Technical Mapping Advisory Council
Agency: "
DATES: Applications will be accepted until
ADDRESSES: Applications for membership should be submitted by one of the following methods:
* Email: [email protected].
* Mail:
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The TMAC is an advisory committee that was established by the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012, 42 U.S.C. 4101a, and in accordance with provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), 5 U.S.C. App. (Pub. L. 92-463). The TMAC is required to make recommendations to
Members of the TMAC will be appointed based on their demonstrated knowledge and competence in areas such as surveying, cartography, remote sensing, geographic information systems, or the technical aspects of preparing and using FIRMs. To the maximum extent practicable,
(a) One representative of a State government agency that has entered into cooperating technical partnerships with the Administrator and has demonstrated the capability to produce FIRMs;
(b) One representative of a local government agency that has entered into cooperating technical partnerships with the Administrator and has demonstrated the capability to produce FIRMs;
(c) One member of a recognized professional surveying association or organization;
(d) One member of a recognized regional flood and storm water management organization; and
(e) One member of a recognized risk management association or organization.
Members of the TMAC serve terms of office for 3 years. There is no application form. However, applications must include the following information:
* The applicant's full name;
* home and business phone numbers;
* preferred email address;
* home and business mailing addresses;
* current position title and organization;
* resume or curriculum vitae; and
* the membership category of interest (e.g., member of a recognized professional association or organization representing flood hazard determination firms).
The TMAC shall meet as often as needed to fulfill its mission, but not less than twice a year. Members may be reimbursed for travel and per diem incurred in the performance of their duties as members of the TMAC. All travel for TMAC business must be approved in advance by the Designated Federal Officer.
Deputy Associate Administrator,
Request for applicants for appointment to the
Citation: "86 FR 34265"
Document Number: "Docket ID FEMA-2014-0022"
Federal Register Page Number: "34265"
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