Social Security Benefits: It can Pay to Wait
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If you've built a healthy nest egg for your retirement, you may not be relying on
Many people have both practical and emotional considerations regarding when to claim SocialSecurity, asystemmanyofuspayinto our entire working lives. Still, you should consider your complete financial picture in retirement before making such a big decision, however.
Maximizing your benefits, which can include postponing when you begin claiming, can help you in achieving other financial goals in retirement, such as estate planning and gifting, paying for health care expenses and giving back through philanthropy. Here's what to keep) in mind when considering when to claim and how to use your benefits.
The Basics of Social Security Benefits Who can claim
Though you can beWn collecting
If you can wait even longer to claim you can farther boost how much you will receive each month. Your benefit may increase by an additional 8% each year you delay past your FRA, up to ajje 70. The maximum benefit for those who begin claiming at age it currently
The benefits can help fund a broader gifting strategy for heirs. You can use the funds to supplement outright gifts made to family mpmbers or use the money to help fund a 5299 education savings elan for grandchildren or rven great-grandchildren.
Also, knowing you will draw steady income from
The Social Security Decision While no one has a crystal ball to nee into the tuture, your personal situation should play into when you look to claim benefits. Health issues or other concerns about longevity may be a catalyst for some to claim their benefit sooner.
Flow and when you claim
1 Source:
This article has been prepared for informational purposes only. The information and data in the article has been obtained from sources outside of
This material has been prepared without regard to the individual financial circumstances and objectives of persons who receive it. Tht strategies discussed in this material may not be appropriate for everyone. This material has been prepared for educational purposes only. Tax laws are complex dnd subject to change.
Investore should consider mano factots be-Sore deciding which 5529 plan Is appropriate. Some of these factore include: She Plan's investment options and the historical investment performance of" these options, the Pla°'s °exi-bility and features, the reputation and expertise od the Plan's iovestment manager, Plan contribution limits and the federal ant state tax benefits associated with an in°estment in the Plan. Some states' for example, offet fav orable Sax: treatment and oSher bfnefitt to their residents only if they invest in the state's own Qualified Tuition Program. Investors should determine theti home state's tax treatment of 5229 plans when considering whether to choose an instate or out-of-state olan. Investors should consult with their fax or legal advisor before investing in aey 129 Plan or contact their state Sax division Sor more information.
Investore should review a Program Disclosure Statement, which contains more information on investment options, eisk fnctors, fees and expenses and possible tax consequences.
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