Trump Administration Pushes Forward on Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Drilling
The Trump administration has announced a planning process to allow for oil exploration, leasing and related development activities on the coastal plain of the
The publicly stated timeline to sell refuge leases to the oil industry-as soon as early 2019 - is even faster than
Statement from
"It is shameful that on the anniversary of our nation's worst environmental disaster, the Trump administration announces plans to open pristine wild lands to more destructive oil drilling. The Trump administration's reckless dash to expedite drilling and destroy the
"Drilling would threaten hundreds of species that depend on the coastal plain for survival, including the federally protected polar bear. It would violate the human rights of the Gwich'in people, and further exacerbate the impacts of climate change. A spiderweb of pipelines, roads, well pads, gravel mines and other drilling infrastructure would turn this global treasure into a polluted industrial complex.
"The Arctic Refuge is a place of stunning beauty and incredible and irreplaceable wildlife conservation value. A hurried and inadequate environmental review process cannot hide the damage that exploration and leasing will cause to these vital wildlands or quell the public outcry against drilling rigs on our most iconic national wildlife refuge."
* The Trump administration issued a Notice of Intent to initiate scoping for an Environmental Impact Statement to explore and lease the coastal plain of the
* When Deputy Secretary of the Interior
About the
* The coastal plain, where drilling would occur, is the biological heart of the refuge. Oil development would irreparably damage this vital landscape. The wilderness and habitat values would be destroyed by an industrial complex, replete with oil spills, leaks and pollution. Pipelines, drill rigs, buildings and other infrastructure accompanied by the noise of industrial development would threaten iconic wildlife and imperil sensitive species that call the refuge home.
* The coastal plain is the principal calving ground of the nearly 200,000-strong Porcupine caribou herd, relied upon for physical and cultural survival for millennia by the Gwich'in people of northeastern
* The Arctic Refuge contains vital nesting habitat for hundreds of species of migratory birds from all 50 states and six continents; the most important onshore denning habitat for threatened polar bears in
* Most of the Arctic Refuge's coastal plain is designated critical habitat for federally threatened polar bears. Mother polar bears with cubs are increasingly denning in this area as annual sea ice melts more quickly due to a warming climate.
* President
* Authorization for drilling on the coastal plain was attached to the tax reform reconciliation bill, allowing it to bypass a filibuster in the
* Industrializing America's greatest national wildlife refuge is extremely controversial. According to polling by the
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