Submission of Information Collection for OMB Review; Comment Request; Annual Financial and Actuarial Information Reporting
Agency: "
DATES: Comments must be submitted by
ADDRESSES: Comments should be sent to the
A copy of the request will be posted on PBGC's website at It may also be obtained without charge by writing to the
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Section 4010 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) and PBGC's regulation on Annual Financial and Actuarial Information Reporting (29 CFR part 4010) require each member of a controlled group to submit financial and actuarial information to PBGC under certain circumstances. Section 4010 specifies that each controlled group member must provide PBGC with certain financial information, including audited (if available) or (if not) unaudited financial statements. Section 4010 also specifies that the controlled group must provide PBGC with certain actuarial information necessary to determine the liabilities and assets for all PBGC-covered plans.
PBGC's 4010 regulation specifies the items of identifying, financial, and actuarial information that filers must submit under section 4010, through PBGC's secure e-4010 web-based application. Computer-assisted analysis of this information helps PBGC to anticipate possible major demands on the pension insurance system and to focus PBGC resources on situations that pose the greatest risks to that system. Because other sources of information are usually not as current as the section 4010 information and do not reflect a plan's termination liability, the section 4010 filing plays a major role in PBGC's ability to protect participant and premium-payer interests.
The existing collection of information was approved under OMB control number 1212-0049 (expires
PBGC estimates that 560 controlled groups will file each year. The total estimated annual burden of the information collection would be approximately 532 hours and
Issued in
Deputy Assistant General Counsel for Regulatory Affairs,
Notice of request for extension of OMB approval.
Citation: "84 FR 18094"
Federal Register Page Number: "18094"
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