Whiteville police reports from July 3-10
The following incidents were reported to the
Warrant service and no liability service,
Welfare check,
Larceny of merchandise,
Order for arrest (true bill), no liability insurance, driving while license revoked, failure to carry valid license and expired registration card/tag,
Warrant service,
Larceny of property,
Larceny and open container of alcoholic beverage, Sam's Pit Stop,
Warrant service,
Obtaining property by false pretense,
Assault and damage to property,
Obtaining property by false pretense,
Trespass of real property,
Larceny by employee,
Calls for service,
Simple assault,
Warrant service,
Possess schedule II controlled substances, possession of drug paraphernalia and driving while license revoked,
Report of elder abuse,
Possession of heroin, two counts of possession of drug paraphernalia, possess stolen firearm, possession with intent to manufacture/sell/deliver schedule II controlled substance, possession of firearm by felon, carrying concealed gun and resisting public officer,
Larceny of a firearm,
Violate domestic violence protection order,
Simple possession of schedule II controlled substances,
Warrant service,
Call for service,
Order for arrest (misdemeanor probation violation out of county),
Call for service,
Warrant service,
What's happening this week around Thurston County [The Olympian (Olympia, Wash.)]
Idaho looks to restructure Medicaid funding. But clear answers are hard to find.
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