long and Contreras' insistence, Rep.
Since the Marriage Equality for Disabled Adults Act was introduced in January, it has languished in
"Long has a sincere religious belief that in marriage, two people become one flesh, achieving perfect unity with one another as described in Genesis 2:24," it reads. "It means saying goodbye to one's single life and moving forward together in faith as one… Long feels that her religious practice is incomplete because she is not able to engage in the sacrament of marriage."
Long and Contreras attend services every Sunday at
"This is not just a story about a Christian woman who wants to get married, but a really important American value, religious freedom," says
Lewis hopes
But it's impossible to read the complaint and not see the makings of a potential
Long certainly hopes it does not come to that. She is not a public person, and has never wanted to be the face of a movement. She just wants to get married, and to participate in a special prayer at church.
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