Tech school budget up 6.9 percent Increasing salaries and health insurance are behind hike
BY MARK R ONDEAU Bennington Banner
Board Chair
At their meeting on Monday, the RGB finalized their warning for the annual floor meeting. The meeting will take place at the meeting for the town of
This is the first time the annual board meeting has been held at the Bennington Firehouse since the onset of the COVID pandemic in 2020. The meeting will include an informational discussion on articles to vote by Australian ballot on
At this meeting, ballot items be to establish stipends or salaries for the following year for board members, the treasurer, clerk, and moderator, and it will include a public informational session on articles to be voted on by Australian ballot on
Article E will be to vote on the district budget, and Article F will be to put
Tech school
"It's very very minimal. We've tried our best to respect the fact that our community is dealing with tax increases and cost of living increases everywhere, so we've tried to keep our budget as low as possible without impacting student learning."
The ballot also will include voting on five openings on the Regional Governing Board. Each term is three years. Also on the ballot will be three-year terms for the treasurer, clerk, and moderator.
"We labeled them inflexible increases because we as a board, we as a school, have no control over these increases," she said. "They are not part of what we can change in this upcoming budget."
These are:
•Proposed increase in health insurance rates, up 11.9 percent or approximately
• Negotiated Salary Increases, up 9.9 percent plus step or approximately
• Employer FICA tax increase, up 11.17 percent or approximately
• Vermont State Teacher Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) Payment Increase estimate =
• Act 76 Childcare Tax 0.44 percent (employer) increase, up 11 percent, or
"All of these inflexible increases, these six increases, average out to be 99.95 percent of our total increase," Tattersall said.
The .05 percent the board chose to keep in the budget include an increase in supplies for programs and an increase for pieces of equipment.
"It's very very minimal. We've tried our best to respect the fact that our community is dealing with tax increases and cost of living increases everywhere, so we've tried to keep our budget as low as possible without impacting student learning," Tattersall said.
"And with the work of the finance committee, this is the budget we were prepared to bring to you. We did the best we could without hurting student learning."
At that meeting, the RGB also agreed on the fiscal 2026 tuition amount of
It offers daytime two to three year technical programs in Accounting & Finance,
Also offered are Daytime Pre-Tech Foundation Classes; Workforce Certification Courses and Adult Ed Training Courses; and Online Workforce & Adult Education Training Classes.
The school is located at
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