Timing Is Everything – Have Today's Retirees Saved Enough To Weather An Early Loss?
Sequence of returns risk is magnified for retirees and pre-retirees as there is less recovery time to make up for losses in the event of a market downturn. As part of a long-term retirement strategy, it may be worth considering moving savings into solutions that protect from market downturns while still taking advantage of positive market movement. Download a complimentary copy of WealthVest's white paper on Timing Risk here.
"WealthVest has a deep interest in the myriad issues of the current retirement crisis. A market calamity does the most damage during the early years of retirement, when an individual's accumulated savings are at the peak. And this risk in the sequence of returns can change the outcomes for two portfolios with the same average annual performance. That's because early negative returns may exhaust a retiree's funds too quickly for the funds to last the duration of the person's life," said
"Baby boomers got lucky with the music of their generation, but might be unlucky with their savings," said Wade.
The graduating classes of 1967-1969 have turned 65, or are soon approaching retirement age.
"Just as they are about to stop working, their retirement nest eggs are reaching their largest asset levels. At the same time, the stock and bond markets are at some of the highest levels of the past 145 years, yet are likely to generate returns far below that period's historical averages. Unfortunately for today's 65-year-olds, the sequence of return risk may be at one of the highest points of the past 145 years" said Wade. To view
Read the full story at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2015/11/prweb13055838.htm
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