The Laudable Pursuit: How to Prevent Another Spending Disaster
From Senator
"to elevate the condition of men--to lift artificial weights from all shoulders, to clear the paths of laudable pursuit for all, to afford all an unfettered start and a fair chance, in the race of life." --
Chairman's Note: How to Prevent Another Spending Disaster
"I will never sign another bill like this again,"
Not only did it bust the spending caps conservatives worked so hard to secure in 2011 by more than
I fully agree with
While the
This virtually ensures that the next spending bill will again be written behind closed doors and will not be made public until just days before it needs to be passed. Even then, we should not expect to see the bill until after the
At that point, unless
It doesn't have to be this way. There is another path.
But let's make them actually block debate!
Consider how this would work in practice. We could call up the
We never even tried that last year. Instead we waited until we were already over four months into the fiscal year before we held one vote to begin debate on the Defense appropriations bill in
Even if we don't get all 12 appropriations bills passed in the
That way the American people will have time to read it and lawmakers will have time to debate, write amendments, and vote on changes to the bill.
None of this is going to be easy, because governing is hard. There is no magic wand that
But with some hard work and lots of tough votes,
Originally published by the Federalist
Regulations have not kept Pace with Technology
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Issue in Focus: Mueller legislation is unconstitutional
Yesterday the
The proposal is politically salient because many fear the president will fire
But this legislation is unconstitutional, and political expedience can never trump the
Supporters of the legislation argue it is necessary to ensure no one is above the law, but the
Because the power to prosecute is the quintessential executive authority, any congressional attempt to direct prosecutions -- including by limiting the president's power to fire a prosecutor -- is an unconstitutional breach in the separation of powers. All senators swear to uphold the
Moreover, the
Some may question how legislation meant to hold the president accountable is a danger to liberty. It's because it would empower the creation of unaccountable federal prosecutors who could not be fired for acting unjustly or unwisely. In 1940, then-Attorney General
That's even more true if the prosecutor has been made unaccountable to the public, yet that's exactly what this legislation aims to do.
Originally published by USATODAY (
Madison School Board gets proposed $405.5M budget for next school year
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