Yes, masks are coming off, but vaccine and mask opponents in NC must beware [The Charlotte Observer]
Vaccines, masks
So, the masks are going away. Fine, but know this: over 900,000 Americans have died of COVID and every single one caught the disease from someone else. Unvaccinated, unmasked people are a menace to the community, like drunk drivers and food service workers who don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom. Individual rights do not include the right to make other people sick.
Michael O’Hara,
Regarding “Liberal agenda undermines employer-based health care,” (
The op-ed from the
Sure, let’s keep a healthcare system in which our choices are made by for-profit insurance companies with sky-high administrative costs and richly-paid executives, whose sole job is finding new ways to take in as much premium dollars as possible, while paying out the least benefits possible. What possibly can go wrong with that?
Medicare for All
The conservative think-tank author of this op-ed against universal healthcare insurance deliberately misstates the motives of those who support it. We want everyone to have insurance, including the millions who lost their insurance along with their jobs due to the pandemic. We want entrepreneurs who start small companies to have insurance. We want everyone to have free choice of doctors and hospitals, not just a choice of which bureaucratic insurance company will restrict those choices to maximize profits.
Medicare for All indeed might replace employer-based coverage with universal guaranteed, comprehensive, life-long coverage that will cost employees and employers less. Who wouldn’t want that?
Unaffiliated voters
I read with interest “NC Republicans redraw congressional maps with Dems’ help” (
Putin and Trump
According to reports,
Climate changes
Now that virtually everyone on earth agrees the climate is changing, let’s get specific. It’s tough to argue that record-breaking natural disasters we see weekly aren’t happening, so climate deniers take a fallback position: Climate has always changed.
Remember when our parents and grandparents told us about the horrendous polar melt of 1929 or the record western drought of 1964? No, because those types of climate disasters never happened. But we can tell our children about the ongoing western drought that started in 2002, which threatens the welfare of tens of millions of Americans (as reported in The Observer last week).
Climate changes naturally over thousands of years, not over the span of one generation. But we now have just one generation to fix it.
Thank you for publishing the “Dreams and Nightmares” series on Kinston and the impact of basketball on the city. It was excellent journalism and made for compelling reading.
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