Torres Small Votes to Lower Prescription Drug Costs for New Mexicans
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- H.R. 3, the Lower Drug Costs Now Act, passes
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"Everywhere I travel across my district; I constantly hear from constituents about the high-cost of prescriptions. Hardworking New Mexicans should not have to make the choice between taking one medication over another because they can't afford both they were prescribed. It's why I voted today to give the country's largest purchaser of prescription medication the power to negotiate on behalf of seniors and help drive down the costs of medication for Americans across the country," said
The Lower Drug Costs Now Act levels the playing field for American patients and taxpayers and will save the taxpayer around half a trillion in drug costs, according to the non-partisan
* Gives Medicare the power to negotiate directly with drug companies and creates new tools to bring drug companies to the table to agree to real price reductions.
* Makes the lower drug prices negotiated by Medicare available to Americans with private insurance, not just Medicare beneficiaries.
* Creates a new,
* Reinvests in savings in the most transformational improvement to Medicare since its creation - delivering vision, dental and hearing benefits for millions of seniors.
McSally, Sinema, Collins, and Cantwell, Lead Bipartisan Push for Legislation to Help Americans With High Health Care Costs
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