Worcester fire officials announce creation of task force to exam fire safety
The task force will do its work alongside the typically yearlong federal review the
Augustus announced his intentions the same day a strongly worded editorial by
Spencer's piece, among other suggestions, called for better training.
"Blaming triple-deckers or other unique structures is not enough. Firefighter deaths do not happen with such regularity in other cities in the
Spencer continued, "Following the warehouse fire, I served on the Abandoned Buildings Committee in
She called for more collaboration between city departments, similar to what happened as a result of the
While not placing blame, Spencer said the city needs "to identify and support the clear failures in the system" ... "so that
There have been nine
Augustus, in a city hall interview Friday alongside Fire Chief
The manager said he wasn't offering a rebuttal to Spencer's letter, as, "We appreciate the spirit with which she wrote that letter and we understand the motivation. We all are asking ourselves the same thing: How do we prevent this from ever happening again? We're exactly on the same page, and so there's nothing to rebut because we're all asking ourselves that. We have the responsibility to do something about it. We're working on a process to try to come up with additional ideas and strategies that can help not have it happen again."
The state is also reviewing the latest deadly fire.
In a statement, State Fire Marshal
The state fire marshal added: "Today's fires burn hotter and faster than the fires of 30 and 40 years ago because of modern furnishings made of foams and plastics. That means occupants have less time to escape and that today's fires may become more dangerous to fight more quickly.
Deputy Chief
"Everybody's reacting in their own way to this type of situation, and of course, questions come up," the department spokesman said. "That's what they're going to ask, and we can do nothing but appreciate that because we're experiencing that same exact thing."
Deputy Chief
"You can never predict what's going to go on in there," he said. "So we are always, after every incident, looking to improve on how that incident went. Not everything is perfect. It's a lot of adjustment as you go along through an incident because situations change. But that is always being reflected back at us, looking at how we can improve any given incident, whether it's a first responder, whether it's a car accident, whether it's anything we go to. A working fire. We're always looking to critique ourselves as a company, as a fire department, as an individual person."
In addition to improving firefighter safety, the task force would look at the code side of how the city inspects buildings, as the two disciplines are related, Augustus said.
About the timeline, and who would serve, Augustus said, "We're still putting together the construct of it but I would think in the next couple of weeks we would have the names, as well as charge - kind of a list of things that we're going to ask them to do and come back with hopefully a fairly quick turnaround, in a couple of months. I would like to get some recommendations back to the extent they may have budget implications.
The city begins to prepare its fiscal 2021 budget in February.
When seeking "Firefighter 1 and Firefighter 2" levels of state certifications that carry various job performance requirements measuring knowledge and skills, Lavoie said that by the time the state comes in to certify
White noted that many of the city's training instructors work second jobs as instructors at the
Also, the state
Meanwhile, the fire officials discussed changes that were made in the past year, including the addition of three safety captains, and the implementation of on scene incident safety officers at fires, a change in course that was discussed prior to Roy's death, according to Lavoie.
Essentially, the incident safety officer who arrives on scene with a first alarm carries the sole purpose of looking out for firefighter safety, "to keep our own people safe," Dyer said.
White said that during the fire on
"It's been an excellent program," White said.
Lavoie noted that people often suggest that, because the city has 100-year-old buildings, the department has been fighting fires in those buildings for 100 years.
But, echoing the fire marshal's statement, changes in today's furnishings and what he said was the buttoning up of old buildings, with insulation, siding, and thermal windows add to the challenge.
"Back 15, 20 years ago, when we fought a fire in these buildings, they vented everywhere," the chief said. "The house leaked like a sieve. The windows weren't tight. All the pressure and all the smoke and all of the heat found a way out.
"Now it's not finding a way out and staying in. So we have to figure out what's happening when it stays in, and we have to figure out how, how to properly attack this now."
The department is also studying how cold temperatures affect a fire, because all of
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